Grandma & Friends

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Grandma & Friends

Post by pastorloretta »

We went to this House in Philadelphia with all these people. We seem to didn't know all of them but we new a few, the place seemed familiar. Then I can see my grandma and her friends all dressed up and standing around talking to each other when I reconized two of the ladies from the previous church we use to attend in Orlando Florida I said oh my God I haven't seen you in a long time she said get over here and give me a hug so I did and the other lady hugged me also they said they were now living in Philadelphia. The the people we were with seem to be the church my grandmother use to go to in philadelphia ,the place was familiar like we been ther before.They asked me how we were doing down there I thought to my self Florida and I said ok , the other lady said how's the church i said it seems we grow a little and then were small again. She said honey you will grow Remember it's the measure of your faith. So I repeated it's the measure of my faith. Then I said we will be moving down here (philadelphia)and they did'n't say anything. Then i can see all these young people outside taking pictures of each other having fun but I didn't know who they were. Then It's switched to my grandmother sitting in front of the church by herself and I asked her was she ok and she said yeah my pastor told me about universal health care so I got it ,but I sat in my bed for 3 weeks and couldn't get out. While she said that All I could think was my grandma was so small but she looked nice even though she didn't seem to really know where she was. And I woke up. Someone Help me.
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Post by Lillian »

Is your grandmother still alive?

I sensed that she is not.

I also wanted to note...the measure of your faith is not how much you have, because you have more faith than you need, you have the faith of Jesus, but the measure is how you use it, or how much of Jesus' faith you actually use.

You can use as much of it as you like. He is the God of more than enough.

Much love, Lillian
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Post by pastorloretta »

Yes she is still alive. That's why i didn't understand it
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Post by Lillian »

That's what I thought, it may be a touchy subject, but maybe it is time for her to go.

just about all of the details of your dream point to that.

what especially stuck out to me was:
Then I said we will be moving down here (philadelphia)and they did'n't say anything.
Because it's not your time to go there yet.

Philadelphia could possibly represent heaven in this dream.
The people and the place looking familiar to you.......when you get to heaven you will be known as you are fully known.

I trust the Lord will confirm or deny what I'm saying.

Keeping you and your grandmother in my prayers, Lillian
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Post by WaitingforHim »

We went to this House in Philadelphia with all these people. We seem to didn't know all of them but we new a few, the place seemed familiar. Then I can see my grandma and her friends all dressed up and standing around talking to each other when I reconized two of the ladies from the previous church we use to attend in Orlando Florida I said oh my God I haven't seen you in a long time she said get over here and give me a hug so I did and the other lady hugged me also they said they were now living in Philadelphia.
Seeing this as the place the Lord is calling you to. This place, although familiar to you in location, will also bring many new faces into your path. Seeing the people visiting you from the past location as "supporters" to you..These people may be called to follow your ministry in the days ahead. What does your grandma represent to you? Spiritual inheritance? I was feeling that this part of the dream was showing how ready you are for this new place/move. All dressed up and ready to fellowship/minister. Thinking perhaps this may be your inheritance...ready to go.

[/quote]The the people we were with seem to be the church my grandmother use to go to in philadelphia ,the place was familiar like we been ther before.They asked me how we were doing down there I thought to my self Florida and I said ok , the other lady said how's the church i said it seems we grow a little and then were small again. She said honey you will grow Remember it's the measure of your faith. So I repeated it's the measure of my faith. Then I said we will be moving down here (philadelphia)and they did'n't say anything.

Again, thinking that this place will be familiar to you. A place where your family is from perhaps. Seeing this part also showing your current situation where you are in Florida..You are doing ok, but possibly the Lord has shown you that you can't grow anymore in that location..To me the people that you are familiar with (Possibly old family or friends) may try to talk you out of moving..By telling you that the reason why things are not ok in Florida is because of your lack of faith. By you repeating it, to me speaks of you taking what these people are saying seriously...taking it to prayer and asking the Lord if this is the cause of lack of growth spiritually and physically. As you bring this before the Lord you are still coming up with the same answer from Him, "We will be moving down here"..
I believe the voices that are not of the Lord will be silenced as you press into HIM.

Then i can see all these young people outside taking pictures of each other having fun but I didn't know who they were. Then It's switched to my grandmother sitting in front of the church by herself and I asked her was she ok and she said yeah my pastor told me about universal health care so I got it ,but I sat in my bed for 3 weeks and couldn't get out. While she said that All I could think was my grandma was so small but she looked nice even though she didn't seem to really know where she was. And I woke up. Someone Help me.

Seeing the young people as part of your calling...todays youth seem to be kind of caught up in the whole "pictures" thing with their cell phones and cameras...WOndering if you are going to help bring them more "inside" with the Lord than "outside" with each other..thinking that perhaps this area will have alot of youth/young people that need the word.
Also seeing your grandma again as part of you..the part of you that is carrying your inheritance, or destiny. Feeling that the Lord may be showing you that there will be times of lonliness during this transition. Thinking Pastor represents the Lord..The Lord has given you insight into Unversal Healthcare..thinking that this is a full plan of action...HE has given you the vision or will give to you the vision of what it takes to "care" for this flock..for these ones coming to you..But you still had to sit in bed for three weeks..meaning, although the vision is clear before you, there will still be a season of resting in Him before you will see it come to pass. Your grandma may seem small because you are not seeing your destiny from God's perspective...You have seen the vision but it looks so small right now..Also seeing this as the ministry where you are you step out and do this, there will be a season of resting in Him before you will see it grow. You will even struggle because its a different place..different people...(your grandma didn't know where she was)..Also the church/people that you are called to do not know fully who they are it will take them a while to grow.

Seeing this dream showing you that you have received a word to relocate to another place. This place will be familiar to you but the ministry you will walk into will have many new faces. As you make this transition there may be some that follow you and support you but there will also be other voices that try to detour you from your call. What they say may even seem "biblical"...But you know that the reason why things are not working where are is not because of "Faith" but because you can no longer grow in that place. As you press into prayer the Lord will confirm His word to you and shut the mouth of the voices that are not of Him.

This new place will be a place of destiny for you. You will begin to step into things that are a part of your inheritance that has been prepared for you and is ready. Part of this is working with young people/youth to bring them closer to the Lord. The Lord has/will give to you a UNIVERSAL plan...You will see your vision clearly before you but you will not see growth right away. There will be a time of rest with the Lord for a short season before you see the growth or see the fruition of this vision come to pass. Be patient. 3 is the number of obedience and conformity. During this time He is testing or trying your obedience to Him. This new territory will
try you at times because you don't know it yet..As you become more familiar with it and the people it will get a little easier.

I hope this helps.
Pitch what does not witness to you .
Love and blessings.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by pastorloretta »

Dear ,WaitingForHim I know this is true because that's exactly what God hasbeen saying to me I know in my heart it is time for us to leave Orlando. God has opened doors for us to minister but he has not opened a door for a building. The place where we were we was sharing with another church we grew to 50 and then now to 2 not including our familiy God closed the door and now were having service at home. It seems we have been here for 11 years in training and now it seems it's time to go. The 1st dream you helped me with was right on time and I know in my Heart God is moving us to Philadelphia for my husband he doesn't want to go because he don't like Philly. Also my other familiy members have been saying that's not what God wants. But I know that's what he's saying. He also gave me Revelation Chpt 3 vs7 and has told us that's who we are and it describes us to at tee being small in all. God is really using You .Continue to let him do so. Bles you Bless you
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Glory to God.
Thank you for sharing Pastor Loretta..
I know this is not an easy thing when the Lord asks of us to change like this...

I pray that as the Lord gives to you the confirmation you are seeking, that He will also bring peace to your husband and just like He brought confirmation and revelation to Joseph about Mary being with child, so I pray that He will bring to your husband the peace and confirmation that He has already given to you..

You are a blessed woman of God.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by pastorloretta »

Dear Waiting For Him I have discoverd another part to his dream I feel the Home we were in was a church and that this is the church(our inheritance) where God is sending us to it's also located in Philly just 18minutes from the area in which I saw in my (Philadelphia dream.) This would be the church where my grandmother took us to visit some time ago. My husband accually spoke there and it seemed like he was supposed to be there. it felt natural and we didn't know why .I found the name and location of the building, it's 18 minutes from Garret rd in my (Philadelphia dream) I thought the rd was called( gerry rd.) I googled owens ave and road it out to the cross street Garret rd that's what I saw. I believe he was telling me where the church was located which would be my grandmas old church. She moved to South Carolina now. The Pastor was very sick the last time we were there. It's becoming so clear why we are going there with all that snow the just got. please keep us in your prayers and Thank you so much for all your help you are a blessing. Pastor Loretta
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Post by WaitingforHim »

God Bless you my friend. I am so happy Daddy is speaking to you and that you are obeying His command. You are a blessed woman of God.
May Jesus guide you and love you and protect you on your journey in HIM.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Re: Grandma & Friends

Post by GaAngel »

Grettings, Pastorloretta

I have a different spin.
We went to this House in Philadelphia with all these people.
This reminds me of the Church of Philadelphia in the Bible. See Rev. 3:7-13. This was the faithful church that did the will of God. He was pleased with them.

The the people we were with seem to be the church my grandmother use to go to in philadelphia ,the place was familiar like we been ther before.
Perhaps the church your grandma and "her friends" attended long ago -- could represent the church of your grandma's generation. Back then, more of the principles of God were taught.

They asked me how we were doing down there I thought to my self Florida and I said ok , the other lady said how's the church i said it seems we grow a little and then were small again. She said honey you will grow Remember it's the measure of your faith. So I repeated it's the measure of my faith.
Perhaps the church you attend doesn't compare to the church of Phliadelphia. You grow in the spirit, but it seems that you regress back to your former self (being small again). That church might not teach the principles that can make you grow "big" and strong in the Word or the principles of God.

Then I said we will be moving down here (philadelphia)and they did'n't say anything.
Perhaps moving to Philadelphia could indicate that you might consider changing churches.
Then i can see all these young people outside taking pictures of each other having fun but I didn't know who they were.
The young people were taking pictures, almost like what they were looking at was something that they've never seen before. They were "outside" of the church. This could indicate that the younger generation hasn't been exposed to the teachings of the "old folks." It could also represent the church of today that doesn't teach the same principles of the churches of your grandmother's generation. Perhaps this new type of church is about about having fun. The pictures could represents that they're "taking snapshots" of the church of Philadelphia and applying it in teachings, but it's all for "entertainment."

Then It's switched to my grandmother sitting in front of the church by herself and I asked her was she ok and she said yeah my pastor told me about universal health care so I got it ,but I sat in my bed for 3 weeks and couldn't get out. While she said that All I could think was my grandma was so small but she looked nice even though she didn't seem to really know where she was.
Your grandma was by herself, plus she was small. This could represent that the number of churches that teach what pleases God is dwindling in number. And, of those that do, they're struggling to "remain healthy" or struggling to keep teaching what pleases Him without losing members (being small).

Also, when she took the advice of the pastor and got universal healthcare, she seemed to have become sickly (but, she seemed healthy before). This could represent the "universal" messages that are now being taught in church. They're slowly killing the "old time" teachings by making them "sickly and weak" so they can't "get up and about" anymore; they're making the "Church of Philadelphia" or the Word of God -- powerless.