Mom's Dream

Archives for 2010
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Mom's Dream

Post by latone1 »

Mom had a dream last night. The dream took place at her house and I was there. She said I was dressed up. She said there was an animal on the front porch. I opened the door and knelt down to pet the animal. My mother said that she was screaming and hollering for me not to let the animal in because she was scared. She said the animal looked like a lamb and a goat. She said goat because of the horns, which I guess coud be a ram, but she said other people said it was a coyote. She said I was rubbing its nose and I was not afraid. She said I kept telling that its okay and not to be afraid. The animal did not appear to be aggressive at all and was allowing me to rub his nose and pet him, but she was still afraid. I did not let "ram"in. I was leaving and she wanted me to go out the back door instead of the front because the ram was still on the porch. Then she woke up.
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Post by ForHisGlory »

I don't know if this is way off - but I since a ram and a lamb both represent Christ, and horns can represent the power of God, I was wondering if your mother is comfortable with your walk with the Lord - or even the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps as you get closer to HIM and more intimate (rubbing noses) she is concerned that you may be hurt, considered weird, go off to China or something crazy - just uncomfortable. Or is there a part of her that is uncomfortable, a little bit afraid of her own walk with the Lord - b/c sometimes our daughter can represent a part of our selves. Anyways - for your prayerful consideration. :?
