repost “The Deep Waters” "The Tsunami of the Holy Spir

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repost “The Deep Waters” "The Tsunami of the Holy Spir

Post by Redeemed »

We (I don’t know who the other person was) were walking down the beach by the ocean. When I looked to the left I saw a wall with cars lined up in front of it. As we kept walking the water started to rise. It was at our ankles, and then knee deep, then waist deep, then I looked to the right and saw waves that looked like puffy white clouds and helicopters hovering over. It was calm and beautiful and I could see a separation in the sky as we kept walking. Then the waters were deep enough to swim in and there was an opening in the wall to the left. When I swam through the opening the water was gone and I saw a man standing near a red framed house motioning his hand to me saying “come”. Then I saw Natashia (my daughter-9) on the street laying hands on people and praying for them.
Last edited by Redeemed on Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Isaiah 43:2...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
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Post by Redeemed »

After praying this is what I heard in my spirit:

I will be with you as you walk through the waters. Hold your head up high and know that I go before you. I have called you to perform mighty works in my name and in my power. Take authority over those things that will come against you. Walk upright before me and I will give you the keys to the Kingdom that will unlock many doors of captivity and destruction. Use what I have given thee and go forth in my name. I have the power to open many doors, so walk in my spirit with authority. I will perform those things which I have said in my word. Just stand in my power and see what the Lord will do through you. Break down the walls of resistance that stand in your way and move forward through the waters that will seem as though they are going to overtake you. Be not afraid for in these waters lie my anointing. Walk steadily through these waters and I will carry you in my arms when you feel like you are going to sink. You are an over comer, but only by my spirit. Follow me closely for I am your source. You will find rest in me and in my presence. Walk with me and you will not go under says the Lord of Hosts.
Last edited by Redeemed on Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Isaiah 43:2...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
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Post by Redeemed »

I understand now that this is the way the Holy Spirit is going to move me......after reading Waiting For Him post in "corporate words" titled "This is such a blessing"
Isaiah 43:2...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

It seems that the Lord spoke to you right after with what how he was moving you in the dream...beautiful message. It seems that the Lord is going to be using you in healing also...God is soo good!! PTL!
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Redeemed »

WaitingforHim wrote:It seems that the Lord spoke to you right after with what how he was moving you in the dream...beautiful message. It seems that the Lord is going to be using you in healing also...God is soo good!! PTL!
Yes WFH the Lord did speak to me right away on this, sometimes we let circumstances, doubt, and with me laziness, creep in and steal the things from the Lord away from us. When I read your post in the "corporate words" section, it just reminded me of what God said and that this IS how he is going to work. I just have to ride the wave. I struggle with the how's and why me's ya know. I just don't feel like I am prepared for the Holy Spirit Tsunami, but are any of us? I know it's coming though; I feel an urgency in my spirit and I keep being drawn to my study on "faith". My Pastor has said that he feels the Lord is going to use me in the working of miracles. He says that it is a gift, but is also my calling. Why would I be so afraid?
Isaiah 43:2...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Fear of the

I believe we are embarking on a beautiful journey with the Lord...and yes I believe the tidal wave is coming...and none of us really Know how this move of the Holy Spirit is going to it leaves us with a sense of urgency and fear of the unknown yet excitement all wrapped up together...

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Redeemed »

WaitingforHim wrote: I believe we are embarking on a beautiful journey with the Lord...and yes I believe the tidal wave is coming...and none of us really Know how this move of the Holy Spirit is going to it leaves us with a sense of urgency and fear of the unknown yet excitement all wrapped up together...


Well said WFH.... :wink:
Isaiah 43:2...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

Hi Redeemed,

I feel the same things re: your posts.... And I too, have been led to study more on faith....

Someone posted that Holy Spirit Tsunami dream and interp and it totally bore witness with my Spirit.... i was hoping to find others who feel the same, too. I tend to feel Im the only one with this or that, guess that is human nature though.

I think it is fear of the unknown and fear of making a mistake... at least the fear of making a mistake/doing something wrong, with me.... With great authority comes great responsibility and it can feel scary... for me in particular as I have always considered myself, in some ways at least, irresponsible and immature....!
Not wanting to grow up in certain areas, but GOd has been dealing with me on all that this past season, which was a difficult season to say the least. I didnt know it was preparation for something GOOD though.... at the time, it just seemed like PAIN!

God bless,

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Post by Redeemed »

MW....I was trying to stay away from the word "scary" :oops: , but that is so true. I just couldn't figure out why I would be scared :? , but WFH put it in words for me....Fear of the Unknown. Mistakes, doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.....etc. Preparation is always painful, but my Pastor always says God is building character in me and don't throw anything in my life that I go through away, but to see it as Gods' plan for my life. I pray that the Holy Spirit does a work in your life that is exceeding, abundantly above all that you would ask or even think. Sometimes I don't even know that anything is happening in my life, but then all of a sudden it comes to the surface :idea: . How Awesome is He!!!!!!
Isaiah 43:2...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »


I pray that God would give you courage and also an enlarged capacity to have faith in yourself, as in that you are really hearing from Him.... that you wont second guess yourself so much.... and boldy step up to where God is leading you and has been doing behind the scenes for some time now....

NOW it is surfacing, yes... and it is awesome to behold! Fear not, for He goes before you.... Isaiah 43

Fear not... it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom....
Luke 12:32

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Post by Redeemed »

Thank you MW........You are so right on with me! :| Thank you for the encouragement and prayer.

Ya know, I guess the main reason I second guess myself is because I know that I don't spend the time with God that he wants from me. "laziness" :oops: How could I possibly walk in the anointing he wants me to walk in when I can not even disicipline (spell check?) myself enough to spend time with him daily. I don't feel like just talking to him daily is enough if you know what I mean. I guess you could say I allow other things to take the time I should be spending with him. I guess I just feel guilty about being used in such a powerful way. I really do need prayer. I've often wondered if the calling that God has placed on my life is why the enemy has tried so desperately in the last 4 (5 in March) years to destroy me and take me out. I was almost ready to throw in the towel just a few weeks ago, but because of the urgency in my spirit and knowing that God is getting ready to move in a powerful way keeps me standing. I know I can't give up...God has brought me too far is going to keep taking me farther. A quote from a very respectable woman of God: "New devil."
Isaiah 43:2...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »


I feel I share many similarities with you.... I could have written exactly what you just said there, about being lazy and/or undisciplined to spend time in His Word (instead, I am on here! A wonderful place to be but His Word ought to come first.... ).

I have heard that "new level, new devil" one before, too, and find it to be very true indeed! But He is still greater in us..... FAR greater.... Truly though, I understand what you're saying and your fears....

And I, too, have nearly lost (or taken!) my life more times than I can even think of right now...I mean wow, you would not believe it. I do think Satan knows, not completely since he isnt omniscent, but I think he knows those who will be the bigger threats to him... down the road.. so he tries to take them out early, and invests more time and effort into trying to achieve that end, yes. It is encouragement in an odd sort of way, that the enemy would not spend so much time on a person, trying to destroy them, unless they were going to be or capable of being a big, big threat to him. That is my opinion though.... I know all Christians are capable of being "spiritual wrecking balls" (to borrow from someone I know)!

I can feel in my spirit in increasing frequency, that He is moving... and making clearer things that were very hazy before.... like my spiritual vision is improving... and I keep seeing 11s everywhere more than usual, which usually means a season of revelations is upon me.... I can feel things stirring, and am eager and expectant... and like you, at times a little afraid...

I will pray for BOTH Of us.... to get into the Word..... to spend that time with Him, make it #1 priority..... I Just switched jobs and am learning this new one now, and my school starts up this week too, so I have had a lot on my plate... distracted, etc. All I really want to do is pray and spend time with HIm.... and be on this board of course! LOL :D I was in work today, in training for this new job, and i am sitting there pondering last night's dreams and recording them on a piece of paper instead of listening to the instructor, ah!!

Again about faith, I unexpectedly and free of charge, received a series of teachings on Faith in the mail shortly before Christmas.... they are in my car, waiting for me to listen to them... maybe before bed for a period of time, you can spend time alone with Him? Is that do-able for you?

It is nice to talk with you, Redeemed. God bless and keep you!

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Post by WaitingforHim »

something that helps me when I go through a dry season as I call it when I am not in the word so much or praying like I should..

Spend time soaking in His presence...put some slower worship music on and just bask in his presence like you would if you were sun tanning...during this time I was refreshed and strengthened in HIm and also found that it stirred me in the word and prayer..

Pray for the "desire" to come alive in you for His word and for prayer...and for HIM!! Pray for this even if its just a little one minute prayer a day ....tell him to set your heart ablaze for him....

When I began to do this it wasn't very long before I began to actually crave His word and crave prayer...sometimes alll I could do is sit and pray in tongues...and the more I did this the more it helped also...

Hope this helps you both!!
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Redeemed »

Manassehs_Warrior wrote: I do think Satan knows, not completely since he isnt omniscent, but I think he knows those who will be the bigger threats to him... down the road.. so he tries to take them out early, and invests more time and effort into trying to achieve that end, yes. It is encouragement in an odd sort of way, that the enemy would not spend so much time on a person, trying to destroy them, unless they were going to be or capable of being a big, big threat to him. That is my opinion though.... I know all Christians are capable of being "spiritual wrecking balls" (to borrow from someone I know)!

I agree completely with you on this one. That slimy, low-life serpant has invested much time trying to take me out and will use even christians to come against you. (jealousy)

I can feel in my spirit in increasing frequency, that He is moving... and making clearer things that were very hazy before.... like my spiritual vision is improving... and I keep seeing 11s everywhere more than usual, which usually means a season of revelations is upon me.... I can feel things stirring, and am eager and expectant... and like you, at times a little afraid...

I am so glad that others are feeling this urgency in their spirit also. I had not been in here for a while (which probably helps me to get down and doubt more). I say that because when I get on here and spend time reading posts; I am so encouraged and built up in faith because of how He works through other brothers and sisters.

I will pray for BOTH Of us.... to get into the Word..... to spend that time with Him, make it #1 priority.....

Thank you MW....I will do the same. We are fasting corporately for 21 days, so I don't see a better time to pray for my sisters/and or my brothers in Christ.

I Just switched jobs and am learning this new one now, and my school starts up this week too, so I have had a lot on my plate... distracted, etc.

I pray that God will bless you at your new job a show you great Favor among your co-workers and boss.

All I really want to do is pray and spend time with HIm.... and be on this board of course! LOL :D

Of course!!!! :mrgreen:

Again about faith, I unexpectedly and free of charge, received a series of teachings on Faith in the mail shortly before Christmas.... they are in my car, waiting for me to listen to them...

What a blessing.... :D

maybe before bed for a period of time, you can spend time alone with Him? Is that do-able for you?

I am home all day....yes I Can make time for Him. I am going to do exactly what WFH says to do.

It is nice to talk with you, Redeemed. God bless and keep you!

Thank you...It's nice talking with you too. God bless and keep you in his loving arms always.-MW
Isaiah 43:2...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
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Post by Redeemed »

WaitingforHim wrote:something that helps me when I go through a dry season as I call it when I am not in the word so much or praying like I should..

Spend time soaking in His presence...put some slower worship music on and just bask in his presence like you would if you were sun tanning...during this time I was refreshed and strengthened in HIm and also found that it stirred me in the word and prayer..

Very encouraging WFH....I know how to tan that's for sure. :lol:

Pray for the "desire" to come alive in you for His word and for prayer...and for HIM!! Pray for this even if its just a little one minute prayer a day ....tell him to set your heart ablaze for him....

When I began to do this it wasn't very long before I began to actually crave His word and crave prayer...sometimes alll I could do is sit and pray in tongues...and the more I did this the more it helped also...

I am definitely going to put this into action immediately. I did good today so far...I started my morning reading in the book of Acts and then several scriptures on Faith.... I all of a sudden feel an excitement stirring in my spirit. I am about to come alive because I believe His word. If I ask anything according to His will he will do it. It IS His will that I spend time with Him, crave Him, His word, and Prayer. "My word will not return to me void, but will accomplish the thing which I please and prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

Hope this helps you both!!

Yes, it does....Thank you. WFH, It seems that you are such a wonderful person. I love reading your posts, replies, etc. I am always encouraged by them. And the post titled "This Is Such a Blessing", truly blessed me. You are full of the Wisdom of God. Great teaching.

Isaiah 43:2...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.