A Ram and a Lion

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A Ram and a Lion

Post by dbliss22 »

I was traveling with two people (a man and a woman), and our car broke down. We were stranded on the side of the road in a very hilly and desolate area. After some time, I decided that we should hike to the top of one of the nearby hills to see if we would be able to see any nearby villages at which to find help.

As we came to the top of the hill we decided to hike, there was a large fence. The fence went around the entire area at the top of the hill, but through the area I could see down into a valley, where there was a town. However, in the fenced area, there were wild animals which frightened the other two of my party. Especially of these was the large male ram, which was guarding its young and mate. There was also a lion watching everything at a distance. Because of the animals and my friends' fears, I decided to see if there was a way around this enormous area.

I left the other two at the entrance and began to walk. As I began to get further away from the group, the lion approached me. It was a male lion, yet he had no mane. He said, "You are the strong one, but I know you are hungry. Why don't you lead your friends inside the fence, and wait until they are gored by the ram. Then you and I will eat them and the ram, and we will be full." As he was speaking, it was if his idea actually seemed good, but I neglected my impulses and decided to test him. His head was outside of the fence as he was speaking to me, so I quickly grabbed him by the head and pulled him outside of the fence. I threw him on his back and grabbed his throat with both of my hands; I squeezed. I said, "You are a sly lion, but you don't decieve me. You would have me betray them so that you could eat us all. Who is it that you serve?" I could see darkness in his eyes. He replied, "First, let us eat, and then you will see that I do not lie. Afterward, I will tell you who I serve." Again I could see blackness in his eyes. It was as if his eyes fluctuated from their normal size and coloring to a small piercing black eye, and at both instances I took notice. So I threw the lion back into the fencing, knowing full well what his plan was, and I began to walk back to the two that I had left at the entrance of the area.

On the way back, the great ram burst through the fence. For a moment, neither of us moved. Then he charged. I dove out of his charge, and tried to grab a hold onto his horns but my hands slipped. Again he charged, and again my hands slipped off of the horns. The third time he charged, I grabbed the horns and began to wrestle him. The ram was much stronger than the lion had been, and it took me quite some time to wrestle him to the ground. In the same fashion as the lion, I put the ram on its back, and placed my hands on its throat, only I did not squeeze. I realized that the ram could easily kick me the way I was lying, so I moved his legs away from me and returned my hands to the animals throat. I said to the ram, "Who is it that you serve?" He replied, "God! God! God!" As I looked into his eyes, I knew I could pass through, then I awoke.
Psalms 144:1
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Post by bjcollin »

Neat dream. In this dream it definately sounds like the lion represents the enemy (1 Peter 5:8 ) and the ram speaks of the provision of God (Genesis 22:13-14, Jehovah Jireh the provider). Way to go in testing those spirits. (1 John 4:1)

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Post by dbliss22 »

The things in the dream that throw me off though are:

The lion wasn't saying I was hungry as in for food, it was for something else. So what am I hungry for?


Why did the ram charge me? If he was provision then why would he try to gore me?


Does the fenced area represent something I am blocked off from in my own spirit...or something entirely different?

This dream has lain heavy on my mind for the past week, and I feel like there's something else underneath what I'm seeing.
Psalms 144:1
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Post by friendofGod »

Its obvious that the Lion is satan the deceiver himself, as the Word of God refers to him as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. I perceive that the ram is you.
The part of you that needs to submit so that you can become the protector that you truly are, and the fence are those barriers in your mind that are keeping that part of you from submitting, there is a decieving spirit around you that is trying to influence you to think contrary to what God's Word says and thus reinforce these barriers and lead you off course of where God is taking you and this spirit has a plan for you to hurt others in the process.
But the part that shows after you were persistant with the ram to hold him down, that you passed through, once you truly submitted to Chirst as Lord, says that you will prevail and have the victory in submitting to God and resisting the enemy.
Phila., PA
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Post by dbliss22 »

I think you hit it right on the head. God has been calling me to let loose and just follow Him without inhibitions, but for whatever reason something inside me just always seems to be holding me back...
Psalms 144:1