I'm a foreigner with coworkers going to get a milkshake

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I'm a foreigner with coworkers going to get a milkshake

Post by page4of3 »

This dream took place in Japan, and 3 other co-workers and myself (4 in total) were talking a lunch break to go to this fast food/diner place that served milkshakes. We were in the (small) car and in traffic and talking. The one co-worker was a woman and I was trying to calm her down (see was worked up over something), and the other two co-workers were men, foreign (1 like me, and one not like me) both of which were really dorky/nerdy (like me). When we get there the other two go right in as I continue to help the female co-worker calm down and get things out of the car.

I get a little mixed up in the dream right here because it's like the female co-worker wasn't a central figure and a different male co-worker was there.

The two co-workers were already in and served so I was quickly making my way to them accidentally leaving this male co-worker behind. I see the table for the milkshakes set up with strawberry ice cream in the center and an assortment of fruit to choose from. I start to serve myself as nobody was there to serve me. I'm only halfway through and the left behind male co-worker starts to make a scene in the other room. i have to go get him and direct him to where we were at. I go back to the table with the milkshakes and the Chef? (the person doing the shakes) starts serving me. I think I made a mistake by serving myself earlier and I let him continue (I think I do get chastised by him too). I see two fruits that are specifically and natively Japanese and I am excited to try them in my shake.

This is when I wake up.

I don't know any of the co-workers in real like because they aren't my current co-workers, I guess there are my co-workers for wherever in Japan I was working in my dream. I also notices that the labels on the fruit were written in both kana and romaji, but not in kanji. I didn't make out the actual words though.
God bless,