stronghold dream

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stronghold dream

Post by chica4christ »

I had a dream last night after praying for my husband. Before the
> dream, the Lord was speaking to me to pray for the strongholds of
> husbands life to be shaken off and broken. I prayed intensively and
> was extremely exhausted after praying. I was so tired obviously and
> fell asleep. In my dream, I was in a mountain area, the mountain
> not very scenic at all, rather depressing instead. I was driving by
> myself and as I approached the mountain, I could see above me the
> word "STRONGHOLD." It was a huge word and it was silver/black in
> and very thick. The exterior was like gravel. When I mean thick, it
> had a lot of layers to it. We'll, as I began to journey up the
> mountain, I was praying and the more I prayed, the word Stronghold
> began to shatter, bits and pieces of the thick layer were falling
> Almost like rock chipping. As I drew closer to the top of the
> mountain, the word became very fragile and as I arrived almost to
> top, it exploded and disappeared.

I pretty much know what this dream means. Keep praying and interceding for my ex-husband... Just thought I would share.

Post by Jeff »


I agree, it seems pretty obvious, but exciting as well.
Keep up the warfare and intercession, you ARE going to
see a breackthrough to victory!

Praise the Lord.

One thing I've discovered, though, is that many times when the
Lord reveals something this obvious and this absolute, that the
warfare ahead is going to be very difficult, and you're going to need
something this concrete to hang on to.

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Post by chica4christ »

We'll, I had this dream way back in the beginning of July..sorry forgot to notate that and it has been just that "EXTREMELY" difficult at times, satan has attacked me extremely hard, almost knocking me out, but thanks to JESUS I have gotten back up every time.

I believe breakthrough is around the corner, because the Lord has revealed this to me through recent dreams if you care to search, you'll see that and the spirit speaking to me in my prayers as well.

But my motto has been to not give up, give in, give out or give over until Jesus Christ has given me the absolute victory for myself, my ex-husband and our marriage :D

Post by Jeff »

Praise God!

Post by talitha »

Oh I agree completely with Jeff here! I was going to give almost the exact same interp - but I really like that last part especially - praise the Lord!

Sis, the first thing I thought of was "mountain of offense" - I believe the Lord is showing you that although there are layers of offense, He is well-able and willing to tear them down! The challenge for you might be in laying down your right to win, or be proven right - vindication. That's usually my challenge in situations with my own husband.

blessings upon you as you stand!
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Post by bjcollin »

For me the "many layers" in stronghold was a key. A stronghold starts in the mind in the thinking and they start with a small lie that is believed and then they work their way up to the mountain of offense with many many layers over the years. Keep chipping away at those layers in prayer.

in Christ,