Warfare in my dream and blood moving across the Map of US...

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Warfare in my dream and blood moving across the Map of US...

Post by clare777 »

Last night I dreamed...but not seeing anything...but was in heavy warfare in my mind.... :roll: NOt sure what it was for...but it was heavy in my mind...
Then after the warfare....which by the way..in my sleep, I was also using "my Keys" to unlock doors in the heavenlies that have been closed along with binding and loosing and pleading the blood of Jesus . Just not sure for who or what...then, I had this vision....

It was the map of the United States and I saw blood or something moving across the map and covering it...it was going from West to East...I paid attention to the most was that it was slowly covering the states...
ANy thoughts...??? I read the post "Planet Earth on Fire", but this was the United States and it was red blood and not fire...
Anyways, thanks and many blessings to you all in Christ,
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Post by moonglow »

I have some thoughts on this but want to look up some scriptures and I am way too tired to do it tonight though...plus I want some time to tihink about it and pray on it also. This dream is ringing bells for me anyway. Get back to you tomorrow on it. :)

God bless
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Re: Warfare in my dream and blood moving across the Map of U

Post by Bat Yah »

clare777 wrote:Last night I dreamed...but not seeing anything...but was in heavy warfare in my mind.... :roll: NOt sure what it was for...but it was heavy in my mind...
Then after the warfare....which by the way..in my sleep, I was also using "my Keys" to unlock doors in the heavenlies that have been closed along with binding and loosing and pleading the blood of Jesus . Just not sure for who or what...then, I had this vision....

It was the map of the United States and I saw blood or something moving across the map and covering it...it was going from West to East...I paid attention to the most was that it was slowly covering the states...
ANy thoughts...??? I read the post "Planet Earth on Fire", but this was the United States and it was red blood and not fire...
Anyways, thanks and many blessings to you all in Christ,
Shalom Clarissa,

i am going to be praying about your dream. It seems to 'line up' with the dreams i've been having.

May Yahweh pour out His wisdom upon us and give us understanding. So be it.

In Messiah Yahshua,
Bat Yah
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Re: Warfare in my dream and blood moving across the Map of U

Post by starlight »

[Blessings to you Clara,

I do not know if this fits the meaning of your dream, but the following verse came to mind:

The first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with *blood* and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of the trees was burnt up and all green grass was burnt up. (Rev. 8:7)

Praying the Holy Spirit will reveal more to you and bless the interpretors of this dream.

Love in Christ,
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Re: Warfare in my dream and blood moving across the Map of U

Post by moonglow »

clare777 wrote:Last night I dreamed...but not seeing anything...but was in heavy warfare in my mind.... :roll: NOt sure what it was for...but it was heavy in my mind...
Question...this heaviness you felt...was it affecting you physically also as if you could not move if you wanted too? As if you were bound up in some way? Just wondering.

Then after the warfare....which by the way..in my sleep, I was also using "my Keys" to unlock doors in the heavenlies that have been closed along with binding and loosing and pleading the blood of Jesus . Just not sure for who or what...then, I had this vision....
Well we know Jesus gives us the key to the Kingdom of Heaven and said to Peter:

Matthew 16:18-20

18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

I did a search in the NT on Key and this was the first verse that came up which really struck me as important...well of course all scripture is important, but I mean in relationship to this dream:

Luke 11:52
“What sorrow awaits you experts in religious law! For you remove the key to knowledge from the people. You don’t enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering.”

From Adam Clark bible commentary (sorry this is long but truly worth the read to fully understand your dream)

Verse 19. The keys of the kingdom
By the kingdom of heaven, we may consider the true Church, that house of God, to be meant; and by the keys, the power of admitting into that house, or of preventing any improper person from coming in. In other words, the doctrine of salvation, and the full declaration of the way in which God will save sinners; and who they are that shall be finally excluded from heaven; and on what account. When the Jews made a man a doctor of the law, they put into his hand the key of the closet in the temple where the sacred books were kept, and also tablets to write upon; signifying, by this, that they gave him authority to teach, and to explain the Scriptures to the people.-Martin.

This prophetic declaration of our Lord was literally fulfilled to Peter, as he was made the first instrument of opening, i.e. preaching the doctrines of the kingdom of heaven to the Jews, Acts 2:41; and to the Gentiles, Acts 10:44-47;; 11:1;; 15:7.

Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth

This mode of expression was frequent among the Jews: they considered that every thing that was done upon earth, according to the order of God, was at the same time done in heaven: hence they were accustomed to say, that when the priest, on the day of atonement, offered the two goats upon earth, the same were offered in heaven.

As one goat therefore is permitted to escape on earth, one is permitted to escape in heaven; and when the priests cast the lots on earth, the priest also casts the lots in heaven. See Sohar. Lev. fol. 26; and see Lightfoot and Schoettgen. These words will receive considerable light from Leviticus 13:3,23: The priest shall look upon him (the leper) and pronounce him unclean. Hebrew vetime otho, he shall pollute him, i.e. shall declare him polluted, from the evidences mentioned before. And in Leviticus 13:23: The priest shall pronounce him clean, vetiharo hacohen, the priest shall cleanse him, i.e. declare he is clean, from the evidences mentioned in the verse.

In the one case the priest declared the person infected with the leprosy, and unfit for civil society; and, in the other, that the suspected person was clean, and might safely associate with his fellows in civil or religious assemblies. The disciples of our Lord, from having the keys, i.e. the true knowledge of the doctrine of the kingdom of heaven, should be able at all times to distinguish between the clean and the unclean, and pronounce infallible judgment; and this binding and loosing, or pronouncing fit or unfit for fellowship with the members of Christ, being always according to the doctrine of the Gospel of God, should be considered as proceeding immediately from heaven, and consequently as Divinely ratified.

That binding and loosing were terms in frequent use among the Jews, and that they meant bidding and forbidding, granting and refusing, declaring lawful or unlawful, having given numerous instances, thus concludes:-

"To these may be added, if need were, the frequent (shall I say?) or infinite use of the phrases, bound and loosed, which we meet with thousands of times over. But from these allegations the reader sees, abundantly enough, both the frequency and the common use of this phrase, and the sense of it also; namely, first, that it is used in doctrine, and in judgments, concerning things allowed or not allowed in the law. Secondly, that to bind is the same with, to forbid, or to declare forbidden. To think that Christ, when he used the common phrase, was not understood by his hearers in the common and vulgar sense, shall I call it a matter of laughter, or of madness?

To this, therefore, do these words amount: When the time was come wherein the Mosaic law, as to some part of it, was to be abolished, and left off, and, as to another part of it, was to be continued and to last for ever, he granted Peter here, and to the rest of the apostles, Matthew 18:18, a power to abolish or confirm what they thought good, and as they thought good; being taught this, and led by the Holy Spirit: as if he should say, Whatsoever ye shall bind in the law of Moses, that is, forbid, it shall be forbidden, the Divine authority confirming it; and whatsoever ye shall loose, that is, permit, or shall teach that it is permitted and lawful, shall be lawful and permitted.

Hence they bound, that is forbade, circumcision to the believers; eating of things offered to idols, of things strangled, and of blood, for a time, to the Gentiles; and that which they bound on earth was confirmed in heaven. They loosed, that is, allowed purification to Paul, and to four other brethren, for the shunning of scandal; Acts 21:24 and, in a word, by these words of Christ it was committed to them, the Holy Spirit directing, that they should make decrees concerning religion, as to the use or rejection of Mosaic rites and judgments, and that either for a time, or for ever.

"Let the words be applied by way of paraphrase to the matter that was transacted at present with Peter: 'I am about to build a Gentile Church,' saith Christ, and to thee, O Peter, do I give the keys of the kingdom of heaven, that thou mayest first open the door of faith to them; but if thou askest by what rule that Church is to be governed, when the Mosaic rule may seem so improper for it, thou shalt be so guided by the Holy Spirit, that whatsoever of the law of Moses thou shalt forbid them shall be forbidden; whatsoever thou grantest them shall be granted; and that under a sanction made in heaven.' Hence, in that instant, when he should use his keys, that is, when he was now ready to open the gate of the Gospel to the Gentiles, Acts 10, he was taught from heaven that the consorting of the Jew with the Gentile, which before had been bound, was now loosed; and the eating of any creature convenient for food was now loosed, which before had been bound; and he in like manner looses both these.

more on the rest of your dream later...its the weekend and I have to share the computer with my son...;)

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Post by moonglow »

It was the map of the United States and I saw blood or something moving across the map and covering it...it was going from West to East...I paid attention to the most was that it was slowly covering the states...
ANy thoughts...??? I read the post "Planet Earth on Fire", but this was the United States and it was red blood and not fire...
Anyways, thanks and many blessings to you all in Christ,
Fire in the bible can have board meanings anyway...I agree that this is different...its focused on one place on earth and not the entire earth...and its blood. While the blood of Christ is cleansing this sounds like something else going on...the reason I say this is because the blood moves from the West to the East...where as Jesus says:Matthew 24:27
For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

This backward movement I see as a big red flag! Its against what Christ is.

In literal terms some new ideas or new laws start on one coast and spread across the US. Many times they start in the east and spread westward ...usually they get new technologies first that comes from over seas and the rest of us have to catch up with that as the product spreads across the US. Some new ideas, fads, new laws, etc, start on the west coast like in California and spread eastwards across the US.

Blood in the bible usually has a good meaning for us Christians though....but it can mean judgement also...and since you felt you were spiritual warfare at the start of this, I am not looking for a positive meaning here.

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Found 13 were 13 entries matching: blood

There were 13 entries that matched your search word. Please choose from the following list grouped according to accuracy.

Entries that exactly match blood:

Blood and water
Blood, avenger of
Blood, issue of

Entries containing blood:

Bloody flux
Bloody sweat
Flesh and blood
Issue (of blood)

I cannot post a link to this site yet because I don't have enough posts yet, but if you type in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia in your address bar you can find it and check on what is listed and see what you think fits your dream. I know some people look for a huge revival to happen in the world before Christ returns but I just don't see that in the bible as happening. In fact the bible warns us of a great falling away from faith before Christ returns.

2 Thessalonians 2
The Great Apostasy
1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Do we not already see acceptance of what is evil as being good spreading throughout the land? For instance since abortion became legal...a great number of Christian women have had abortions. Once the government says something is ok....even if it goes against the bible, in people's mind since the government put its stamp of approval on it, it becomes ok. Many Christian women are driven to have abortions out of fear of their sexual activity being discovered in the church when they are not married...or their husbands force them too because they cannot afford another child...there are as many reason as to why they have abortions as their are people. And its not just abortion. Once no fault divorce became accepted the Christian marriage is no safer then any other...in fact some say the divorce rate is higher among Christians. I could write a very long list of what has 'spread' across the US already as being acceptable which goes directly against the Word of God. :(

Isa 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

I fear judgment is coming is what I think...I see alot of warnings of judgment dreams on here and I think they are all connected. I think we all need to be in deep prayer on this.

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Post by discerning »

Moving east could symbolize moving towards the sunrise- to new birth, God-entering a time of new beginning
I saw blood or something moving across the map and covering it...it was going from West to East...I paid attention to the most was that it was slowly covering the states...
Just something to chew on...


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Post by eagle »

I believe this is a prophetic vision regarding the Grace the Lord has extended to the U.S. . This eve is Yom Kippur Day of Atonement and this may be signifying we are in that season based on the Jewish Calendar. Basically I guess you can say that the Lord is showing His Grace upon us this season and it is starting now. There is a scripture goes something like as far as the east to the west so shall I cover or wash away your sins. Sorry I may be mixing two different scriptures here a bit on the tired side and have a slight headache. :( , but you get what I mean. I also get that your intercession has something to do with it. I just believe strongly it is the season we are in regarding Grace, Mercy and Atonement.
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Post by KarenLew »


Your dream that you posted is the first time I've read someone elses dream that matched one of mine. I had, not the exact dream, but very similar. It's bothered me for a long time. Mine was similar, I was looking out a window and I saw warfare going on and behind me I found a map, when I opened it up I could see blood moving from coast to coast and also from the coasts inward. When I woke up I knew without a doubt it was a judgment on the U.S., I don't know if you felt that or not but it very clear to me that it was something to come. I feel very heavy for the United States right now and don't really know how to pray for her.

Your dream is a confirmation for me that it is a promise of God's to come.
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Re: Warfare in my dream and blood moving across the Map of U

Post by christianfireman »

clare777 wrote:Last night I dreamed...but was in heavy warfare in my mind....
What does "... was heavy in warfare in my mind" mean? (if it's a personal matter, please dismiss my question).
Then .... I was also using "my Keys" to unlock doors in the heavenlies that have been closed along with binding and loosing and pleading the blood of Jesus.

It was the map of the United States and I saw blood or something moving across the map and covering it...it was going from West to East...I paid attention to the most was that it was slowly covering the states...
I guess by keys you probably mean just "simple ordinary graces", as the biblical keys of Matthew 16 were given solely to Peter.

Therefore, it seems that God might have graced you with the image of blood covering the US as possibly representing the overwhelming sin of our nation - which now covers it completely from "West to East."

And likely included in that sin is the "blood of the innocents" ... those of the aborted babies.


That God's chastisements against our nation and the world might be abated (if that is even possible at this point), or at least be lessened somewhat.

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Post by lynnjl83 »


I'm still new at this so please bear with me.
I believe that this is a good dream. The Keys mentioned in your dream reminded me of prayer and fasting that has been going on for the US, and that it has opened up the heavenlies.
Also the blood moving from west to east reminds me of alot of prophecies about the move of God starting in California. The blood reminds me of the grace of God and his protection. I immediately think of the Jesus movement that happened in 1967 in San Francisco. Here is a link for the jesus movement and another for the prophecies about America.


If this doesn't bear witness, disregard. God bless
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Post by lynnjl83 »

I was just on god.tv and I came across this article about the west coast (california), and I wanted to share it.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God in all its righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Matt. 6:33
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Post by clare777 »

Thanks Lynn...LOL..I wish I could fast so to speak..but some of us is pregnant..so we cant..but yes, there are other things we can fast from..LOL...

Will be praying about this....I do believe about the Revival that is coming to America....and Azuza..(I think of Smith Wigglesworth... :roll: )...and the revival that had happended during that time also...and the anointing of the Holy Spirit..Very powerful..
But we must remember..before Revival there is repentence...Repentence must come first....
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Post by Redeemed »

lynnjl83 wrote:I was just on god.tv and I came across this article about the west coast (california), and I wanted to share it.


As I was reading these, one prophecy that the Lord gave to me during my prayer time comes to mind. If this does not bare witness; disregard.

As the rain falls, I will pour my spirit out upon you. You will be engulfed with flames of fire that won't be able to be put out. You will burn for my Glory! Glory that is due my name; to the one who sits on His throne. To receive this outpouring of my spirit you must do as my word says. Seek my Kingdom first in everything and with your whole heart. Do not be lazy in seeking my Kingdom, but be diligent and continue steadfastly. I am going to do a new thing among you. Be ready! Prepare yourself through fasting and prayer. You will see my Glory! When it falls among you; you will know that it is I who has come into your midst. Do not be afraid, but receive of my spirit and go forth in my name. Do those things that my Son has already done and give me the Glory. For through these miracles my children will come to me. They will believe that I sent my Son to give them life. They will be glad and rejoice, knowing that the God of Heaven has chosen them to partake in the inheritance that is available to them through my Son. I am ready. Are you? This is your hour. Get ready says the Lord.