We are not there anymore!!!

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We are not there anymore!!!

Post by Yolanda »

Shalom, family! I pray you are enjoying this HOLYday season as much as I! Our risen Savior has another birthday, praise God!!! :D

This morning I had an unusual experience... it was almost as if I were in a different timeframe for a moment. I woke up this AM and was just talking with God a little bit... I am not sure if I fell asleep or if it was like a vision... anyhow, I was in our previous home and I was looking outside at the lawn. It was almost spring and I was looking at the brown lawn with tufts of green grass coming through. I began to think of the work I was going to have to put into the lawn so that it was nice for the summer.

I looked over at my neighbors' lawns and while they looked similar to mine, I knew somehow that they were going to look better than mine in the summer. I began to feel a little stressed because I thought I had waited too long to put down the initial fertilizer... then I saw where there were going to be problem patches in the lawn.

All of a sudden, I received a "revelation" that we do not live there anymore! I either woke up or came out of the vision and smiled and drew in a breath and exclaimed, "We are not there anymore!" I said it like I was surprised that we were no longer there, and I was so relieved that I would not have to do that work (IRL I LOVE working outside). I felt so free at that revelation!

We have been out of our home for 6 months and in this experience it was as if I forgot we were not living there anymore... could this be an indicator or the home closing soon? Hmmm... Shalom!!!
Yolanda 8)
Psalm 150:6 - Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!
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Post by WaitingforHim »


I was feeling more of a spiritual connotation to this..hmm.

Seeing that you are coming into a new season in your life! One that will bring new life, new ministries, new things. Just like Spring!

But as you are approaching this new season you are seeing more on the negative possibly..like you are focussing on things that weren't done properly in the past..things that maybe you feel you should have done better to prepare you for this season..I am even seeing some comparing going on..like perhaps that others around you may seem that they have it all in order..they properly prepared themselves or they have everything in place..Fertilizer helps prepare your ground..so I am thinking this may refer to feeding yourself..wondering if you may have thought you could have done a little more in preparation with the word or in learning etc..

Seeing that as you start to do this the Lord is giving your revelation that "YOU DON"T LIVE THERE ANYMORE!" You have moved on..the past is the past and you don't need to worry about anything that you may have "missed" or didn't do..The Lord is your cup! And your portion! And He qualifies the called!

Seeing this as a MOVING ON Dream in the spiritual but also believing that the house will close!! :mrgreen: 8)
Love you
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Yolanda »


I too was sensing that it had to do with a new season, so to speak, because I "knew" it was almost spring... at the time that I had the encounter, I was talking to God about the condition of my heart and just making sure that I am not harboring bitterness or unforgiveness that would hold me back from His best for me... and the sale of the home (for me) is more than just selling... for me it marks the end of that novel (not just a chapter, lol)... I somehow sense that it is going to be a time of RELEASE... I WANT to move on... be free... fully heal... and I believe He is telling me it is time, praise God!!! (for the new season AND the closing, lol!) Love you!!!
Yolanda 8)
Psalm 150:6 - Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Rejoicing with you my sweet sister!!!
Doing a little dance...and yes, it looks undignified! hahahahah.
Good thing you can't really see it! :lol:
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Yolanda »

Rejoicing with you my sweet sister!!!
Doing a little dance...and yes, it looks undignified! hahahahah.
Good thing you can't really see it!
Ah, but I can feel it!!! :D Thanks!!! Love you!
Yolanda 8)
Psalm 150:6 - Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!
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Post by ElElyonsbride »

Hi Yolanda,
Sometimes when we go into new seasons we still want to do things in the same way we did them last season and God wants us to do it in a new way or different way for the new season?

Isa 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. :?
In Love With Him, Renee
For in Him (I) live and move and have (my) being....Acts 17:28
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Post by Yolanda »

Oh yes, you are correct in this thought... long story short, He is totally doing a new thing and I need not let reluctance keep me from being able to see that new thing... thank you for your response and the scripture - Shalom!!!
Yolanda 8)
Psalm 150:6 - Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!