Roadways of jello

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Roadways of jello

Post by RevK »

I know this makes no sense, and felt kinda silly writing it, but would like to get an interpretation if possible...Quick vision or dream I don't remember but this is what I saw.

All the people in my life, the one's I hold dear, have left me, angry, hate me whatever and I am alone. <That is happening now...

In the dream I saw myself walking on a long lonely highway that looked like jello. My feet seemed to be sinking but I kept on walking. No one was with me, no one cared. It was frightening to me because it seemed that I would always be alone...Does this make any sense?

Thanks for reading.
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Post by keilani »

Jello--makes me think that the road you're walking on seems wobbly or unstable--maybe it is a picture of your heart because of what you are experiencing.

RevK, may you never forget that even when it seems others have forsaken you, Jesus is always there. He understands that walk better than anyone on earth. May you find comfort in Him and may He keep you under His watchful care. God bless you greatly!
***More To Come***

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Post by starlightministries »

The thoughts that came to me were when my kids were little for fun I'd make jello. It's not good for you, but we always make it also for special holidays.
What I feel the Lord is saying is He knows you feel lonely and the road is long but He will bring joy to you in the midst of it!
He's caring for you and nurturing you!
Hope this helps!
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Post by For Him Only »

I speak this in light of the verse in Corinthians where it says something along the lines of "comforting others with the comfort with which you have been comforted". Having said that, I want to encourage you that as walk in what God has called you to walk in, He sets the lonely in families. Also, blessed are you when men revile and speak evil and hate you for His names sake, great is your reward in heaven. I think whoever said that the road you are walking on feels like jello was right. It is a really difficult and unsure path you are on, but it is the "high" way. The higher road, the road less traveled, so to speak. Nonetheless, you keep walking and that is the point. Keep going and don't stop. In due time those who sow in tears will reap in joy.
I have similarly walked the same road. Family forsaking me because I chose to love and not bite back. I chose to obey and not forsake God when others wanted me to. I walked a long road lonely, but He has and continues to set in me families, even if just for seasons. I think the most difficult betrayals are the ones that come out of family forsaking family. It is just unnatural. But God binds up the broken hearted.
Anyhow, I could go on and on. But just be encouraged. Keep walking and He is with you. You are not alone.
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Post by RebMel »

Prayerfully consider:

Jello is enticing. It has beautiful colors, seems to be light filled and appears solid, although it isn't. It is in fact the same as sinking sand.

Could God be telling you that a path that seems to be from him is perhaps really a distraction? If you have recently set out in a new direction, believing it is God's Will, you may want to take it in prayer and have confrimation in your spirit that it is indeed the right path, and that you are not being led astray by something that looks good but has no nutritional (Godly) value.
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Post by naveah »

jello is considered a semi solid
not solid
not liquid
not gas

Its got a little shake in it
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by Anointed10 »

Hey.... Before I tell you what I think, I would like to know what color was the jello?
:? :roll:
Heb 1:9 You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even your God, has ANOINTED you with the oil of gladness above your fellows. 10> Signifies the perfection of Divine order
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Post by RevK »

It was dark...couldnt really see the color just know it was dark
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Post by Anointed10 »

Well the first scripture that came to mind was when Peter walked on the water with Jesus but when Peter notice the storm and the winds, he began to sank when he took his eyes off Jesus.

My point is your family and friends are the winds and you are taking your eyes off Jesus and you are beginning to sank.

You are on the road alone because that represent your life with Jesus which is just YOU!

Even though family and friends act like that you have to keep your eyes on God because if you don't you will sank!
Heb 1:9 You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even your God, has ANOINTED you with the oil of gladness above your fellows. 10> Signifies the perfection of Divine order
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Post by Anointed10 »

Just to add.... you are still walking because you know that is what you are suppose to do, but you are not keeping your eyes on God!
Heb 1:9 You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even your God, has ANOINTED you with the oil of gladness above your fellows. 10> Signifies the perfection of Divine order
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Post by RevK »

RevK, may you never forget that even when it seems others have forsaken you, Jesus is always there. He understands that walk better than anyone on earth. May you find comfort in Him and may He keep you under His watchful care
Thank you Keilana, for these words, I am under His watchful care that is for sure.
What I feel the Lord is saying is He knows you feel lonely and the road is long but He will bring joy to you in the midst of it!
He's caring for you and nurturing you!
Starlight Ministries, Thankyou, this brings me great comfort. In the midst of the many trials I am facing, my ailing mother, grown children who are having their share of problems, and being greatly misunderstood for a season, it is a comfort to know that God is watching over me. Thank you!
I want to encourage you that as walk in what God has called you to walk in, He sets the lonely in families. Also, blessed are you when men revile and speak evil and hate you for His names sake, great is your reward in heaven. I think whoever said that the road you are walking on feels like jello was right. It is a really difficult and unsure path you are on, but it is the "high" way. The higher road, the road less traveled, so to speak. Nonetheless, you keep walking and that is the point. Keep going and don't stop. In due time those who sow in tears will reap in joy.
Scripture says, "How forcible are right words". This is the balm of Gilead I needed, For Him Only Thank you!
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Post by galena »

Not only the words of your dream (I guess misery loves company... because then I'm not really alone) and the words of For Him Only both encourage me. Thank you both for sharing your difficult times and encourage others also experiencing the same.