pool, baby, singing..

Archives for 2009
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pool, baby, singing..

Post by JoshuaM »

I dreamed I had gotten back from somewhere. when i did, i saw my cousin at some complex.. hotel probably.. and in the distance, a baby was sitting on a ledge at a higher level, i felt somebody is neglecting this baby and it was in danger. Then when I was heading to tell somebody, I forgot.. Then I saw my sister, and i wanted to fly around singing some love song (fly myself not with a plane, etc), and my sister wanted to keep getting in the way, but I was able to sing it and people liked to hear the song. but when i was walking around, i must have been looking for somebody.. for some reason i was irritated. somebody, maybe they had been standing in the way on an upper level, I pushed them over an edge, making sure they will not die, pushing them into a pool.

This is all i remember.