blood test

Archives for 2009
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blood test

Post by blue »

I am in a public park, lined up to get a blood test. Someone I know is there and is telling people tha I'm going for the test because I am pregnant. I tell him to be quiet. I finally get up to the table and I am handed a vial of blood, but I realize that my name is not registered on their list and therefore the blood I have been given is not mine. I have a smear of blood on my hand that I know is not mine. I am also worried that my blood has been given to someone else. I go to a separate desk to try to register my name and try to get it sorted out.

any thoughts? It was quite vivid
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Post by Robert159347 »

You've been given blood that's not yours. Sounds to me like you've been given the blood of Jesus. Maybe, you had a smear of blood on your hand, because G-d is telling you that you have only covered part of your works, that there are still some things you need to repent of. I don't know, just threw that one out there. Maybe someone else can you help with the smear. Are you pregnant in real life? Symbolically if a christian is pregnant it means that Jesus is living inside them (Read my signature). When, I read that you weren't registered and you were trying to get registered, the first thing I thought was maybe you were trying to register into the book of life. That might be a stretch though. Hopefully, someone else can give you more insight.
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Gal 2:20
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Post by blue »

thanks for your input, I will pray on those things... I am not pregnant in real life, but it turned out that about a week after I had this dream, I did get sent for a blood test. Not sure what that's about???? I think with the smear of blood in the dream, I was worried about disease because it was someone's blood on me that I didn't know. This dream is still really sticking with me, as is the other one I posted, so if there is any more insight I would love to hear it.
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Post by samson40 »

I agree with Robert . But i think the public place might mean the world and you no longer are registered there. I think you might be doubtful of your salvation. I also think the blood on the hand might mean you works are covered (forgiven)