Train station dog

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Train station dog

Post by Tic »

My dream starts with me going to a school to pick up an ex-girlfriend. However, I am my age which is 26 and she is some where around fifteen or sixteen (She is in reality 34). I find her in a hallway and we start walking together. I believe it was the end of the day because when we get outside there is a lager crowd, though the ages of the people in the crowd vary. We are getting bumped around some what and I almost loose her. I was in a bit of a panic, but not for long because I found her. When I found her though we were no longer in the crowd, but in a train station. A group of people off to our left are sitting on a bench. They have a very large dog. Like a German Sheppard but the hair is shorter and the coloring is black and gray. I proceed through the station, but She stays behind at the entry way. The dog tries to attack me. My own dog appears and begins to fend off the attacking dog. I tell the dogs to settle down. They do for a moment. The attacking dog tries again and again my dog fends him off. I see my dog going for the throat of the attacking dog. Once more I yell at both dogs. I tell the owners attacking dog to get their dog under control before he ticks my dog off. It goes and sits down by it owners and my dog is gone. I try to advance through the train station, but the gray and black dog attacks me again. It is biting at my hand not hurting me but grabbing on to my fore arm like a police dog. It was clear that the dog did not want to let me go any further. It was getting more viscous the more I proceeded. The dogs bite was staring to feel like a tightening clamp. Finally I pick the dog up by the back of the neck and by the skin on the back near the tail and not so gently tossed it back at it owners. The ex-girlfriend and I emerge on the train platform. END.

I could very much use some help with this one. Also I just remembered that while we were in the crowd outside the school and I was search for the ex. I bumped in to an old friend. Him and I were never that close but I don't think either one of us were ever really that close to anyone. It was more of a mutual respect. Any way he said something to me though I can not remember exactly what. However, I believe it was something reassuring.

Thank you for any insights!