Phone Conversation...

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Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:50 pm

Phone Conversation...

Post by clare777 »

This is a short one and not sure about it....

I dreamed that our old Pastor came to our house to use our phone but he had to wait because I was on the phone with my father and mother. It was like, they called right when he came asking to use our phone. Anyways, the conversation with my father and mother were strange.
My father says to me on the phone, " Oh Satan is the ruler of all the world.."..he is laughing while saying this. I replied, " No he's not Dad. You've got it all wrong!" Then he hands the phone to my mother and she says to me, "Whereever you go to work, you need to stay so that you can bare fruit. "

I am not sure if this is the enemy....I know I got frustrated yesterday with the Lord about some things etc..and it had to do with going back to work...which I do not want to go because of Elisha being only a month old....just not sure if its the enemy or not...
As for our old Pastor...which are not under him anymore and was recently released from his covering....

Any Holy Spirit interps would be greatfull