Japanese Dragons

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Japanese Dragons

Post by Meekone »

I had the strangest dream last night and it was so real that I went on the internet to see if anything like it was actually there.

In the dream I was a skinny Japanese girl who was forced into the fisheries as a slave.
I was there with hundreds and posibly thousands of other slave girls forced to fish naked and at night we were showered and washed for prostitution, we were handcuffed to the wall and stood on a small shelf.
There were also skinny men that went through this as well.
We stayed in tall unfinished skyscrapers without windows.
There were massive dragon like fish in the coastal waters and they hunted and ate humans, the fishermen were easy pickings because the boats were so small and if anyone sat too close to the edge of the openings of the buildings the dragon like fish could easily see them, jump up and get them with their dagger like teeth.
There was a sale like fin on the top of the head of the adult fish and if a fisherman could grab ahold of it, they might escape the jaws.
I had never been to this part of the world but it sure felt like I was there last night.

if anyone has any insights please post.
May the holy spirit speek to you.....God Bless
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Post by bjcollin »


Not asking about your weight, I would never do that. What I will ask is what do you think about your own weight status? The reason I ask is that skinny stood out to me as I was reading through your dream, and Japaneese/Chineese in dreams usually denotes a foreign concept or a foreign way of thinking. The dragon fish seems to represent the enemy definately, and the rest of the dream speaks to bondage or a stronghold of sorts. Sorry, but all I have on the dream. Hope the question doesn't offend you and I hope I can help some with this dream.

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Post by Meekone »

No it does not offend me, I am at a good weight and I dont struggle with it as much as others but the girl in the dream was malnourished and much smaller than me as in shorter and the like.
I do think often of my health and keep it at its best.

there were parts of this dream that showed the capture of these fish and the bellies opened up and dead people were pulled out of the stomachs all slashed up, there were also times were the people were being used as bate for the big dragon fish.
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Post by bjcollin »

hummm. Ok, thank you for the grace on the question. The reason i asked is that often times in dreams, when we are shown strongholds like the ones in your dream, it is an indication of a stronghold that is working against us. Since this does not seem to be the case, the next option I have is that you were actually in Japan and are being shown what it is like in the spiritual realm so that you can interceede for the Japanese. My wife has had times where she was actually in other countries such as India and others, and she could smell the smells and it was as if she were actually there in the spirit. I would definately pray an seek the Lord on His intent for showing you the dream. God Bless you.

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Post by Meekone »

Thank You, that really speeks to me and for sure I will pray.
Last night I saw a program on the fishing in Japan and they are over run with billions of massive jelly fish, and the fishermen are just catching them and slicing them to peaces and the scientists say that this will increase the amount of jelly fish, so that is definately working against them.
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Post by bjcollin »

I have been a scuba diver and sea lover many years and never heard of this. It is really interesting.


I guess intercessory prayer is in order then.

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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

Hi Meekone,

If you want to get literally sick to your stomach, try googling:"child prostitution" Japan

Here are some things off a few links, "Dating cafes in Japan fostering child prostitution..." and "Enjo kosai or exploitation of Japanese girls by middle aged Japanese men is a serious problem and needs to be addressed immediately..." "Child prostitution and child pornography are serious problems in Japan. Child prostitution is reportedly rising... " "Prostitution in Japan: A Young Body Worth a Profit" I will leave you to search on google if you want to check it out more.

Kids are being put on the shelves to be "served up" to perverted "devourers" and "sharks" - those who are vicious and brutal, and "use" them until they're dead.

This is most definitely a call for intercession to save the lives of these precious children.

I join you in prayer.

"...All things are possible to him who believes." Mark 9:23b
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Post by Meekone »

I join and agree with you in intercesory prayer that our Lord Jesus Christ would dispach his heavenly hords for the protection, release and Justice for The Children of Japan.

God Bless You
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Post by charlie »

Lily_Rose_Song wrote: Kids are being put on the shelves to be "served up" to perverted "devourers" and "sharks" - those who are vicious and brutal, and "use" them until they're dead.

This is most definitely a call for intercession to save the lives of these precious children.

I join you in prayer.

I agree. This is what jumped out to me in your dream...a direct call for intercession. If you have not had anything to do with Japan or seen things which would have fed this dream then I would take it seriously as a wake up prompt for prayer.

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Post by Jehu »

Job 41:1 Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord [which] thou lettest down?
Psa 74:14 Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, [and] gavest him [to be] meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.
Psa 104:26 There go the ships: [there is] that leviathan, [whom] thou hast made to play therein.
Isa 27:1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that [is] in the sea.

These verses seemed interesting in light of your dream I hope they help.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
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Post by Meekone »

I have no doubts that the lord will punish the dragon (Satan) I hope it is very soon. God is Good!!!!
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Post by Jehu »

The other thing that stands out to me is the phrase "fishers of men". Jesus promised to make his disciples fishers of men. This dream does not seem to be a fulfillment of this but rather a perversion.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."