Wrestling With A Lesbian

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Wrestling With A Lesbian

Post by zadokpriest »

OK - before anyone assumes, accuse, etc. :D I have NEVER, NEVER, NEVER and again NEVER been involved in this type of life style, neither have I EVER, EVER, EVER and again EVER desire such a life style! :mrgreen:

Just wanted to make sure that is clear. :D

However, I do want to note that I am acutely aware of the subtles of this spirit and how this spirit is truly making is way in the church - more than people realise..... :oops:

More and more woman are becoming bitter as a result of a broken relationship with man. Many to cover their feelings or hide their pain will began to take on a masculine nature (dress, hair style, attitude,etc.) - these are very subtle and it brings or attracks this spirit of lesibianism. Hard to explain, but what happens becasue women are very affectionate by nature - in an effort to comfort sometimes lines are cross. I've seen this on several occassions. In short many women today have LOST their feminity and this is what has open the door for the enemy.

God once told me and I hold true to this the GREATESS weapon that a woman has against the enemy is her FEMINITY.

While the greatess weapon that a man has is his MASCULINITY.

When stand firm in our identiy as men and women of God - the devil is truely defeated in more ways than we can realize.

There is a very subtle spirit seeking to confuse the genders.

Now a days it can be very hard to tell who is a female and who is a male. There are too many cross-gender clothing, style, etc.

Many of our teen age girls are dressing MORE masculine than ever and have taken on a more harsher persona - the lack feminity. This is very, very dangerous in many ways....

OK - here is the dream....


In this dream I'm attending a church - the Pastor is a female.

I come in typically through the front of the church and then I'm standing in the back of the santuary.

The Pastor is out soon to return and I decided to take a rest.

The Pastor's daughter (who at first I thought was a man) was there.

She comes into my room and proceeds to kiss me while I am sleep - deep kiss.

When I woke-up and realize what she was doing - I push her away and am extremely upset.

Later the Pastor comes, along with other women.

Her daughter tries to attach herself to me, pulling on me as if we where a couple and tries to become affectionate again.

This time a really upset because the literally throws herself at me.

In order to break free from her, I bind her hands and then I wrap my right arm around her neck.

This causes a scene but at this junction I truly do not care.

The Pastor and the other women are now very mcuh concern that her daughter (Pastor's Daughter) will go on Oprah and tell everyone as that is what she threaten to do. It was like she had an inordenant affection towards me.

I on the other hand could really care less, I know it could hurt my reputation, bur for some reason in spirit I just knew it would NOT affect me or in any way damage me as I know I was innocent. Hard to explain - I just knew in my spirit God would not allow this to affect me negatively.

End of Dream

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Post by page4of3 »

The Word picture that God uses to show himself as the husband and the church as the wife is a very powerful description used. If you look at your dream through this perspective, the following seem true.

The Pastor's Daughter (or who/what she represents) is not seeking a man (God), but the affection of a woman (People), more specifically you. I feel like this is showing that someone in the Church is seeking your affection and love as someone who is spiritual instead of seeking out God's affection and love. Your reaction seems consistant, not only with how you would react to a Lesbian, but with how you would react to someone who is loving you in place of loving God.

What troubles me is how this person stopped the entire church (excluding you) in their tracks. :cry: They were to afraid to take action and defend what was right (Following their Heavenly Husband instead of seeking out another Bride).

I'm not sure, but I guess the Oprah reference could be that the Pastor's Daughter (who/what she represents) would want to expose the hipocracy and lead others away. I'm glad that this spiritual blackmail didn't effect you, but I hope you are able help your Brothers and Sisters in your Church not be afraid, but willing and excited to help defend Christ-seeking behavior.

If this doesn't speak to you I hope you find how God is speaking to you. I tend to read fast and make mistakes ;).
God bless,
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Post by zadokpriest »

Hmm - very, very interesting.

Thank you for sharing it does bare witness in several areas.

Much Love!

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I dont want to step on any ones toes here. I do belive there are many godly women that are true diciples of Christ that have for even practical reasons compromised some of their femminity in dress. I also see the other where legalism gets in and women are put into bondeges of religious rules.
I see Good women who i really believe deeply love our God and are his true diciples and i respect them...but in some varying ways have adopted worldly hair styles. Maybe there something to the the old time religion of holy dress? Yes,it went to far. Agreed... but it may have swung to much to the other end to.
I think that if us ladies wear our hair a little longer and prettier couldent hurt. It dosent have to be down to our knees. It can be to the shoulders. at least longer then our hubbys and long enough to let the world know we are women.
AS for dress i have become lax myself. To many shorts and sloppy tops. I have some cute summer dresses im going to start to wear more often.
A balance can be made. We can dress up in the up to date style in a way the the world wont think we are weird but that also makes a statement we are LADIES> A nice hair style that is longish if not long.... some pretty clothes.....
One can do it on a decent budget,
Now if are out planting tomatoes one can wear whatever. I have no problem with jeans. Its the style and how tight they wear and the top that u wear with it.
Perhaps we all need to see how far we have allowed the Woman liberation movement which is Jezzebelian effect our dress.
Im not saying to go back to floor length gowns. Thats not my point.
Anyhow... this dream may mean more then this,,but perhaps this can help.
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Post by Dustin »

Out of curiosity, what would you say about women of Africa, most of whom have their hair cut very close to their head? Does that make them any less feminine?

Anyway on to the dream. It sounds very much like an attack dream. As in the enemy was literally there in your dream in the form of this girl. I've had more than one attack dream where they seemed like normal people and did the whole "deep kiss" thing. I don't really know what they are trying to do when they try that... but not fun either way. Way to fight back :)
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Post by HisGift »


Might I suggest, due to the nature of a lot of your dreams posted that you sit down with them and look at them as a whole. I see a lot in your dreams but I do not feel led to share, but I pray that God will give you the revelation of them and how they might be intersections of something bigger.

God bless you,

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Post by zadokpriest »

In Africa women don't wear pants, they also go topless in some tribes - this in thier cultural is natural. Also in Africa for the most part Homosexuality is TABO - period. Men act like men and women act like women. Rituals, rites of passages, etc. are done for both male and famale - to solidify the feminity or masculinity based on their cultural's understanding. In Scottland men where skirts.

So what I am seeing has nothing to do with clothing but something on the inside of many that is not God. Today in High School they now have lesibian clubs! :shock: When I was growing up you NEVER heard about this - yes we all knew about homosexuals BUT rarely did we ever see situations where WOMEN were attracted to women. This has come into the church and unfortunately it is NOT being addressed. We preach about men being with men but rarely do we talk about women being attracked to other women and in some cases causing marriages to split. There have been some lines crossed and because the Word has not been preached in this area - it is growing. This spirit is really connected to the Jezebel spirit and has it roots in it as Jezebel seeks to castrate men. Hence why you will see more and more women taking care of grown men.

Breathe I see the common thread but I also know where this is coming from. Even in this particular dream I know who God is talking about as this dream has more true components than symbolism. That is something I can not help as God will speak to me about people, places, things and situations via dreams - and for me many times it not sybolism it is a direct message from God. I'll post them to see if I get a confirmation and page4of3 really hit the nail on many, many levels - I just chose not to go into depth about them because it relates to real people and real situations and i do not want to air anyone's dirty laundry out in the public. For me this board is a sounding board to sort out what I see and do hear from God and get more revelation or understanding.

Much Love!

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Post by HisGift »

zadokpriest wrote:In Africa women don't wear pants, they also go topless in some tribes - this in thier cultural is natural. Also in Africa for the most part Homosexuality is TABO - period. Men act like men and women act like women. Rituals, rites of passages, etc. are done for both male and famale - to solidify the feminity or masculinity based on their cultural's understanding. In Scottland men where skirts.
I think you would be surprised to find how much things have changed in Africa. A lot of their culture and practices have been altered by many to look more like the western cultures, specifically the United States.

Went to Africa last July and did a lot of studying of the culture to prepare me for the trip. It was very interesting but I had a lot of fun with the people as well. In many parts of Africa young girls heads are shaved to make them look more like boys because of the ridiculously high number of rapes in that part of the world, due the myth regarding "sex with virgins heals aids". This unfortunately is not just happening to girls but boys as well even that number is beginning to grow. Just something to add.

