Cars, being late, and tires

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Cars, being late, and tires

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I don't recall the order of the events in this dream that well, but I'll relate the parts that I do remember.

I currently IRL have one car, but in the dream I guess I got a second car even though were are tight on money. This car was an SUV like a Jeep, and it looked dirty (not disgusting , just "used where an SUV would be used" dirty).

During one part I was working, but I had to leave to pick up something at a pharmacy with my brother. I (we) left work in the morning, but it took longer that I expected and I got back to work at about 1:2?. We had to go out again, and this time I said we wouldn't go as far, but on the way back we got lost. I tried turning around in this very confusing conservatory parking lot. I remember yelling and being irate at him because I already was late and now we're lost.

In another part I was home and both of these cars were parked there. The car I own IRL had three flat tires, and the car I just got had one flat tire. I decided to take the good tire from my IRL car andput it on the SUC so I'd have only one out-of-commission car and not two.

There was another part, but it didn't involve anything these other two parts did, and I don't remember any details of it, nor how it fits.
God bless,