the Black Tiger

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the Black Tiger

Post by Taps »

I woke so suddenly this Saturday morning and I had to rush as I was late for a meeting, so many details are vague. This is what I remember of them.

I was dreaming about a tiger. It was a Black Tiger. I was in this home with some other people. I can't remember who they were now.
I also considered this black tiger a panther in my mind because it was black. It was kinda like another name for a black tiger was a panther. It sort of looked sleek like a panther but the dream clearly implied it was a black tiger.
There were these people in the home where i was at the time. A cage was in the dream. Not sure if the tiger was in the cage and they approached it either to look at it, or to pet it, or to feed it. The black tiger attacked and ripped them to pieces and ate some of their meat.
I was thinking in the dream.. you just can't take the wild out of the animal even tho it was tamed to a degree.
It seemed I was connected to its training somehow. Maybe I had been able to tame it to a degree. I can't clearly remember now. I felt really badly for what it had done. That maybe I shouldn't have trusted it but instead should have understood its underlying character.
At one point after it had attacked these 3 or 4 people ..(4 i think) it jumped out at me ( I think it had been stalking or creeping or just sitting very still in a concealed place, waiting to jump.) It jumped me and went to bite my side but then realized it was me... and stopped. It never broke my skin or even scratched me. It stopped short. If it hadn't of been me, it would have killed that person also. It seemed to respect who I was in relationship to it.

what a dream. what are your thoughts?
Thanks for reading... Taps - artie
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Post by RevK »

I also considered this black tiger a panther in my mind because it was black. It was kinda like another name for a black tiger was a panther. It sort of looked sleek like a panther but the dream clearly implied it was a black tiger.
The devil has devised new schemes and plans to fool people, in the fact that he is but will become even more sleek. If he can, he will fool the very elect. Mt 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
There were these people in the home where i was at the time. A cage was in the dream. Not sure if the tiger was in the cage and they approached it either to look at it, or to pet it, or to feed it. The black tiger attacked and ripped them to pieces and atesome of their meat.
From time to time, God may give you an assignment to go into others homes and teach revelations given to you to save and sustain people for the days ahead. Even in casual speaking over lunch you will speak divine revelations and the oracles of God. Some will reject what you have to say but many will be hungry, some hungry enough to hear what the Lord has to say from you that they will forget to eat what is in front of them. Manna from Heaven. You will go to those for which nothing is prepared and spread a table in their wilderness, even at the dinner table.
I was thinking in the dream.. you just can't take the wild out of the animal even tho it was tamed to a degree.
Jer 13:23 - Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
It seemed I was connected to its training somehow. Maybe I had been able to tame it to a degree. I can't clearly remember now.
You are called to teach and train, those who others would rather not waste their time on, the confused and untrained. The taming came and will come into lives because of the love and teaching on your life. He will give you skill, understanding and provision.
I felt really badly for what it had done. That maybe I shouldn't have trusted it but instead should have understood its underlying character.
A new revelation and impartation is coming into your life so that you will know and understand underlying characters and faults of the human psyche and spirit. As Jesus grieved for those who would not or could not comprehend his teachings and yet moved with compassion towards them, so shall you be as He was and still is. You will find yourself more compassionate then ever before, with a desire to draw these people into His truths. A new level of patience and administrating of truths is being downloaded in your spirit. A minister of God is equipped in all areas of life.
At one point after it had attacked these 3 or 4 people ..(4 i think) it jumped out at me ( I think it had been [b]stalking or creeping or just sitting very still in a concealed place, waiting to jump. 1Pe 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking (Stalking) whom he may devour: [/b]) It jumped me and went to bite my side but then realized it was me... and stopped. It never broke my skin or even scratched me. It stopped short. If it hadn't of been me, it would have killed that person also.
The devil knows your name, he knows who you are in the Kingdom and is afraid of you, but not so afraid of you as he is of the future planned for you. For you have been made a voice in the earth, and you will speak as Holy Spirit leads.
Isa 54:17 - No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
It seemed to respect who I was in relationship to it
You are in an undeniable, unbreakable, unceasing, covenant relationship with the God of Heaven. This blood covenant covers every part of your life and of your family. For at the time of your salvation you cut covenant with your maker that cannot be taken back nor revoked.

The Word is in your belly, speak and write what is given you. Know that your foot will touch foreign ground. De 33:19 - They shall call the people unto the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand.

Re: Finances-Jehovah Jirah-The Lord will provide......

Blessings on your head and household!
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Post by Taps »


thank you so very much for what you have taken the time TWICE to transcribe. I appreciate that dreams have a few different points of view and that is what is wonderful about presenting them in this forum; people take the time to consider it with you.


When I considered it... I felt that the Black Tiger represented Death. As you mentioned... it becomes more sleek but it doesn't change its nature. People think they can approach death without caution and because it is perhaps caged, it isn't a threat to them. It seems that was proved wrong. It will kill and devour those who do not have master over it. It can appear to be tamed... passive... but it is still very aggressive, and at a time when you least expect it, it will spring.
You can't take the nature of it out of it, as you mentioned in the verse below about the leopard. It is what it is.
But it seems I have master over death. It attempted to come after me just as it did the others, but stopped short...suspended in midair. It knew I was its master. Which simply means... as i said...that I had master over it.

Again I thank you for the time you took to drop in. Any other thoughts are always welcome.
The dream I just had today said I was moving again. Man... I always seem to be moving houses. I was moving by Tuesday and so I was trying to pack up the last few things that are always more than we think is left to pack near the end.
And finances..they were mentioned in the dream. sure would like to see a final breakthrough in this area... there is no where else to turn..again. He has to come through. Not that we haven't been here countless times... but I would hope this is the end of it. Let's just get on with it.

Blessings.... Taps
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Post by charlie »

Taps wrote: as i said...that I had master over it.
Taps...I'd be interested to know in what sense you see your self as having mastery over death...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Taps »

That's a tall subject you ask. It requires a whole foundation to be laid. I will introduce the subject with this excerpt.

To quote from a story written about Smith Wigglesworth: 'Smith would pray and the blind would see, and the deaf were healed, people came out of wheelchairs, and cancers were destroyed. One remarkable story is when he prayed for a woman in a hospital. While he and a friend were praying she died. He took her out of the bed, stood her against the wall and said, "In the name of Jesus I rebuke this death". Her whole body began to tremble. The he said, "In the name of Jesus, walk", and she walked. Everywhere he would go he would teach and then show the power of God.
'Another illustration of an action that manifested the Glory would be when Smith Wigglesworth's wife Polly unexpectedly died in 1913. This was a real blow to Smith. He prayed for her and commanded that death release her. She did arise but said "Smith - the Lord wants me." His heartbroken response was "If the Lord wants you, I will not hold you.'
(footnote Ref:
'Numerous accounts have it that Smith Wigglesworth raised the dead, and did other wondrous miracles in the Name of Jesus. One example of the dead being raised was about a man who died before Smith Wigglesworth made it to his house. Smith was supposed to pray for him, but was greeted at the door with the words “You are too late… He died…” With the bold faith that he was known for he replied “God never sent me anywhere too late…” He asked to be left alone with the corps.
The account has it that Wigglesworth commanded the dead man to rise..…..Not only did he come back to life, but he also was healed of his disease!'
(footnote Ref: http://www.

When it is released, this glorious virtue of the Living God - His resurrection life - will take action by overcoming and vanquishing death and everything that works death, be it sickness or anything else - the very crux of the curse that came upon all creation as a result of The Fall.

When Moses crossed the Red Sea, the enemy was not just defeated by the release of the waters that had been rolled back; the enemy following them was vanquished, (completely wiped out, eradicated, annihilated) never to rise again. Likewise Sons, encountering conflicts, contend with death (not specific sicknesses and diseases) and everything that works death in this Earth, in the same manner. "

They have the power to release Life... that turns back death.

Cheerfully... Taps - (aka artie - Snoopy Joe Cool)
Last edited by Taps on Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:42 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by charlie »

Taps wrote:Smith Wigglesworth's wife Polly unexpectedly died in 1913. This was a real blow to Smith. He prayed for her and commanded that death release her. She did arise but said "Smith - the Lord wants me." His heartbroken response was "If the Lord wants you, I will not hold you.'

Taps - (aka artie - Snoopy Joe Cool)
...sooo...I guess the key is not that we have control over death, which is Abba's domain ( for death no longer has the claws for the believer) but in hearing/seeing the will of the Father in each and every situation and taking authoritative action accordingly...I guess it is knowing Who has ultimate authority over the "black tiger" and I don't see that as being you or I but He who can call us home...that said I think there is much to learn re the activating of our wills against the effects of sin in our bodies...through repentence...rather than control...

Is there not a time for all things...even to die (is JOhn the beloved or Paul the great apostle still walking the earth?) Do many of us know God well enough to perceive it...every time? Why did even Smith Wigglesworth need his own wife to tell him "it was time"...why could he not perceive it...

JOhn 5:17 Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.


Grace to you as you seek Him
Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Taps »

I guess without laying the whole foundation... of which this writing is only a very small excerpt... it's hard to fully grasp how what I say is possible.
I think perhaps the point has been missed or overlooked. God worked through Smith's authority in that situation... so as Smith spoke to command her body back to life, taking mastery over death... he would also have to then release her to the Lord.
As this is only an excerpt of the whole teaching foundation and you do not really know me personally and therefore might misunderstand me, I do want to qualify, it always by the power of God we do anything.

And there is no mention of control... only mastery. It is very different.
The dream was meant for me. And perhaps I should have pressed in further for understanding at the time in lieu of posting it.

Thanks for your blessing at this time.

Cheers... Taps
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Post by Newwine »

Artie, I read this on a previous day and again today. I haven't fully read the responses as I need to get off line soon but wanted to let you know what it reminded me of each time. Romans 7 & 8.

For your prayerful consideration.
Feel free to toss what may not fit.
Love in Him,
Enjoy the journey
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Post by Taps »

Hey Newwine... ! Cheers.

Thanks for your comments. The chapters you mention and especially chapter 8 are very key in this time. In fact there are some very key verses the Lord is pulling out to draw our attention to regarding who He has called us to be and how we are empowered to live that out fully.

I saw a vision of a graveyard a number or years back. God said in that "graveyard" were buried Hopes, Dreams, and Promises that God has placed in people's hearts and spoken over their lives throughout their lives. People had allowed a spirit of hopelessness, a spirit of death, if you will, to plunder their lives and kill their dreams and rob them of their promises through doubt, that lead to unbelief. A person who has mastery over death has the power, anointing, and authority of God to step into those graveyards of people's lives and resurrect the Promises, enfusing them with New Life... Life that could not be overcome in any way. Even as Lazarus was buried in a tomb... it was to reveal the Greater Witness of the Greater Works that Jesus demostrated His power over the enemy's "finished work" ... DEATH.

There is much more that can be said, taught, enlarged upon concerning this area and I know Father is choosing to move this subject more into the Light as He empowers His Body in the church to step beyond "healing"... to resurrection, just like Lazarus.

Thankyou for stopping by with your insight and encouraging heart.

Take care...
by the way... It appears that you've been patiently working with time, carefully knitting together certain relationships, yet the enemy has come along many times, unraveling the work of that closeness that you've been nurturing. He's undermined it a number of different ways... doubt, fear, confusion, suspicion, even arrogance just to name a few.
Father says He is going to wrap up His work very quickly with these people so that they stop withdrawing and make a committment to follow through with relationship because of your heart.
Your heart will be proven to be trustworthy in the end. It won't depend on their heart at all... they will come to faith and confidence because you have stood the test of time and demonstrated faith and confidence. They will come to see that God has been present and faithful all along through your desire to reach out and knit them into your life drawing them nearer, offering a sense of belonging.
You have wearied the enemy. Well done Good and Faithful Daughter.

affectionately... artie
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Post by Newwine »

Ok, were those words for me Artie because they fit right into my life? So true and the easy route would have been to withdraw but I have had to keep my heart before the Lord and know that even if I am looking foolish to them now, who cares because it isn't about how I look. Even if some are coming at me, it doesn't matter because I'm not called to just love those who love me. I can be the fool for love.

Last night I had two short visions. One was a door opening and felt it was a heavenly door opening.

Yes sis, I've been patiently preservering, while looking to keep in tune with the Lord's heart. And you are right, my main thoughts have been, 'Doesn't matter what others are doing, it comes down to where my heart is at.'

I also love what you said about those dreams. I have felt that an error made is that these dreams can be hi-jacked by the dark side and instead of reconciling in Jesus, we kill the dream too. Maybe that is to be the case too at times but we need to allow God to do that heart change.

Thank you for stepping out and sharing those words. Those words definitely are in line with my life.

Love in Him,
Enjoy the journey
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Post by Taps »

Yes Joanne... those words were for you.

I asked Father for something that would encourage your heart right now. I felt compassion for you in the area I spoke about and was inspired to share what I did with you for your strengthening.

I think we need to know that how we are responding in the process is in fact the very door that we are opening up not only so that we may stand before a door that no man can shut from this point further... but that we also open a portal for the person we are standing in the Gap for, to respond to God.
Perhaps we don't see ourselves as standing in a Gap...but we are. We are bridging God's heart here on earth. And at the same time we are establishing His Kingdom, as we take dominion. The goodness of God in the land of the living toward a person. It is always toward a person God ministers...not toward a circumstance. If God ministers toward a person in their circumstances... those circumstances may change but it is toward the person God was focused.

So... as I said, the faith and confidence you stand in, pressing your heart further in relationship, has not been in vain. It only looks like it hasn't affected their heart... in the mean time you've strengthened your heart in faith and confidence and defeated the enemy who has tried to undermine your convictions to Hold Fast until you see the salvation of God Come Forth!
He reminds us, He will not dissappoint; Because He knows that hope deferred makes the heart sick.
"Arise Shine... for your light has come." My Disciples... will be known by their love. It will be a quick work. And where they appeared to resist... they will now respond. And they will wonder why they have resisted all this time. I feel that to the degree that they resisted... they will enter His embrace.
It's been a long night. But morning has broken.

And Yes!
I have felt that an error made is that these dreams can be hi-jacked by the dark side and instead of reconciling in Jesus, we kill the dream too.
This is absolutely possible. I also speak about "aborting" the moves of God... or the Words of God that are full of Life if only we will become "One" with it and let it grow to fullness within us.

God bless you dear Friend.
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Post by Newwine »

Wonderful. Thanks again as it fit in beautifully.

When I saw that door open I also wondered if something opened up in that respect and your words fit right in.

I've also thought about aborting, yet more on a micro level, like how we can abort what the Lord is doing through us when we take our grievances and discernment and use it to come against another (slander, judge the heart, etc) instead of continuing at it with the Lord so we can be the instruments used to birth something beautiful that will minister to others.

Thanks again. My pastor's chapter in the bible is Romans 8. I love that one too and the Lord has brought it to my attention too, yet I feel my personal ministry is mostly from Romans 11.

Love in Him,
Enjoy the journey