Motorcross racing

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Motorcross racing

Post by grace_full1 »

So I am on a motorbike and am racing around a track I was surprized that I really LIKED racing! I had to go four time around the track to win my heat...

In between races there was a guy helping me to repair my bike I was surprized (he was racing too) It was the best friend of my boyfriend from highschool/first year of college.

Time lapsed in the dream where I knew I had been racing.

the next scene my old boyfriend came to visit his best friend. I came up to him and said "Hi" he was kind of in shock to see me racing and asked how I was doing I said "I won every race in the prelims but came in 4th in the finals" He at first acted like he didn't fully remember me but I knew he remembered because no one forgets their first love.

next scene. I had gotten my bike all ready but decided I wasn't going to race again. I went to store it in my husbands office which was clean the floor was tile except for a throw rug and the throw rug wasn't smooth I lifted it to straighten it (casue that is where I was going to put my bike ) and there were lines of dust and dirt abotu 1 inch deep where the folds of rug where and I though "Someone forgot to check under the rug" I was going to leave my bike there again....but at the last minute decided to race again...

last scene I was on my bike again knowing I was racing really well but also wanting to do well for my old boyfriend so putting in of extra effort. I was really focused and concentrating on shifting my weight just right around a certain corner that was tricky...I knew I was going to win. and then I woke up.

I few things that struck me as "odd" in the dream...I called it motorcross racing (and went by that title in my dream) ...but the track reminded me more of a demolition derby track....Large dirt track with pylons to go around for the wasn't demolition derby style racing though just 4 times around the dirt track fastest time wins.

The other thing was my husbands office....It's NEVER clean there is always stuff piled everywhere...but everything was put in place and clean (except for under the rug)

The number 4 came up a couple times too...4 laps to the race..4th place....
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
~ Romans 15:13

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Post by WaitingforHim »

2Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the RACE, I have kept the faith. For which there is a crown of righteousness laid up for....

I immediatley thought of this verse. I am thinking this whole race and motorbike are being symbolic of your life with Christ or your journey with Him....and faith to go the mile.

I am thinking that the Lord is saying to you that along your journey you may be feeling that you have lapsed in your other words times where you have slowed down and don't feel that you are getting anywhere...maybe times when you needed a little repair done or two...In which the Holy Spirit has always been faithful to make the repairs and get you back on track...

Thinking the old boyfriend may be the Lord...your first love...He seems a little distant at times and you wonder if he really remembers you...(I think we have all been there!!lol) but you are reassured that He could never forget you!! I think this part of your dream is showing you how far you have come in your race...your prelims I believe are the practice shots...or trials you have been through...and you have walked through each in victory...but the current place your in feels that you are behind...but if you look at the number four it can mean rule and even though you feel your not ahead the Lord is showing you that you are reigning....

Thinking you wanting to store the bike may be saying that you felt like throwing the towel in so to speak...maybe putting away the things that you are doing in ministry or your walk...feeling a little defeated or behind...but the Lord is showing you that before you put it away you better look under the rug!! Make sure there isn't something hidden trying to keep you from running the race!! Good thing is you see this and decide to keep going!

You are back on track again fighting the good fight of faith and doing it all for the Lord!!! You are shifting your weight around corners instead of cutting are making a way where there seems to be none....and the Lord is pleased and you know you are going to have victory over this thing!!

If this doesn't bare witness with you please discard...
Lots of Love to you
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.