I am a Levite!

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I am a Levite!

Post by Victorious »

Sunday at church my pastor was preaching on the Names of God and spoke that the Holy Spirit would impress one of those Names upon each of us. For me, it was "Root of David" - Rev. 22:6. I have been pondering and praying over it all week, and last night I had a very quick dream where my husband told me that I was a Levite, and I was very excited. I said, "I always wanted to be a Levite!" I grabbed my phone and started texting my Twitter account to let people know that I was a Levite! Then I woke up and I was impressed with the words, "prophet, priest, and king" and "Melchizedek."
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Post by Taps »

The two priesthoods are not the same.

I would gravitate toward the latter...

Here is an excerpt from a book I have recently written that may help define the difference so that you can embrace the Priesthood of the Lord... the Melchizadek Priesthood. Hebrews

"Sons of God don’t strive for ministry position because they already have favour with God. There is no competition in them since they know their place in the ministry of their Lord. They have come to serve, not to be served. They have the unlimited resources of Heaven at their disposal, so they have no need to covet what another has. Confident in who they are and clothed in Royal robes of His Righteousness, they walk after the order of the Priesthood of Melchizadek. 'The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: “You are a priest forever, [after] the order of Melchizedek.” (Psa 110:4 NIV) They are Sons in whom Father is “well pleased”.

Sometimes we speak about the glory of the latter being greater than the former. One example of this truth is between the Priesthoods of Melchizadek and the Levitical. I am always amazed that many within the church body still feel drawn to pursue the Levitical identity of priesthood as the foundation of their ministry, for if perfection could have been achieved through it (as stated in Heb 7:11), then there would have been no further need for another, greater priesthood. Yes, there is a priesthood of all believers, and it is after the order of Melchizadek, which the Sons, through Jesus, are ushering into the church. This archetype will dismiss from responsibility the present Levitical priesthood model that still reigns supreme in many church groups.

Critical differences exist between the two. One is that a Levitical priest must still make sacrifices for his own sin before he can make intercession on behalf of others. The Levitical priesthood became obsolete after the cross. Perhaps ambitious souls craving leadership positions still cling to it to satisfy their egos. It becomes a desire for power, structured in a hierarchical system by which many abuses can and do still occur. Another is that there are those who still lean toward salvation by works, trying to perfect their sacrifices to please God and be rewarded for good works. The Levitical priesthood was created to satisfy the requirements of the law, not grace. Nor does it, by definition, recognise the priesthood of all believers, adapting the teaching on the priesthood to the ways of contemporary thought and suspiciously echoing “the doctrine of the Nicolaitans” of Rev 2:15."

I hope this helps you to sort out your dream concerning this area.
Cheers.. Taps
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Post by Victorious »

Thanks so much for your reply. I forgot to mention a couple of things: 1. My pastor had mentioned "Root of David" in association with spiritual inheritance; 2. in the dream, my husband was reading a genealogy or something from his family, and told me I was a Levite because I married into his family; and 3. once I started texting, I had second thoughts about the meaning of being a Levite and cancelled the text. That's when I woke up and heard the other words. So I believe you are right about gravitating towards the latter. I believe I understand what this dream is telling me, other than WHY I was so excited to be called a Levite. I have been very interested in genealogy, family history, and generational issues (blessings, curses, etc.) for several years now, so perhaps that has something to do with it.