Elderly in Dirty Bathroom with Missing Toilets / Train Ride

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Elderly in Dirty Bathroom with Missing Toilets / Train Ride

Post by servant »

Hi all, I feel this dream is significant, any help is greatly appreciated. Just had it.

My dh sent my dd and me to go on a train ride. But we needed to use the bathroom first (urinate). The bathroom was huge, but there didn't seem to be any stalls, just rows and rows of toilets (or where they should have been). Some rows had toilet seats, but no toilets, and everything was nasty dirty.

As I was looking for a toilet I could "hover" over, several elderly people came in and sat on the seats without toilets. They seemed like they were just going to hang out there. They were the elderly people who have caused us all the trouble at church and got my dh asked to leave (he was the minister). (We are still waiting to hear on a job for him.)

I was a little embarrassed, but I finally found a dirty toilet to hover over and pee. Then my dd and I walked across a short distance to the train station. On the way I was considering which route to take on the train, as some had some very scary terrain, like huge chasms to go over, etc. The end.

What could a seat without a toilet represent? Dirty bathroom? No stallls? Thank you for any assistance!

Blessings to you,
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Post by imavessel »

A seat without a toilet would be like no place to go . . .

You having difficulty finding one that isn't too dirty/nasty-

Maybe means that you guys are truly having difficulty finding (now) a place to go-

In the dream, the elderly folks came in and kinda took up camp--

As if they intended to just stay, hang-out whatever.

What you voiced is that sometihing like this happened irl-

At this point irl I am guessing you do not know where you are going, but know you are set for some sort of journey--

whether it be personally or him for a new job, something.

Thus, you see different routes (possibilities) but are not sure which one you should take.

As you look out, already knowing, there are some that seem a little more risky than others . . .
God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)
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Post by servant »

imavessel: Thank you! You are right. We still don't know where we are going. We totally want to go somewhere, but it has not been determined yet. At this point it looks like two choices, but only if the one job comes through here (we have postponed moving for 2 weeks already to find out). If it doesn't, we will be going to San Antonio to live with his brother's family, and that still doesn't tell us where we will be long-term.

I probably shouldn't be concerned about the caustic people that manipulated the elders into asking my dh to leave (because I am thankful to be leaving), but it seems interesting that they would sit at seats without toilets underneath. I was thinking maybe they are always repenting (in the bathroom), but never really getting rid of their sins (not on a toilet). They don't forgive others and this is why no one goes forward at their congregation to ask forgiveness or be prayed for, because everyone will look down on you and talk about you behind your back and never trust you, etc. The group also thinks that if you sin and don't have a chance to pray "forgive me of my sins..." that you are lost to hell. Like you are in and out of grace, and accidental or unknown sin will condemn you to hell if you die before repenting. Maybe this could be signified by the fact that they are always in a place where they could repent - rid themselves of their refuse - but their hearts aren't truly where they need to be. They are judgmental toward everyone and constantly looking for specks in everyone else's eyes. And when they do repent, it's just "forgive us our sins", in every prayer.

Sorry to ramble, but trying to get the picture across. I have struggled with forgiving these people and have a hard time being around them. I have prayed forgiving them several times and I am finding it a little easier, but I realized recently that it's ok not to "like" them. I love them and don't want any of the sins they sinned against us to be held against them or keep them from heaven.

Thanks for the help! It makes much more sense to me now. Except for those people being there...

Bless you, imavessel!