6 week foetus

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6 week foetus

Post by charlie »

unusual dream for me....

I was 6 weeks preganant (very specifically this was the stage of gestation) and had found out that the baby was developing abnormally; specifically I saw a scan which showed that the developing baby had an had excess of fluid around the brain which I knew in the dream would lead to disabilities. In the dream my question to myself was: "Do I have the faith to pray that this baby who I know has already developed abnormally will be completely restored adn delivered whole?" I also wondered in the dream whether I may miscarry in any case.

I know that IRL a foetus at 6 weeks pregnancy does not have the level of brain development that I saw in the dream but the time of gestation was specifically 6 weeks. IRL we are not planning another baby and targeted surgical action means this would be very unlikely in the natural :shock: So I think this is symbolic but I am not sure of what....

thanks for your help...
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Post by keilani »


Question--did the Lord sow a WORD into your heart 6 weeks ago regarding your call(Something He wants to birth through you)?

I ask because I've had dreams like this regarding myself, my sister, mom, and aunt--all are the spiritually hungry intercessors for our family.

Although my sis & I do plan on having more babies, in these dreams it is referring to a WORD God gave to impregnate us with His Purpose/Our individual destnies.

If you keep a journal of what He says to you, I would encourage u to go back & look for the word!

In ref to ur dream, if the baby is going to be abnormal, there is something wrong developmentally--it can either be passed down genetically or as a result of external factors such as exposure to a teratogen.

I'm thinking He showed you the cause was teratogenic--a lack of Word which results in lacking the "faith to pray."

I know it seems simple but that's why I love His Word. You get enough of the pure, unadulterared Word of God that is NOT touched by theology and understanding based on human experiences, and your inner man WILL leap because it will recognize proper spiritual nourishment!

Feed your spirit, feed your baby, birth your purpose!

May He bless you abundantly charlie!

With great aloha!!!
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Post by charlie »

Hi Keilani....thanks for your input there. I've looked back and can't say I have a word from the Lord that coincides with this timing...the only thing in my recollection was that 6 weeks ago I spoke to my youngest's teacher at a parent's evening and he raised concerns about her possibly having a specific learning difficulty (dyslexia) and she is 6 years old...but I don't feel that that is what this dream was about...

I'll keep praying...

bless you
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Wondering if you are "carrying" a vision or ministry idea that the Lord has given you?

Seeing that its just in the beginning stages of formation in your spirit/womb. So this is a very critical state when you are receiving things from the Lord about your destiny/vision/ministry. Because it is just forming you are pretty much going by faith that it is really from the Lord, that is really "inside" of you, and that you are really even pregnant. So because you aren't seeing the "physical" signs of it yet its very important to nurture it and care for it as if you really can see it happening..here.

The abnormal fluid around the brain may mean that there is too much clouding the "information system" of this baby..meaning "pressures". Thinking that brain is what makes the body function..so if the brain has pressures on it then it can't form correctly, therefore when its born it won't function the way its supposed to. Seeing that you may need to take some of the pressures of life off yourself...so that you can spend more time feeding the brain of this baby all the nutrients its going to need to function and feed the body of Christ.

In the dream you don't know if you have the faith to pray for this baby...I am seeing this again, as doubt..the enemy loves to bring doubt in at this time of pregnancy...making us unsure if its really from the Lord, if it will be a successful birth, if you will fail in doing your part(aborting or miscarrying it)..etc.

I believe this dream is speaking of your spiritual baby that the Lord has conceived within you. I believe the Lord is giving you this dream to assure you that indeed you are carrying a vision that is truly from Him but you must nurture this baby in faith, prayer, and however else He leads you..education, etc. Because this is a crucial time in the formation of this ministry, the enemy is waiting to snatch it. He will try to cloud you with all sorts of agendas that will take you away from spending time with this baby, eating right(the word), excersizing (using what you have), and releasing the fluids (pressures of life) from around you. He would also love to make you think that you don't have enough faith to believe for this to come to pass or that you don't have what it takes to birth this baby. But He is a liar! I am seeing this as a blessing from the Lord and it must really be important to the Lord that you know that this is from HIM and that you need to speak Life into this baby and carry it to fruition! And in due season, if you faint not, you will reap the harvest of this!

Hope this helps.
Love you lots.
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Post by charlie »

WaitingforHim wrote:The abnormal fluid around the brain may mean that there is too much clouding the "information system" of this baby..meaning "pressures". Thinking that brain is what makes the body function..so if the brain has pressures on it then it can't form correctly, therefore when its born it won't function the way its supposed to. Seeing that you may need to take some of the pressures of life off yourself...so that you can spend more time feeding the brain of this baby all the nutrients its going to need to function and feed the body of Christ.
Waiting...there is a lot in there which I am going to ponder and pray on further but this bit really spoke to me...I know that I am in a new season of preparation and it has to do with using my brain... God ahs opened up quite unexpectedly opportunity which brings together so much of my gift mix but I feel I am juggling so many differnet things I don't have the space to prepare my mind and my heart...and you adn Keilani are both right...I need to jsut simply dwell on the Word which gives life...

thank you so much...you have really ministered into that dream so much more positively than I was able to see it but without losing the challenge that it clearly poses for me...

bless you
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Post by keilani »

Interesting charlie--I pray for your daughter's healing. I refute that dyslexia report and command her body and mind to come into alignment with the Kingdom of God. I speak to her to be whole, nothing missing in Jesus' name.

(i'm a mom--couldn't help myself...)

Anyway, earlier this year I had a similar dream which is why I got excited when I read yours because the Lord brought me back to my dream a few nights prior to reading yours!

In my dream, my aunt and sister came and told me they were hapai (pregnt) so I asked for a test since I thought I was too (not IRL though). When I took the test, the results read:
Possible pregnancy. endometrial failure/implant (ie implant failure)."

Okay, when the endometrium is not thickening up, it is unable to support the zygote. But the interesting word was that the dream included the word implant with the endometrial failure. Obviously implant--refers to something being planted but it also speaks of something being "fixed firmly in the mind". The dream then would refer to the endometrium (soil) not thickening (being in the proper condition) to sustain the baby (to nourish the Word He planted in Me in relation to what He wants to birth through me).

I just realized recently that getting the soil right was akin to the parable of the seed and the sower. I needed to make sure my endometrium or my "planting ground" was ready to support that seed!

When I looked back, I actually saw a word that He gave me on a certain date that would put the baby's (vision's ) birth at my normal gestation time (I ALWAYS go early unless I have medical intervention).

Anyway, didn't mean to ramble but I'm hoping this will shed some light! God is sooo awesome!

May He impart to you the course you need to take to sustain growth! Get full of His Word in whatever area your lacking faith in!!! God Bless you greatly sister!

Oh, by the way, I was a bio major and worked in a lab as a med tech and for a brief period was training as a cytogenetics tech before the Lord instructed me to leave. This is why I get dreams of this nature.....I'm guessing :)
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Post by charlie »

keilani wrote:Interesting charlie--I pray for your daughter's healing. I refute that dyslexia report and command her body and mind to come into alignment with the Kingdom of God. I speak to her to be whole, nothing missing in Jesus' name.
Since you flagged this up Keilani the update on 6 year old who has now turned 7 is that she has made outstanding progress and teacher no longer suspect dyslexia...and of course as parents we can also see a big difference...she never stops writing stories!

Thank you Lord for good teachers and for your healing love...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by keilani »

AMEN and thank you Lord Jesus for your faithfulness!!!! Mahalo for sharing that!
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