A Great Sword/White Armor - and Modern Day Templars

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A Great Sword/White Armor - and Modern Day Templars

Post by dbliss22 »

The first part of this dream I remember was a graveyard. Not tombstones or anything, but skeletons and desolation. Up on one of these beams in this graveyard hanging from a wall of a building, was lain a sword. A very large sword. The sword was very attractive to me, but I was somewhat afraid of it - I think the sword was actually mine but I did not want it. A man then came looking for the sword (apparently it was a rumored weapon) and I showed him to it. He picked it up, and within a small amount of time was attacked by a group of men. He couldn't use the sword well, so when he had had enough and the men had stopped attacking, he gave the sword to me. It had an interesting handle, that was in the shape of a cross, but was hollow in the middle. It looked like it would be very awkward to hold - which the man had obviously had trouble with - but it fit my hand perfectly, like it had been made for me. Then, much to my surprise, the sword merged with my hand. It then began to become armor - up through my shoulder, then to my chest and head, and finally all the way to my legs. The armor was brilliant - I've never seen anything like it. I could see myself for a moment in the 3rd person with this massive sword (and when I say massive I mean as thick as one of my legs and longer than from my shoulder to my toes) and this blindingly white-silver armor.

Then, the same men who had attacked the man with the sword before attacked me. I felt such an immense power from this weapon...it was amazing. I defended myself easily against them with this sword, they couldn't get a single strike through, much less even cause me to move - it was superhuman. I did not attack them back or kill any of these men, I just made it known that they were not as strong as I was, and they gave up and left. They did not know who I was because the armor covered my face.

I then found myself at my apartment, but I had to find a way to hide this sword and armor so that I wouldn't be attacked again - the men hadn't seen my face because of the armor so I knew as long as I hid it they wouldn't know who I was. I put it like one would holster a sword at my hip, but then it merged with my hip. It became a Celtic cross tattoo at my hip after it had completely merged inside of me. The same men that had attacked me earlier then came over to my apartment, I believe to see my brother. I had my shirt off, and I saw that one of the men took notice of my tattoo. They knew who I was now, but did not make any mention of it. They left and I found that my brother also had the same tattoo on his hip, but I don't think he was aware of it. I also found out that these men were modern day Templars.

I then went to this building/complex where the main Templars were (not the guys I fought, they were only peons, these were the big whigs). I overheard them talking about dominating the economy and the U.S. people with some strategy, and then they swore a blood oath that seemed to be Satanic. There was a large screen with all of the members on it that said what status these people were - some were judges, politicians, executives, stock brokers, etc. There was also a crystal/diamond skull in the middle of their table. They found out that I was spying on them, and became very cautious. They created some kind of beast to hunt and kill me, but I knew I had time because they had to train it first (this beast was like a clone - and they had to let it grow and learn before they could send it out).

The scene then changed to back at my apartment after leaving their complex. I have been given a puppy, and everyone keeps saying it is from the 1950's. It is a chocolate lab, but they (?) have to put it through a growth machine to make it normal since it was from the 50's? The dog then came back to me bigger, and it seemed in alot of pain/sickness but was not dying. I explained to the dog that it seemed normal to be in pain because he had just grown so much in such a short amount of time. I held him close and took care of him. The Templars and their beast were in the back of my mind, so I was hoping this dog would feel better soon, and I think I was hoping he would help me fight them. Then I woke up...

I know this is a long one, and I think I understand what certain parts symbolize, but as a whole I am lost on it....
Last edited by dbliss22 on Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:39 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Krista »

Really intense dream!

It struck me that you could have either eaten pizza and watched one to many conspericy theory documentries on "Skull and bones" (grins) Or your spirit actually did really stumble in on some plans that a bad group might actually have. (Only strikes me if that's true or not I dunno)

Are you praying about the different groups that are probably no doubt really trying to mess with economy and things? Did you have a friend introduce you to the possibility of these things going on?

If I were to take a crack at it, I would say you had a friend fighting againts these things, and you kinda actually realized that that was your ministry. That you were made specifically for this kind of battle. I would have to say if that's true, it's quite possible that if you've been praying, they might have actually discovered your praying about it, are trying to track you down, or have currently tracked you down. (Maybe even just in the spirit as well!)

In which case, I would fast and pray for sure, and do all you know to cover yourself with protection. Have others pray for you, etc. Make sure your in church, make sure you don't go to bed angry, make sure any and all doors that could be open are closed.

This is my thought, unless I myself have seen FAR to many skull and bone documentries :D
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Post by dbliss22 »

Haha...I haven't eaten any pizza in a looooong time and I haven't really read about skull and bones a whole lot (other than the fact that our current pres. is a member)...and I haven't had a friend bring to my attention any political or economic issues (in college most kids are more worried about what party is happening this weekend than anything else :D )

But I appreciate your comment...Krista

Here are my thoughts on the first part
I think the first part of the dream is very personal and relates to my own giftings. A while back I had chosen to set down my "sword" if you will in baseball and do something else...but the other life got me nowhere - hence the graveyard.

I was afraid of taking hold of the sword and what would happen...as was I afraid of continuing in what God has blessed me to do...it was mine...but I didn't want it.

Then a man came for the sword but could not wield it because it was not made for anyone else but me...he couldn't handle the attacks because it wasn't his weapon...it wasn't his gifting and he had to give it back.

When I looked at the sword it seemed awkward...like my gifting did some time ago...like something that wouldn't fit my "grip"...but when I finally took hold of the sword I found that it fit my hand perfectly - as with all gifts God gives us...I think the cross handle was hollow because I am supposed to grip 'into' Christ maybe...then the sword merged with my hand - I finally and completely accepted God's gifting and let Him direct my life through what He has blessed me with...

Because I took hold of His will and His plan for my life...He covered me in His armor...or protection from head to toe which...like I said is nothing like I have seen or will ever see.

The enemy then tried to attack me...but God was with me and the enemy couldn't phase me...his attacks were all defended against so he was forced to leave...

I don't know about the rest...except that my brother lets the enemy in through his actions...but there have been various visions and prophecies about both of us carrying immense swords...so I know he has a calling on his life and I think that represents the Cross tattoo on his hip that he doesn't know about yet.

On the rest I'm pretty much lost...
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Post by bjcollin »

Neat dream. The Knights Templar were the protectors of the Holy Land or Crusaders. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_templar
They are also known in legends as protectors of the Holy Grail and other religious artifacts. Fierce warriors, although today they have a definate weird spotlight as a conspiracy theory group. The 1950's to me would represent a more simpler time, a time of innocence. A chocholate lab would be a good friend more than anything, owning a 90lb black lab myself I know they won't protect anything and would probably just play fetch with the criminals while letting them into the house. You need to learn to fight for yourself. If God has told you to stand up for something and do it, then just do it in obedience until God tells you the next thing to do.

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Post by dbliss22 »


I agree with you about the lab not doing anything IRL because I had a golden retriever and they are the same way...however this is a dream - not reality. I also agree that the 1950's were a much simpler time...but why the 50's? Is there any relevance there?

I know how to fight for myself...even in the dream I fight for myself...do we never need help though? Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Are we to lean on our own strength or on our Master? God has given me the choice to do what I am doing now or to go on my own path...and I have chosen His way...out of faith. His way, in the eyes of man, was the most illogical choice to make - to walk the plank blindfolded if you will - so in reality I wait for Him to move...because I cannot and will not move on my own. He directs my steps...

*as a sidenote I didn't know that there was conspiracy around modern templars...I have studied some into their past but not the possibility of their future...especially not into today's realm...your link was a very interesting read
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Post by Krista »

I *was* teasing about the pizza and tv :mrgreen: :mrgreen: