Someone has twins that look exactly like my daughter

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Someone has twins that look exactly like my daughter

Post by kse »

My brother being in my vulture dream brings to mind this dream as well:

I dreamed I had a little girl that looked just like my brother's daughter. We lived in a small town. At the park I ran into a father and his twin girls who happened to look exactly like my daughter (who looked like my niece in this dream). Like, identical. It was such a shock that the father and I agreed to meet later with the twins' mother to discuss how this could be. I met with the twins' mother at an outdoor cafe. I saw her, that she was wealthy, and I tensed. She wore a camel colored suit and a matching hat. I remembered her name was Esther. I hoped our meeting wouldn't be awkward.

This cafe was directly across from the little waterway by my sister in law's condo building. The meeting was short (also she was on the phone a lot) and later I met with the father inside of a traditional house, as it was raining outside. There seemed to have been two fathers, one who looked very much like my husband, and another that was black, although the twins had no pigment in the twins' skin to suggest it. Esther was also there but she was busy talking either on the phone or with other people. She seemed to always be busy.

I was still marveling at the resemblance of the twins to my real life niece when I woke up.

There is more to this that I am not remembering....these are just the things that stood out. There is something to do with a yacht on that little waterway, and something to do with moving. IRL people dock their yachts on this waterway but in the dream I only saw one yacht, and the actual waterway is located across from the Eden Roc Hotel and the Fountainebleau Hotel, two famous places.
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3
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Post by GaAngel »


Children in dreams sometimes can mean projects, career, jobs, etc. Because someone else's children looks identical to yours, it could mean that you're working on some project, but someone has a very similar concept to yours. This can be common for creative projects such books, movies/screenplays or inventions. If you're working on something where it's possible for someone else to come up with something similar, I'd say legally protect your work.

This could also be at your job or church. You could be working on a project, but someone has something just like yours. Either case, make sure that you get due credit for your work.

I could be off base, but this is what comes to mind.

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Post by kse »

It's so funny you say that. I just released a novel, and it is copywritten. I am writing a sequel so I was thinking the twins might pertain to that...what do you think?
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3
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Post by GaAngel »

Hello, Kse

Your second book might be more "related" to the "niece" in your dream. The two cousins are related, but are not the same in so many ways. Cousins can also look the same, but they might not be born around the same time.

The twins seem to suggest something that's identical or very, very similar in age and likeness. For a book, this could be plots/subject matter that's similar and that came out around the same time. This can suggest plagiarism.

Twins can also suggest some type of copy. Also, Esther's twins seem to have different fathers. They also seem to be illegitimate because her husband doesn't seem to be the father of either. So, "illegitimate" seems to suggest something that's unlawful or unauthorized--plagiarism. As far as books are concerned, though they seem identical, the authors (or fathers) are different though the plots/subject matter is the same.

I know there are other details in the dreams, such as the yacht, hotels and waterways. I'm not sure about those, but I'm sure this can shed more light on the overall meaning.

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Post by kse »

Thank you, it's definitely making sense. Is this a warning dream? I mean, I've already had it published, etc., and the copyright has been filed, but maybe it's a warning to pray over the work or something? I'm having trouble with the context at the moment.

I also think perhaps it has to do with someone taking the idea or content of the book for film, since Esther means "star" and she was wealthy. But I don't want to make any assumptions :roll:
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3
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Post by GaAngel »

Good day, Kse

First, I want to say that I could be completely off-base. This is only a possible meaning. The Holy Spirit would have the answers.

Someone else might have a similar book to yours, but they might claim that you stole their Idea. The same could be in reverse. Someone else might have a book like yours that's so similar, you might claim plagiarism. In either case, be prepared to prove that the concept is really yours.

Also, looking at your vulture dream. It seems like at the end, your "brother" was recognized by the audience. Plus, it seems as though he could have been enjoying recognition that you thought you deserved. This could suggest that someone might get the spotlight that you deserve.

If all of this is true, it might be necessary for you to prove that it's your story/idea. The same could be true in reverse. Someone else might have a story very similar to yours, but it might be necessary for you to prove that the original belongs to you.

I've written books a few years ago and have gone on tour. So, I'm very familiar with the publishing industry. I know authors personally who have written entire novels, but changed them. Why? Because someone brought it to their attention that there's already a plot very, very similar to the point that they could be accused of plagiarism. This is more common with fiction than with non-fiction.

I've had someone use a similar "concept" to mine, but it wasn't enough alike to file a lawsuit. I, and a few other author friends of mine, strongly suspect that he got the idea from me, especially that he had never written anything like that until he saw my book.

Keep in mind that ideas or concepts can't be copywritten. So, be very, very careful giving complementary copies of your novel to other authors, especially established ones. The mistake I made is that I thought this person would like the book -- like thousands readers -- and endorse the book so that it can sell even more copies. This is true in many cases, but be very, very careful of who you let into your confidence. There are authors who operate with integrity, but there might be a few you need to "watch."

Also be leery of those who want to help you to promote your book. I know a few PR types who have earned a bad reputation of trying to charge authors fees for services they didn't perform.

I can go on and on about publishing, because I know it very well. Perhaps the vultures in your dream could relate to these very details. I'd say trust your agent and publisher; they have a vested interest in you getting your just due. Other authors or even PR types, on the other hand, might not have your best interest in mind.

I'd say pray to the Holy Spirit for confirmation.