Attacked by a Monkey and a Wildcat.

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Attacked by a Monkey and a Wildcat.

Post by steadyone »

I woke up from this dream this morning. I believe the Lord is showing me Something.

Dream, June 21-2010

I was at some wild animal park with friends I went to mission school with In Africa. We were doing some kind of camping and just hanging out. We were in The visitor center and all of a sudden a Monkey came at me not the others just Me, the monkey jumped over the fence on top of me. I wrestled with it and the Others left they did not help me they blocked off the visitors center while I Was fighting with this money and this went on for hours I fought this wild Monkey. The monkey did not hurt me it was as if I knew how to handle this monkey That it could not hurt me then finally I was able to throw it over the Protective fence. Everyone asked if I was okay. Then a little while later a Wild cat jumped this protective fence and again it came right at me. Again Everyone did not help me they ran and I kept my hand over this wild cats Mouth and it seemed to have paralyzed it from causing any harm to me with its Paws, this battle of holding this wild cat went on for some time it was like Wrestling the thing but again I had the upper hand and I did not get hurt. With All my strength I was able to throw this wild cat over the fence. I was then With the girls and some of them wanted to barrow my clothes because they were Short of clothes and so I gave them my clothes and one girl got sick and threw Up on them. It was okay no big deal I just gave her my clothes..The girl who Threw up on my clothes threw up on my blue slippers. Then as we were sitting Around together talking one girl asked me about the battles with the wild Animals, so I began to share about these battles I had with the two animals, Then one girl from Africa said oh it was no big deal she had an animal come at Her one time but it left. I was like no you do not understand I wrestled with These animals for a long time and could have died.I felt as if no one understood The battles I endured to over come these attacks animals.

Any insight would be great.
Four Years
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Post by Four Years »

all these dreams are interesting.

are you a preacher or something?

what is it that you do that you would have so many attacks?
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Post by steadyone »

I have been a speaker at prophetic conferences, I also help teach mission school in Russia and the middle east. I have been apart of Heidi Bakers mission school, and have been a missionary there short term, and looking at going back to Sudan Africa.
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Post by bjcollin »


Let me start with a story, I have a cousin who went on a missionary journey to Mumbai India area last year. She would begin praying for people and some of them would begin to manifest demons that would imitate many different wild animals. Of course some would drop to the ground and slither like snakes, but there were a couple that had what she called monkey spirits that would manifest and act literally like wild monkeys jumping and clawing and scratching etc. She would have to cast these enemy spirits out of the people and then continue on praying for those who needed prayer for healing or for whatever they came up for prayer for.

To me the dream is showing that during your journeys you are encountering some of these same types of spiritual attacks from the local familiar spirits. They are coming over the fence (hedge of protection) that has been placed around you and attacking you. They cannot hurt you because you are protected by the blood of Jesus Christ. Once you realize this and throw them back out past the protective barrier they cannot come back against you. It is definately a spiritual battle, that is why you WRESTLE not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rullers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (ref Eph 6:12) but yet you are equipped and have armory for hand to hand combat and sword battles not for wrestling (ref Eph 6:10-17). Please note, the others who are watching you are not where you are at yet, they cannot help you in this fight as it is for each individual believer to fight their own fight at this level, but they are watching and learning and desiring to become able to get where you are at. Basically I see that they want what you have (clothing) and they want to be able to accomplish what you accomplish in the spiritual realm and they are learning to walk (blue slippers). You need to teach them, not give it to them. They need to work on thier own walk with the Lord. Yes they need it, but they have to want it for themselves just as you had to get to where you are at today as well. Hope this helps.

in Christ,
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Post by steadyone »

Yes I agree. I have seen these spirits in Africa so know them well. I just thought this dream was interesting.

yes I believe these precious people need to walk their walk.

Thanks again brother and may the Lord increase the anointing in you.
