7..... Sevens

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7..... Sevens

Post by gloryhis »

In a vision a few days ago, I saw seven perfectly shaped red sevens. By perfect I mean they were all the same size and height in row. They were suspended in air like sitting on a cloud ,nothing else around anywhere. I knew without a doubt Jesus was showing them to me in the vision.

I reached out, as they were kinda close to me and picked one from the row and held it in my hand. I said Wow Lord, even this seven has seven in it!

That's all there was to it except I was very joyful and excited as if I knew what it meant in the vision.. lol.. of course afterward I don't have a clue.. :D

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Post by new creature »

GloryHis, When visualizing your sevens, it made me think of the word "Manifold": to be or become many, be or become much, be or become great
to be or become many
to be or become great
to be long (of journey)
(Pual) ten thousands

Translated Words
KJV (17) - are many, 6; are more, 2; are multiplied, 3; increased, 3; manifold, 1; multiply, 1; ten thousands, 1;
NAS (22) - abound, 1; become...numerous, 1; been many, 1; great, 1; increase, 1; increased, 1; long, 1; many, 9; more, 1; more in number, 1; multiplied, 2; multiply, 1; numerous, 1;

There are seven words in the OT Greek for "seven". Also, the word "Sevenfold" popped out when looking at those words.

sev·en·fold /ˈsɛvənˌfoʊld/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sev-uhn-fohld] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. comprising seven parts or members.
2. seven times as great or as much.
–adverb 3. until seven times as many or as great: multiplied sevenfold.

The nature of LOVE is multiplication.

I think the Lord showed you a glimps of his nature with those sevens. That may be why you KNEW when you saw, but cannot comprehend now. The angels fly about his throne saying "Holy, Holy, Holy" , and have for eternity...enrapured by and responding to the revelation of the manifold richness of His Glory. I think every moment something deeper is revealed about WHO He is, and they can't help but respond "Holy, Holy, Holy". They never leave, they never take a break....they remain in awe.

The manifold layers of sevens...the order in which they appeared and the nature of their perfection.....and revealed to you in the color of the blood of Jesus! My, goodness! What a vision you saw!

Seven is the number of God. I'm certain you know that. I beleive you had a revealtion of His character. Amazing. And amazing that your name here is GLORYHIS! Yes it is...it is His and His alone. He is Glorious, beyond our natural comprehension.


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Post by bjcollin »

I believe this is an amazing vision of 7 sevens. I have been hearing a lot of words lately from unknown prophetic voices about the Lord coming back very soon and to make ready for His return. Let me explain... To me 7 is the Lord's number, the number of perfection and completion and bringing to an end all rolled into one number. The number 49 (7x7 or 7 7's) is the number of the wrath of God. Any student of the Book of Daniel or the Book of Revelation will recognize 7 and any multiples of the number 7 as a very special number. For example in Daniel 7 70's was 490 years between Babylon captivity prophecy fullfillment and the Messiah's coming prophecy fullfillment in Jesus Christ.

Bible Gateway search 7 in Daniel

In Revelation we have 7 churches, 7 angels, 7 lampstands, 7 lamps, 7 Spirits of God, scroll with 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 angels with bowls of plagues. Many 7's as that is the ultimate completion.

Bible Gateway search 7 in Revelation

Simply stated, I believe that this vision is another loving message from our Lord that He is coming soon and to prepare ourselves for His coming.

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Post by naveah »

I totally recieved this as an end time sign. I think it is so close no time to slow down. I think God is showing up 7 times everything and we don't have alot of time.WE need to be about the Fathers' business. We need to reach the lost. Our church this year , Each member choose 7 lost souls to pray for all year long. This really spoke to me 7 inside 7 isn't like God to multiply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7

Post by Joy2dream »

Total completeness in the Blood of Jesus
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Post by gloryhis »

Yes precious saints of God , I agree with you all. Each post was so enlightening. Thanks so much. I knew it had to do with completion and rest, but Oh I never realized it had to do with Jesus coming again. I did multiply the numbers and even thought briefly on 49, but had no idea. Brian thank you so much for taking the time to explain that all to me.

Saints I agree it's the end time and we must be about telling souls to come in now. It's really getting late. I also see how it speaks to the glorious nature of our awesome God! love perfected in love..

Again thanks to all who replied, I will print it and keep it and so appreciate the beautiful interps from all. And might add I feel they were all Holy spirit inspired interps.

In Jesus love,
Jesus Is Lord!

Post by ElizVanZee »

The number seven is usually regarded as a very spiritual number referring to an idea that is sacred to God. As these sevens are all in a row, they would refer to a long standing sacred idea. Being all of the same size and shape implies that how this sacred idea has been sized up or evaluated gives the impression of there being no variation in its evaluation. It can also suggest a oneness about the sacred idea which makes it ONE with God and thus a positive idea, one to see as being good or desirable. Yet these sevens are red. Red usually refers to a feeling of anger; to seeing red. Thus a particular scared idea could elicit or be seen with some anger or simply very strong feelings.

Being suspended in air can suggest a sacred idea that is still up in the air or not completely decided or settled yet. Being up in the air also suggests a sacred idea you would have to look up to – see it with respect, give it honour. Things up in the clouds may also refer to something that involves some fantasy thinking. (as in “his head is in the clouds”, for e.g.)

Yet in this vision you reach out and pick one as they were close to you. This would imply that you need not really look that far up to this idea. Another point to notice is that you are most likely not standing on solid ground when you pick one, that is, not standing on rational grounds of reasoning and not being “down to earth” or realistic regarding the sacred idea.

By holding “one” in your hand, it would be implied that you can feel the reality of a sacred idea and its positive or good nature. Yet this one number seven is seen as containing many more sevens which lessens the positive aspect it presents. The seven sevens within the one number seven give us a mathematical indication. The sacred idea being presented here appears to relate to the idea of seven times seven which in Scripture, Luke 17:4, deals with the number of times one is expected to forgive. “ And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.” Each of the original red sevens is one of seven just as a day of the week is one of seven days.

[Could it be possible that your understanding of God’s intent is not based on sound reasoning? Note too your words, “as if I knew what it meant”. Note also the use of the word “Wow” in your vision. The word implies some sense of awe (note also how Wow has been capitalized) but also a sense of surprise at the idea of seven times seven.]
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Post by Lucy »

The first thing I thought of was the passage from Matthew 18 where Peter asks how often we should forgive.

Matthew 18:21 - 22
Then Peter came and said to Him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?"

Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
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Post by iluvyahweh »

I once heard that when the Lord cut covenant with people (well he really did it with Himself), that he would "seven" Himself to them. Seven is typically the number of perfection, completion, and fulfilment; but I see this dream as relating to covenant too.

Are there promises (the sevens) hanging over your life in the spirit (in the air) - things that God has promised you in the past (covenanted with you, "sevened" you)? (Maybe even things things that you'd thought were never gonna happen?)

What I see in this dream is the fulfilment of spiritual blessings and promises in your life. You are connecting and collecting (reaching up and picking the seven) these promises; or, are about to enter this season. It's a bit like picking a fruit I sense, and so it speaks of fruitfulness, and reaping - indeed multiplication.

I see the red as certainly being relevant to "blood" which means that the promise is just that - an oath - it's a sure thing, guaranteed. Though the vision tarries, it will not fail.

I also see that the red can mean Love, and the reason that the promise will come is because of Love. The "Red Love" talks of the strength of the promise. Love is as strong as the grave.

The fact you could also "SEE" it speaks to me - I sense the Lord always says that "if you see it, you can have it." I sense that you are about to see promises fulfiled in your life, GloryHIS.

Finally, with passing of time comes much interest: The longer these promises have been over your life, the more 'interest' you have on them, i.e. the bigger they will be. Think of it like money in a bank, God's Bank, an Escrow.

The fact that you were "wowed" with a seven containing seven more sevens shows this. Your cup will run over to overflowing. It will be over and above what you ever expect.

I see the sevens representing blessing, the blessing then multiplies, because you're meant to pass it on. It's generational. It's like Abraham - you're gonna be blessed to be a blessing.

I feel the Lord is asking you: "who is your Isaac, who is your Jacob?"

Bless you richly with the Love of the Father -

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Post by gloryhis »


Jesus Bless you,

This was sooooo beautiful and so loving.. thank you so much for taking the time to give this interpretation. God is good and faithful. I will hold this dearly sweet saint of God. Thank you! Your words made me want to cry.. good tears .... so precious...

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Re: 7..... Sevens

Post by christianfireman »

gloryhis wrote:In a vision a few days ago, I saw seven perfectly shaped red sevens.

Completion; finished work; perfection; rest; perfection in the Spirit.

I see this as "Completion" has been realised and/or fulfilled.
They were suspended in air like sitting on a cloud ,nothing else around anywhere. I knew without a doubt Jesus was showing them to me in the vision.
Agreed (as shown by the numbers being in a "cloud" and up in the "air").
I reached out, as they were kinda close to me and picked one from the row and held it in my hand. I said Wow Lord, even this seven has seven in it!
Being able to "pick one out" means that God is permitting this to be shown/held close to you.

"More 7's within the 7" shows that God's completed work is absolutely infinite in nature ("Alpha to Omega" - has no beginning and no end).
I was very joyful and excited as if I knew what it meant .. of course afterward I don't have a clue.. :D
Could be it simply meant that God's actions are perfect and all-encompassing, and that it would bring joy to people ...
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Post by Janice »

Spot on you again Joy.

Just a thought.... Some try to add to salvation. To me, 7 means completement... the end of something. It could be saying.... nothing else can be added to the finished work of the cross.
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Post by Blessings »

The only word I could think of was Jubilee

Post by Joy2dream »

Hi again Janice,
I "think" this is another compliment with a little teaching included.
Thank you for helping, I appreciate it. GloryHis is a powerful woman of God and it really takes the Holy Spirit and a push from Him for me to even post on her dream. She most likely knew the interp of this vision before posting it but put it out for our learning. Stick around and you will eventually see her in action. She hears from God. She doesn't post interps very much, neither do the other admins because the are stepping back for us to learn.

BTW-What could you possibly add to the Redemptive Blood of Jesus Christ. That's about as complete, whole, altogether good as it gets. All I need is in His Blood, everything else is included in it. My spiritual DNA is there. I guess I should add that Glory would have known all this from my first post. I didn't feel the need to pretty up my comment.

Blessings to you and again thank for helping.
Spot on you again Joy.

Just a thought.... Some try to add to salvation. To me, 7 means completement... the end of something. It could be saying.... nothing else can be added to the finished work of the cross.
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Post by christianfireman »

The "meaning" of a dream to any dreamer (if it is truly sent by God) will continue to reveal itself over time in more intricate and more personal ways.

So if that is the case here with this dream, then the full meaning of that dream has yet to even be realized.

Because like Scripture, it's meaning to a person will continue to blossom over time.

Then with this dream of "7's", the dreamer will have to keep us informed over time of what else they have gathered from that dream.

This is a wait and see!