Pregnant with a church?

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Pregnant with a church?

Post by RevK »

Was pregnant with the church I go to. Don't know how or when it happened. Our church is very small right now and only three years old. I went into labor and the pains were severe. It seemed they were unable to give me pain medication for the awful pain. After the birth, I asked if I could hold it (I think in the dream I knew the baby wasn't mine and I had to give it up), and I was told no it wasn't mine. :?: :?: :?:

Thank you for reading!

I got this speaking with a friend of mine:

I was pregnant with pastors' church, and i went into hard labor
and they wouldn't give me medicine. Had the needles and all were ready. nadda nothing. When it was born I asked if I could hold it
and they told me no it wasn't mine. It was sooooo real,whats up with that? Im still reelin, I had a baby church,it was a church not a baby. Duh?

Wow!!!!!!!!! Male baby?

Ya a church,,,,,

Maybe the Lord is preparing you to go into an all ready ministry...and no it's not yours, it's his. Pain and labor without're to feel the birthing in full force

A baby shaped like a church?

Whyyyyyyyy me??!!!!!!!

Why not you?
that's exactly what alot of God's generals asked Him

I'm not exactly a general

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Post by bjcollin »

Ouch that would hurt to give birth to a church like that! hehehe j/k

I might point out that No pastor owns their church, the church ultimately belongs to the Lord and we as pastors are merely servants and shepherds to those whom the Lord entrusts to send to us.

Also the Bible verses come to mind 1 Cor 3:5-9
5 What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. 6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. 9 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

in Christ,
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Post by jeff »

I might point out that No pastor owns their church, the church ultimately belongs to the Lord and we as pastors are merely servants and shepherds to those whom the Lord entrusts to send to us.
How very true!
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Post by ditte3 »

Hi :)
This bible verse came into my mind:

"My little children,of whom I travail in birth until Christ be formed in you..."(Galatians4,19.)
In my Hungarian translation it is written something like:giving birth in pain.But it means the same.Travailing and giving birth in pain.I just tell you,because you write about the pain.
Please ask the Lord about it.
God bless you.
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Post by charlie »

ditte3 wrote:Hi :)

"My little children,of whom I travail in birth until Christ be formed in you..."(Galatians4,19.)
Echoing this verse...and also what our dear pastors have said.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by RevK »

Please read what Elijah List has to say, I read it this morning and thought it would be ok if I posted it. I take no credit for this, and give theirs for reference....

:s22: :s22: :s22:

Bill Yount: In a Vision, I Saw a "Spiritual Sonogram" of a Very Pregnant Church!
by Bill Yount
Nov 20, 2010

I saw in the Spirit a "spiritual sonogram" of a very pregnant church. When there's a pregnancy you can take a sonogram to see how the pregnancy is coming along. As I was watching this pregnancy come into its final stages, complications were developing. There was great pressure with extended labor pains and frustration in many churches.

A Sonogram Will Show You How Many Babies You Are Going to Have!

The reason why many churches are having a difficult pregnancy in giving birth to what God wants to bring forth is because – there are "TWO IN THE WOMB!" The reason they feel so restricted is because a "DOUBLE BIRTH" is taking place! The Lord is about to give them double for their trouble!

An Unexpected "Double" Answer to Prayer for a Great Harvest!

I sense in the Spirit that many churches have been praying and crying out for a great harvest and unknowingly have conceived in their "spiritual wombs" more than one seed for more than one birth to advance God's Kingdom. I sense this is a season of "double portion or blessing" – "giving birth to twins" for many churches.

Many leaders may fail to see God's bigger picture. There may be double births taking place in one church. Some will think it's the enemy trying to divide their "vision" of reaching the Harvest, but it's actually God's multiplication system being punched in to "bless" churches with more of His greater vision to reach the lost by birthing more than one vision in a church.

"There is a Kingdom that scatters and yet increases."

Sometimes Two Church From One

Don't be surprised to see the Lord birth two churches out of one in some congregations. This may look on the surface like division or a "church split." Some may even feel like they are being pushed out of a church through unpleasant, complicated circumstances – but this often is a normal part of the Divine birthing process, for some would never leave the womb without God's "ways and means committee." Many times this is God's way of planting churches to fulfill His plans more effectively.

Many of God's people see a church as rejecting them and pushing them out instead of realizing that that church is actually giving them birth. It's important to realize that the church you came out of became your "spiritual mother" who birthed you. "Honor her all the days of your life." Leave a blessing behind you. Some "spiritual fathers" who have founded churches and later have had to watch many in their congregations seemingly desert them – fail to see with God's perspective. These "spiritual fathers" have actually been used to mature their flock enough for them to leave the nest to fulfill their call in a different place.

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.—Ecclesiastes 11:5-6

Twin Purposes

Some churches may have "Twin Purposes" inside of them. Similar purposes but different enough that there is the need and necessity for a godly separation to let them both live. In the natural, twins are looked upon as a blessing, although we know they will need TLC – tender loving care! As in the natural as well as in the Spirit, it is not wrong to have twins; they are a double blessing.

It's interesting that verse five in Ecclesiastes 11 (above) talks about the womb and pregnancy and verse six talks about the sowing of seed for a harvest. These seem to go together in God's Kingdom.

So is your church having trouble or is it having labor pains?

Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministries

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Birth to A Church Dream

Post by forHispurpose »

Wow, this dream has all kinds of possibilities, Rev K. Have you been laboring/travailing before the lord for the church your pastor is steward over. Are you an intercessor that the Lord has risen up for the church you attend or for the entire Body of Christ? It may be you and your church or intercessors, (in general), that have been given the burden for the church to be delivered out of the hands of the enemy and back into the hands of the Lord. The church belongs to the Lord, all of them, although some ministers can get kind of possessive. :D In Revelations the church is depicted as a woman. Are you being called into the "deliverance" ministry? This is one area where the church is delivered but does not personally belong to the deliverance minister. Or, (finally), you could be a "spiritual" mother in the church and yet not be overseer to the church. The "spiritual" mothers spend much time in travail and there is no medicine because to have this gift they are usually experienced beyond others and they just expect you to bear fruit all of the time. Hope this helps or at least adds to the other interps so that Holy Spirit can unveil what He has for you to understand. A "live birth,' (in the Lord0, is a good thing regardless of the pain. May you have help from on High, (if this is you, personally), in enduring, bringing forth, and, dealing with possible lack of 'expressed' appreciation. Perhaps it is a "gift" you are painfully bringing forth that will "deliver" the church at home and abroad.
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Post by RevK »

Wow, this dream has all kinds of possibilities, Rev K. Have you been laboring/travailing before the lord for the church your pastor is steward over. YES!

Are you an intercessor that the Lord has risen up for the church you attend or for the entire Body of Christ? YES!

Are you being called into the "deliverance" ministry? This is one area where the church is delivered but does not personally belong to the deliverance minister. I was raised in a deliverance ministry, and kinda shied away from it, because, well long story.

Or, (finally), you could be a "spiritual" mother in the church and yet not be overseer to the church. YES, a few months back the pastor said I was just that.

The "spiritual" mothers spend much time in travail and there is no medicine because to have this gift they are usually experienced beyond others and they just expect you to bear fruit all of the time. And I do!

Hope this helps or at least adds to the other interps so that Holy Spirit can unveil what He has for you to understand. A "live birth,' (in the Lord0, is a good thing regardless of the pain. May you have help from on High, (if this is you, personally), in enduring, bringing forth, and, dealing with possible lack of 'expressed' appreciation. Perhaps it is a "gift" you are painfully bringing forth that will "deliver" the church at home and abroad.

Indeed, it is me. And I have endured much pain, not much appreciation and have walked alone with this for years. Whatever God is allowing me to bring forth, I just want to know I am in His Will and not bringing forth an Ishmael.

Thank you, Thank you all for your comments! :lol: