7..... Sevens

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Post by lynnjl83 »

This isn't an interpretation but something that came to me:
was that the sevens speak of 2007 coming to an end, but everything that God wanted to happen this year is coming to completion. If it doesn't bear witness please disregard.

It may have just been for me, but I wanted to share in case it was for everyone. :lol:
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Just another thought on this

Post by Janice »

Then maybe Jesus is trying to show you that you are healed? I don't know if you have been sick or worried about another who is... so maybe you are believing for wholeness for you or someone else?

7 in every seven...

7x7=49 = Healing, from the 49 strips that Jesus took for our healing...
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Re: Just another thought on this

Post by christianfireman »

Janice wrote:Then maybe Jesus is trying to show you that you are healed?
Or because that Jesus is the Alpha to Omega, that whatever trial or concerns the dreamer may have/will have ... that they are all under the guidance of His Most Holy Hands.
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Post by gloryhis »

Everyone, thanks so much for the thoughts and interps, they have really blessed me. I agree with you christianfireman regarding the meaning being something which will continually play out over time.

Joy my sweet sister, you know I love you, smooch, smooch.. the dialogue between you and Janice kinda went over my head, but I pray I didn't do anything to offend you in any way. I loved what you said about the blood, Sister I love the blood of Jesus and without it everything else is nothing.

So many good thoughts, , I didn't expect to see so many, but I am so glad. Jesus has been talking to me a lot about one day at a time and just walking in the spirit "today" , simply taking up my cross of Denial each day afresh. I think I am finally letting go of perhaps some worries and fears I didn't need to carry. His Perfection, completeness , being led, etc.. one day , one minute , one second, one word, one person at a time is freeing . I've learned that when I get to tommorrow, it's called today anyway LOl
The sevens to me means the Lordship of Jesus Christ manifested in every area of my being and life.

Love ya guys,

In Jesus love,
gloryhis .
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Post by Joy2dream »

No Glory. You have never offended me.

Love ya,
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Re: Just another thought on this

Post by bjcollin »

Janice wrote:7x7=49 = Healing, from the 49 strips that Jesus took for our healing...
Do you have a Biblical reference fror this? Jesus did take stripes for our healing, but it is more the numerical reference you have that interests me. Traditionally is it 40 or 39 lashes or stripes, not 49. The number of 40 or 39 lashes is backed up in Deuteronomy 25:2-3 and 2 Corinthians 11:24 as well as in non-Biblical souces which describe Roman punishments in those times.

The only time I can find 49 used in the Bible is in Leviticus 25:8 where it is talking about how to count for the Year of Jubilee. Now here is a use of 7 sevens that I dont think anybody has mentioned yet. A time of Jubilee is coming.

in Christ,

Post by Joy2dream »

Blessings wrote:The only word I could think of was Jubilee
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Post by bjcollin »

Joy2dream wrote:
Blessings wrote:The only word I could think of was Jubilee
must have missed that one in all the posts. Thank you.

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Post by connie »

Bless the Lord and bless you Gloria!

I was over at the Elijah List and reading this introduction by Catherine Brown when my eyes fell upon the bolded portion and I immediately thought of your 7's vision with great excitement in my spirit. Enjoy and I pray you have an ecstatic time in the Lord.

This is a magnificent and timely word from Obii Pax-Harry! As I read her introduction, I received a vision in which I saw two prophets that represent two "types" of prophets in this new season. One was a prophet who became blinded and as a result, became a wanderer in the wilderness; the other was a prophet who received the power of God's light into their eyes. This person's eyes blazed with holy fire and their mouth became a sword and the Lord spoke "holy judgment and justice" through this prophet's anointed utterance.

The first figure speaks of those prophets who have lost sight of God's mercy and compassion and as a result of this, have become spiritually blind and will experience a wilderness until they repent and are reconciled to God.

The second figure speaks of those prophets who have kept faith through times of affliction, whose hearts and motivations are pure and who are now prepared to carry the fire of God's prophetic edicts, decrees and proclamations of justice and judgments to the end of the earth.

I then saw a line of apostles and prophets standing before the Lord Himself; Jesus was handing out the number "7" to the apostles and prophets who stood in line. This indicated the end of a season of complete preparation and a beginning of a fresh commission from the Lord.

Catherine Brown
Gatekeepers Global Ministries
Email: admin@gatekeepers.org.uk
link to the word through Obii Pax-Harry.

Fresh Power of Sight

His Love, connie

Post by talitha »

oohhh connie that's IT! I can feel it! :mrgreen:
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Post by christianfireman »

connie wrote:
I then saw a line of apostles and prophets standing before the Lord Himself;
Jesus was handing out the number "7" to the apostles and prophets who stood in line.
This indicated the end of a season of complete preparation and a beginning of a fresh commission from the Lord.
The "complete preparation" is in keeping with Susan Riddle's book definition of "7":

Seven: Completion; finished work; perfection; rest; perfection in the Spirit.

The 7's were "red" on gloryhis's dream, so:

Red: The blood of Jesus; warfare; sacrifice; passion; strong emotion; forgiveness; cleansing; zealousness; deep sins; conquest; wine; complexion.

And in the case of gloryhis's dream, the 7's were being suspended in the air as if for all to see. This might suggest then that g/h was being allowed to observe that Jesus had completed in the choosing His "prophets and apostles" who had suffered in His blood.

I wonder if she had perceived who some of those people might be?

It could be some friends/family/church members that she knows, or perhaps it's something more symbolic of things in general?
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Post by gloryhis »


Jesus bless you Sister,

I love you in Jesus name.
Jesus was handing out the number "7" to the apostles and prophets who stood in line. This indicated the end of a season of complete preparation and a beginning of a fresh commission from the Lord.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I hadn't seen it before. I do feel it is very relevant to the vision I had. I also sensed the amen I get in my spirit man when the Spirit of God agrees with a word. So I know what Tal is talking about , thank you Jesus!

I had another vision at the beginning of this year , simply Jesus told me to get up it was 7 'oclock. IRL I don't work so I get up when ever I get up, but my clock actually had 7 am on it.

I am so grateful to God for this time in my life, I have been through some preparation, dry places and well more than I care to share on line, but I am just so grateful for God's mercy and grace right now, I know he has given me the freshness mentioned in the word above. Well he just reminded me how the angels came and minsitered to Jesus after his wilderness experience. The refreshing was needed in order to move forward.

Sis that is a very encouraging word you posted for a lot of reasons, mainly for those who are being tried for their faith, to hold on with all of their hearts and not compromise,( especially in this last very evil and dark day) it may get rough, but their is a refreshing and also a completing ( completenes) of that Good thing God has begun in each of us. If we hold fast.

Okay I feel a preach coming on, Lol :lol:
Thanks again Sis.

Christianfireman, Jesus bless you, I saw the sevens in a room, though they were suspended in air no one was there , but me. I love your thoughts and am always glad to see when you respond.

In Jesus love,
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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

Hey GH,

Whatever these exciting assignments are, God is TOTALLY in it!

Check this out: Rev 4:5 Before the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.

I think the "seven" inside the seven refers to "the seven spirits of God." :!:

I'm also wondering if these assignments aren't, "up for grabs," since they were just hangin' 'round waiting until you took one to look it over.

Plus, have you noticed that in the book of Revelations there are sevens inside of sevens, ad nausium? In fact, the unfolding of prophetic events deals with a succession of sevens revealing more sevens; 7 angels bearing 7 plagues, etc., etc. So ... I am also wondering if this 7 inside of a 7 may possibly somehow refer to an unfolding of future events.

Just another "bee in your bonet" on this one, LOL. :lol:

"...All things are possible to him who believes." Mark 9:23b

Post by Joy2dream »

Isaiah 11
1And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

2And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;

3And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: