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Post by Nuachrest »

Earlier this week in a dream I looked down at the side of my left calf. There was a round area of swelling, the size of a coffee mug impression, with a central point of origin.

The point of origin? A dead wasp was in the middle, still attached to my calf by its sting. In the dream I knew that a wasp can still sting even though dead, as the sac muscle still pumps out venom.

In the dream I was totally, calm and unafraid. I remarked and spoke out loud, that there was ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN, even though I had been stung. I never felt the event and had no recollection of it happening. I just saw the result in my calf.

End of dream.

On waking I prayed that no weapon formed against me would prosper and took authority over anything coming my way.


2 days later in my workplace. There are no windows. (and we are scheduled for an office move because of this. )

A wasp was angily buzzing. It was above my head bashing against the light fitting. It was trying to get out of the office. How it got in, I do not know?
Maybe it got in through a space in the roof, then down to my ceiling? Who knows? No way should it have gotten into my office. We are cut off from the rest of the building where we are. So it was ODD?

I spent the day, walking under the angry thing, going in and out of the office, performing my various tasks. No fear, panic or anything, just peace. It was too high up to catch in a cup/glass etc but low enough to drop on my head.

At the end of the day, I reminded myself that the following day I would look out for it too. (remembering the above dream & that I had prayed)
Next day, I found its dead body and disposed of it, carefully.

This is such a small thing, but then again? Things move on in the Spirit, don't they?


Last night I had another wasp dream.

This time I am in a room. I recognise it from my childhood. In this room I hear a sound. A clicking sound, like a cricket, small insect.

So I hunt for it. I float over furniture, I search and seek out. I focus in on the sound. Click click...click click

I so expect to find a cricket type thing. WRONG!!!

After searching the room, I am now facing a big white window. White, because outside is white light. There is net curtain on the window. On the net, are TWO WASPS.

One wasp on the left is completely BLACK and VERY ANGRY. The one next to it on the right bears the colours of a normal wasp, and it is angry too. I sense I must do something, they seem bound.

The normal wasp I sense is MALE and a SOLDIER to protect the black one and attack on its behalf. The black one I sense is more powerful.

Still, I am not afraid. I am at peace. Now I hear their sound and the click click is gone. Loud wasp, buzzing sounds now.

They are not flying, just on the white netting, side by side.

I know I want to move them out.

I could fold the netting over them and open the window and shoo them out?
As soon as I think this, hundreds of wasps cover the glass from the outside. Like you would see bees do in a hive. The glass swarming with them.

OK, that plan won't work. What now?

A very tall man appears behind me. [Angel] He is Clint Eastwood, as he is now, and in a suit. He approaches the window, gathers the black and normal looking wasp in the netting and throws them out.

All the other wasps take off after the black one. I relaise, she was a QUEEN.
Not one wasp remained. None came in, none hurt the warrior Angel in the guise of Clint. None hurt me.

I woke up in peace.

End of Dream


Before I sleep, I pray for Angelic protection and for God to show me what to do. Or to wake me up if it is too much for me. I also bind stuff b4 sleeping, and forbid demons to talk to me.

Earlier in the week, in a dream, I was with a Demon spirit. It was female, and as I was walking, it was walking alongside me.
Again, I was calm and unafraid, as it was bound, and could not speak.

The dream colours were significant, the lack of them. The demon spirit was a washed out white. Above, the sky was grey and almost night kind of looking.

Anyway, way above, birds were circling, like you see Starlings do. Birds of about that size, but a myriad of them ...ALL BLACK.

I turned toward the demon and said, "Hey, how many you reckon are up there then? I didn't wait for her answer because she couldn't...I said, "Just over a million, I would say". I said it in a jokey, unconcerned, but real way. As there really were more than a million of the black birds flocking above me.

Again, total calm, peace, and no fear.

End of dream.


This is not arrogance on my part, but it runs along the lines of a dream I had months ago, where I took a throne in a dark place, and Jesus said. "Make them MY footstool and occupy until I come Karen." He spoke from a realm above where I was, yet at the same time was present with me. Otherwise I couldn't have done it!

So I did. The throne was at a root of a tree, and the unseen realm of the demonic, was not very happy that I sat in it. Light pierced the darkness when I obeyed and it couldn't be overpowered. It shone from within me, yet it was Jesus.

If I had had dreams like this last year, I think I would have been very afraid. But not anymore since receiving /cementing revelation of my covenant rights and authority in Jesus. There is a natural boldness now, which is not arrogance. It is filled with peace and I crack jokes in my sleep towards the demons.

One night this week I had 4 dreams. It was interesting. The Holy Spirit appeared to me in my dreams and called Himself, JOY. He told me that in MAY I would 'see' this. He prayed for me, but I don't remember what He prayed. I just received.

Any thoughts?
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Post by discerning »

There is a natural boldness now, which is not arrogance. It is filled with peace and I crack jokes in my sleep towards the demons.
*chuckle* (laughing with you, not at you, sis)

This is the confidence/blessed assurance that comes from *knowing* who we are in Christ, and understanding...reaching out and grasping-taking possession of-the power and authority He has bestowed unto us.

The wasps are hindering spirits....a queen & her soldier/guard. The soldier is present solely to enhance the masquerade...to attempt to lend credibility to the queen's 'rank'...which is, in reality, a prostitute disguised as a queen.

The black birds in the last bit.... similar to the wasps....hindering spirits intended to intimidate, masquerading as carrions. Starlings are generally considered pests. The enemy is attempting to stare you down....make you yield, capitulate.

Ha. The 'queen' is banking on you being gullible but the Light has pierced the darkness and the enemy has been made a footstool for your feet.

An encouraging dream. That said, let's take care not to overlook the room from your childhood....seems there is something that might affect your walk? Either Himself is confirming that you have defeated this thing...or....He's pointing it out to you so that you will. At your bidding, the angel will move/has moved on your behalf. Only you can answer that question.

blessings in abundance,


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by Nuachrest »

Oh Discerning, you are spot on with that!

When I went to bed last night, I prayed, " Lord, please don't let me be in pride." He then gave me those EXACT words!

Blessed Assurance! Whooh! Thank you for confirmation.

As for the childhood room. Forgive this language, but it is an accurate description. My childhood was crap, something one merely, survived and endured. I hated God for bringing me into existence. I shook my tiny fists at Heaven and told Him I would never call to Him. I did that at age 3! I told Him that no child should wish it was dead, like I did! The rubbish continued until age 24 when I renounced that prayer.

Then came the 'drawing years', drawing me to Him.

On being saved at age 31, I spent over a month in shock. That He could love somebody like me. (my childhood was a mirror of the book - A Child/boy Called 'It' - in all its Yuk, with other abuses on top) Even though I am a girl! lol!

Jesus, healed me, delivered me, and uprooted things that I did not know had been planted. He disciplined me and allowed me to choose to WANT to live.

Recently, I died to the biggest enemy I have been facing. I had the choice to go backwards and confer with flesh and blood, or trust on a greater level.

I chose the trust. Then things have started to explode onto the scene and come to me, seemingly, effortlessly. [which you know Discerning - it is not without effort/agreement on my part]

I am not who I was. I really am that new creature recreated in Christ Jesus...in HIS righteousness! Whooh, Hallelujah!

He did it!...He did it!... He did it!....AND HE DID IT FOR ME!

I believe and I receive, ALL that You died to give me Jesus...the Father's love. [and everything that goes with it]

I found that in warfare, the first thing to leave was my joy. So boy am I glad that the Holy Spirit has given me His.

And OK this may be a new level with new devils, but by following my instructions in the word and by my covenant blood ratified promises, I will be alright. I know my development in Him is continuous and the Holy Spirit will keep me fresh and guide me into all truth. What fun?

I rejoice, I revel in my Sozo, soteria, and that my name is written in the Lambs book of Life!

Now I hear the words of the song, Blessed Assurance ringing in my spirit. Boy am I grateful! Jesus is mine! And I am my Beloved's!
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Post by charlie »


My word Nuachrest...thank you for sharing...what a testimony!

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by discerning »

Yes and amen...a powerful testimony indeed!

sending up praise & thanksgiving to the Most High,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by Nuachrest »

Thanks Charlie, I didn't really think of the above as my testimony. Just, just...I dunno really?

I am now 46 yrs old and just simply 'apply' what I am being taught by the Spirit and the Word in my day to day life.

This morning whilst lying on my bed before I got up, I was thinking of a whole field of giant heavenly, yellow buttercups. They were spread as far as the eye could see from the brow of a hill. If you didn't go up the hill, you would never know they were there.

I walked off with both arms full of them. They were individually, as big as Tulips. I took them to a particular church to give them as a gift because I had no money.

Once they were received by the Pastor, they were placed in a vase. Then they were put to one side, near a vent intake. Their fragrance was released through the AC on the entire congregation. So lovely!

When I was handing the gift to this pastor, I remember thinking, "this is my most precious gift I have to give". (as it came straight out of Heaven)

It wasn't a dream, I was just kinda musing like David did.

I have just been watching a slide show of pictures concerning a dream of my heart that I want to manifest in the earth. I have set it to music. (because it was hard for me to visualise this thing coming to pass that God has told me of - I am using it as a tool - the pictures I have created are as a visual aid)

Anyway, the words really hit me just now, after what you said about the 'testimony' above.

"So we plant our lives in the soil of Your love, and we watch them grow and bloom.."

I think that, those lyrics are a description of what God has done with me to produce my testimony.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRfK-BJv ... re=related


For the full song try this link


I am definitely my Beloved's and wanna go deeper! I am really into quite a few songs at the mo. Songs that witness with my spirit. Well music in general. Especially I am Yours by Misty Edwards.
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Post by Taps »

You know Karen...
If I had had dreams like this last year, I think I would have been very afraid. But not anymore since receiving /cementing revelation of my covenant rights and authority in Jesus. There is a natural boldness now, which is not arrogance.
... it might be good to share a couple of times when you had to stand in your covenant rights (mentioning what they are) and show the Body of Christ how you exercised that authority in Jesus. I think it would be helpful to many ... even as just a reminder to some.

And perhaps...this is the beginning of what your book that you will write is about. I enjoy reading your posts and the journey you are on.
It's refreshing.

Cheers.. Taps
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Post by Jen »

and hey.. the Clint Eastwood style angel is a pretty good thing too!
I'd take one like that! haha.

"It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people's lives.”
Clint Eastwood
Isaiah 62:1
For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch
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Post by Taps »

Jen wrote:and hey..

"It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people's lives.”
Clint Eastwood

oooo Jen... that was really good. And so true. Thanks for sharing.

Cheers.. Taps
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Post by will »

You know what I was struck with on your first dream is what Paul says in first corinthians 15 "The sting of death is sin and the power of sin comes from the Law." He later says; "Death where is your sting?" More that once now on this site I have seen dreams reveal or point to things in the scripture that in my opinion have not yet been fully revealed to us. It makes me think that God is trying to get us to recognize something. I personally believe we have the story a little messed up, and that it is important for us to understand what is really going on with a lot of what Paul and Jesus have said. We cant know where we are on the map if we not know where we are in relationship to our destination.

Mar 9:10 And they kept that saying with themselves, questioning one with another what the rising from the dead should mean.

I quote this because a main theme in 1 corinthians 15 is resurection which BTW Paul indicates that he hoped to attain it while he was alive(Phillipians 3)

I know we have been taught to be loyal to knowing certain things, but check this

The dryness in the Church is God trying to humble our minds. IMO.

Luk 24:45 Then He opened their [fn] minds to understand the Scriptures,

I believe that God us using our dreams to open our minds to understand the scripture.

Prophesy is more than telling the future. Paul says we know in part and prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes prophesy is done away with. Prophesy is revelation in the gap between knowing in part and knowing in full. It is the only way that I see that we move towards the restoration of all things.

Mat 17:11 And He answered and said, "Elijah is coming and will restore all things;

Normally I try to keep it short I just thought it might help some of you understand where I am coming from. I thought it also might help bring others into looking into these dreams for what has not yet been understood.
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Post by Nuachrest »

Taps, I have been thinking about what you said, and my first thought was..."Wot me??!!" re-Covenant rights etc

That old, "I can't" voice trying to rear its ugly head. So I did what I usually do. Rest, and ask God, what does He want me to do in this particular moment of time?

So He get me to 'forget about it, don't make it a big thing. Help your friend.'

So, I end up emailing an explanation of something else to a friend, who is trying to understand something. In the explanation, what flowed?

A practical explanation of 'how to' access your covenant rights. lol! So I will get onto that, and post as you suggest! Thanks for the nudge Taps! and the rest...I need to go over.

Will..., I think that you are onto something in part - forgive the pun.
At the moment I feel I have to kept quiet about it. Perhaps I only have it in seed form right now and need to meditate a bit more, before delivery? I dunno?

But God has been speaking to me about it, and I am just waiting for the time to speak. (the command from my Commander.) It came to me through another dream, and has many facets.
He confirmed the dream, with a discovery in Jerusalem in the international press before many witnesses. So I know it is Him.

It is an expansive word and is for the church as a whole. Cross denominations.

There is a restoring of something that you sense? I urge you to trust the scriptures, they are accurate. No scripture is for private interpretation... and trust God's restorers. I will write up the dream and what I have heard so far, when I get an opportunity.

Lord, I need my place to write! lol!

I could say a lot more, but first I will pray and wait.

Thanks for what you are trying to say Will.


PS Jen, that quote is sooo right. We can think that we are giving a gift and with wrong timing/delivery it can be a hand grenade! I hope to be a disciplined one.
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Post by will »

"if the salt looses it saltiness it is no good" To me this says controversy.
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Post by Taps »

Hey will....

You're amazing. I'm impressed with how well you see.
Why don't you search my name and then look a thread which I just checked is on the 3rd page of posts that come up under my name.. and read the thread of which I am the author... which says Oh Death where is your sting. And then read my Black Tiger dream.
I have edited my posts in the Black Tiger dream but you're on the right track with what you have posted.

Cheers... Taps
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Thoughts & Feedback

Post by Nuachrest »

Will you said,
More that once now on this site I have seen dreams reveal or point to things in the scripture that in my opinion have not yet been fully revealed to us. It makes me think that God is trying to get us to recognize something.
Through dreams and things that I have been sensing in my spirit, I feel the same way, as you do.
I believe God IS trying to get us to recognise something, and it is to be manifested in the here and now. NOT the sweet by and by as some would have us believe.

Hebrews 1:1-3
God’s Supreme Revelation
God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, ...etc etc

I understand that God can place things before us, but the unlocking may not necessarily take place until the time is right. His time. His kairos and our chronos. So when the time is right, we have, what we have come to term, 'a move of God'.
Yet it was already there, present in scripture, it is not new, it just IS. But it always, confirms and substantiates Himself.

Like when Peter recognised,
Acts 2:15-17 15

For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. 16 But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
17 ‘ And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams...etc etc

So the verses in Hebrews explain to us the PROCESS of what is actually happening, IN Peter's moment where they receive the Holy Spirit.

God has plans, [mysteria] that are not hidden FROM US, but HIDDEN WITHIN us, FOR us. And they are for such a time as this in His grand scheme of things.

Now these are just my thoughts...

I also believe that...'GOD HAS A DREAM'

Then I think to myself, 'Hold on, You are the Holy One of Israel, Who neither slumbers or sleeps.' But... You put Your dreams IN us.' The things that YOU want to come to pass in this earth.

(I always try to remember that we are also literally suits made of earth! That house our spirits.)

Dreamers and Seers are not a new phenomenon, but we are in line with scripture. The revelations we have received THROUGH dreams can and do, change the direction of the church, of nations, and of the world.

e.g. Joseph's dreams of stars and sheaves, Pharoah's dream, Joseph's dreams, [Jesus' stepdad - to take the baby to Egypt/to not dump Maryam] etc etc there are so many more dreams recorded in the Bible.

My point is, it is not some new, flakey phenomenon to be thrown out of church with the Baptismal bath water, so to speak.

Martin Luther King had a dream about segregation in USA

Then I think about and remember, all the seemingly impossible things that Christians receive, and then pray into, and the world changes. FOR THE BETTER!

Berlin Wall.
Fall of Communism.
World Wars - national days of prayer
Abolition of slavery.
Women's vote etc etc
Praying for the state of Israel

All these impossible things. Christians have prayed into, and prophets have prophesied. And they have come to pass. No different from the recorded times in the Bible.

I then question if, 'Dreamers/Seers' get/catch/receive the dream first in the earth? They then speak it out to the body, birthing it in the earth? Then the body ignites, and run with these revelations?

For me this brings to mind the process of God's word not returning to Him empty, without having first accomplished in the earth, that for which it has been sent.

All of the above are Just my thoughts Will.
I quote this because a main theme in 1 corinthians 15 is resurection which BTW Paul indicates that he hoped to attain it while he was alive(Phillipians 3)
Now that part of what you have touched on, makes my spirit leap inside of me. The Resurrection and resurrection power in the here and now.

I think of the whole of creation awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God.


In that dream, some of what I have been meditating on and interpreting is to do with AFTER the cross. The resurrection side of things. God is a builder, and yet He calls US restorers/repairers of the breach. In that dream He told me that the small red tiles, represented 'line upon line, precept upon precept.
After that dream, He led me to some practical examples of things, in order to get His point across to me, as you say...
I believe that God us using our dreams to open our minds to understand the scripture
I had that dream on 9th Feb this year. God had me fasting, meditating, and praying, as well as taking Communion every day during this period.

Some amazing things came out of the scriptures, re-communion and a restoration of things to the body. John 6
I am sure there is even more to unfold from this dream, as it is multi-faceted. Later on I was led to the local library and found myself picking up a few books.

One was titled, 'Listening to God'. Well, as I went to finish the last chapters, I got to page 160, where the author is describing how she went on a 'retreat' in 1978.

She says in her book;

'There I hid occasionally for 3 or 4 days and my prayer journal reminds me how rich and healing, how challenging and life-transforming these days have been.
The cross which hangs from the ceiling of this chapel is unique. On one side the artist has painted a picture of the crucified Christ. On the other he has painted a portrayal of the resurrected Lord.

I love to kneel at the foot of that cross and savour the mysteries of our salvation.

Usually, my concentration focuses on Christ's suffering and sacrifice.
One morning, after Communion, as I stayed in the chapel to pray, though, the Holy Spirit drew my attention to the living Lord.
What I 'heard' in the silence was not new factually. It was new experiencially. I revelled in the revelation, took my prayer journal to the bottom of the garden, sat on a log under the pine trees and tried to capture the wonder:

Lord, thank you. I feel as though I 've taken one delicious bite, the first of many, from an exotic fruit. I know that You are alive. It's as though I've never heard that message before. It is exhilarating; wonderful...You are alive. You are life. Your are my life...
Lord, I began to realise that for forty years, and particularly for the past four or so, I've contemplated Gethsemane and Calvary and Easter Saturday but I've never, in fact, identified with Easter Day. But that gap between Calvary and Pentecost leaves an inexplicable void. thank you that you've filled in the gap - placed in my hands the missing piece of the jig-saw. It's exciting...Oh! How much joy has yet to be entered into.'

Later on in her book, she talks about how she started up a group that 'listened to God' and experimented with different ways of listening. It made their ability to minister to one another blossom.

How amazing! What a confirmation of the dream? (As well as the news reports of the discovery of the ruins, and the fact that scholars were arguing about it in the reports I saw.)

Anyway, for me the image of what she saw, the duality of what she describes of what the artist did with that cross. I dreamed the same thing, in my own way.

Anyway, a habit I have in the mornings as I awake, is to listen. I always try to, before I get up. Well, I repeated out loud what I heard one morning.

I clearly heard, "I am the Resurrection and the life".
I thought/meditated on that for a while and realised something within my spirit.

I think my horse side of the picture in the dream is the triumphant side of the Resurrection. I think that the crown of thorns I focussed on to get there was connected with thinking/suffering etc.
Salvation, uniqueness etc its all in there. Even the ALIVE part of the painting. She saw what she saw in her meditation on retreat in 1978. I saw what I saw in my dream in 2010. We all see our personal, unique salvation through Him, yet it is one faith, one baptism, one Lord.

I found that a pretty neat confirmation from God.
Prophesy is revelation in the gap between knowing in part and knowing in full. It is the only way that I see that we move towards the restoration of all things.
Emphasis mine.

I do too will, like with Peter above. Still the same rock of revelation knowledge is being built upon...by God Himself.

I know this is a long response to your post, and at times I am probably vague because it is personal to 'me'. I had to wait to hear 'how' to respond, but I hope it helps, Will.
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Post by Nuachrest »

Shortly after the time of prayer, fasting and the above dream.... God resurrected something in me

Now, assuming that a vision is something you have when you're awake?... Also that it is something that literally takes place, not only symbolically...

He reminded of these, that I had already received from the Holy Spirit. I had them originally when I was awake, and the reminders came recently, when I was awake and prayerful....

Here goes...

On becoming born-again many years ago I only told the people I shared a house with about this, (for I trusted them) as I thought the traditional church I was in would see this as 'weird', and reject me. (Long story.)

As a new believer, only weeks old...Every time I opened my Bible to read it, I would hear..."thwack!" and see red blood splashed/splattered across the pages. The very first time it happened, it made me jump. That is how real it was. Then I got used to it.

This continued, until I could see it in only my mind's eye. (I've seen it for years) And now that I am reminded about it, I see it within, as an inner vision.

I had no knowledge, of the blood of Jesus or covenant, at the time, but boy did my Bible study increase! The first Communion I had, was at home ,and we only had a teacup to put the wine in.
I almost couldn't drink it at first, because for the first time I could literally 'SEE' the blood. (thicker than wine, viscous)
I worked out, that by moving the wine around the inside of the ‘off white’ coloured ceramic cup, I could really see more about the blood and wine connection. It looked like real blood but somehow, was not gruesome.

Can you see why I kept quiet, at the time? When asked if something was wrong, I tried to explain, but didn't have the right 'Christian speak.' I thought people would think I was nuts, or that I was trying to be super-spiritual.

At the same time as this was happening to this brand new baby Christian, so was the following, over and over again as with the blood.

During high praise and worship at church I could see packages. Beautiful, Brightly coloured, and tied with bows, littered across a dusty hill. (hot Mediterranean)
(I saw all of this with my eyes open, and when I would shut my eyes it would still be there too!)
They had been left at the foot of the cross and the hill was empty, so was the cross. No people.

I was excited at the packages, but saddened that they were unopened. (I do not think the packages are lost souls, who have not come to Jesus) They are gifts like brightly coloured birthday gifts, FOR the believers.

As I got used to seeing the above vision, this 2nd waking 'package' vision then appeared.

This time a Khaki coloured army truck. (like a wagon from an old western movie - only the back view)
Out of the back of it are hands and forearms giving out the packages from the previous 1st vision, and thousands of hands and forearms were receiving them. (a sea of them)
I never saw 'whole' people, just hands and forearms outstretched.

Somehow, I know and understand, that this is giving out of the Spirit INTO the people of the earth.

Time and time again I saw these things/images and they still have not left me to this day.

I feel led to add this testimony too, from that time of being newly saved.

Whilst in church... again during high praise and worship, I listened to the elderly lady next to me who was speaking in tongues. Later on I asked her, Why she sang the same thing over and over again in her ‘funny language’.
I then told her what it was, she was saying in her funny language. I told her In English. I told her how lovely it was. She looked at me shocked, and said that she believed I had interpreted her tongues. (Since then she has gone on to be with the Lord.)

I didn't think it was a big deal, but she did. To me it was just natural. Needless to say, her reaction, albeit warm, it scared the crap out of me, and I never have done that since!
Like I said, in those days in church you were considered a witch if you were not part of the inner circle, and 'seeing and hearing' the kind of things that I did! lol!
At least I can laugh about it now.

These things are real, they happened to me, and now the Holy Spirit is nudging me to connect it to this restoration topic.

I wrote these things down in my journal, I prayed over them, and I sealed them up as God told me to. Only now do I feel free to share about them.

Any thoughts?