lifestyle running and the woman with horn-rimmed glasses

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lifestyle running and the woman with horn-rimmed glasses

Post by charlie »

HI folks...

I was running down a city street headed home. I was wearing casual clothing and very specifically my most comfortable pair of winter ankle boots which are frankly quite old and worn now! I was just loving running and was surprised at how effortless it seemed in spite of the boots/clothing.

Then I noticed that a group of club runners (about 5 or 6 of them)were at my shoulder in proper running gear and very tired and sweaty. I chatted to the woman next to me and then we pulled up at a cafe where the group obviously finished their run with a drink and a chat.

I asked this woman how far they usually ran and she said "oh it varies...between 9 and 15 miles a day-how about you?" I laughed and said "oh sometimes just 50metres others times longer-it depends what I am doing...running for a bus, running a couple of blocks home...I just try to integrate running into my daily routine as part of lifestyle rather than a separate activity.". She shrugged.

Then I left her and carried on running. It seemed to be dusk and there were quite a few people around. As I ran down this pedestrian walk I heard a gun shot and I turned to see a woman and a man behind me. The woman seemed to be in charge and the man had a plastic looking blue machine gun.

I ran on ducking and dodging to avoid being hit and came upon a large group of people (I think students) outside a large may have been a university had that kind of feel. The woman and the man came and I dived on the floor hiding behind these young people...then I realised that I was being cowardly and putting others lives at risk and felt guilty. The gunman was firing randomly into the crowd.

The woman stood at the front of the group of students and said "we want *charlie* and we are not leaving until we have her." I then noticed one of my daughters was near me (my eldest daughter) and she said "Look at my little boy Mum...he's over there and he is the spit of me!" (IRL she is 13 years old). I couldn't see her little boy but stood up and made my way to the front where the woman and gunman were standing.

I asked her if she would answer some questions which she agreed to but she told me I had to hand over my mobile phone. I took it out of my pocket but rather than give it to her I threw it into the group of students. She was irked by this but said nothing. close up I saw that she was a woman perhaps in her later 40's early 50's, very groomed and attractive, green eyes with brown horn rimmed type spectacles. I asked her if she really felt that what she was doing was going to solve the problem she had and asked her if she had no faith in democracy.

Though I had the feel that I was gong to ask more questions and then the gunman was gong to make an example of me by shooting me the dream ended here.

discernment/revelation/understanding/wisdom...tentative thoughts...all welcome!

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by MJ »


This is what I received from your dream:

The running signifies running or walking in the Spirit. It seems you have a casual, relaxed spirit and follow the Spirit as you feel inspired to do so. The dedicated runners who run the distance are focused and seem outwardly to have their technique and form down perfectly, but somehow lack the warmth and caring of other people. She shrugged when you spoke to her and didn't seem to have time for you. These people remind me of what the Bible says having the form of godliness but lacking the power thereof. 2 Tim. 3:5 It is as if the Spirit of God is telling you not to 'run' with these people.

Now you are running among people and around buildings. This, to me, indicates what the Christian walk is all about. It involves different people, places, and situations which we touch and affect---even if we are totally unaware of doing so.

You have made the couple mad and you don't even know who they are. They think they have a real weapon but only hold a plastic gun. This speaks to me of a spirit of intimidation. They represent people who don't care who they hurt and don't care how their actions affect others. They 'point blame' at innocent people (thus, the gun) and want people to suffer. (Hurt people, hurt (other) people.)

Now you are trying to talk to her----you are trying to get to the root of the problem. This shows that you are a mature, responsible person. Rather than answer the questions, the woman wants you to hand over your mobile phone. This tells me she does not want you to call for help. Her power over you is broken when you call upon the Name of the Lord. You know that you will not allow her the power she is asking for and this disables her.

Now you are looking at her and can distinguish all her features---you see her spirit. Outwardly she is attractive so this tells me the world lets her have her way when she deals with other people. She is a Jezebel who controls men (the man who lurks behind her saying nothing) and wants to control young people so she can influence them. The fact that you have your daughter in your dream speaks of the power of the generational blessing you have in your family. This Jezebel seems to want to attack your family.

The woman says she has "no faith in democracy". This tells me she is hurting people randomly and intentionally because she has lost hope and has no faith to believe that there is a just and fair God who will judge righteously for her. She has taken things into her own hands and will now do as she sees fit.

The feeling I had was that this dream was about a Jezebel spirit (controlling spirit). Are you involved in a church, Bible study group, or a setting where a controlling spirit is manifesting itself? (The Jezebel spirit can be in a man or woman.)

Continue to pray about this dream---it seems to be warning you of a spiritual battle ahead.

Hope this witnesses with your spirit.

Blessings to you~

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by charlie »

MJ...thanks so much for that! A lot of good insights to consider...

You are right about the intimidation element...I am seeing that more clearly now...yes issues around control clearly...i felt that throwing the mobile phone into the crowd of students had to do with giving them a them agency...a mobile phone is a means of communication and yes also a means of crying out for help/revelation/discernment/wisdom...the 333 call!:

Jeremiah 33:3

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

I refused her request to remove this agency had to be passed on to those who needed it...

I think the runner at the beginning of the dream and the woman at the end both represented something which is a common theme...high functioning, disciplined legalism...this intimidates and can even awe folk who have never seen grace operate in all its beauty and simplicity and wonder....I run and do not grow weary because Abba provides by His Spirit as I have need...not that I eschew discipline (quite the opposite...I tame it as by nature I have falled foul of its lure in the past and like Paul could say...a pharisee of pharisees was I!!!) but the discipline of the spirit is of a higher order in that it does not intimidate or displace people who are hungry for Abba's grace in their lives...

I am interested in your thoughts re Jezebel...I essentially see this as a major and ongoing battle in many arena's (and you are so right to point out that this is not just the territory of women..end that witch hunt right now...In Jesus name..and for his greater glory!)...Its essentially a battle for control and domination by any means ...the means justifies the end is its is lawless, intimidatory, fond of weapons, fond of the fear of others in subjection to it...i battle this spirit at work in our world on a daily is enormously pervasive...our children are so easily infected with it if we fail to feed them with the honey of the word ad the spirit...yes...i have a son who i believe is through weaknesses in his make-up and maybe other environmental reasons quite susceptible to this spirit of domination and control at any cost...I AM BEGGING ABBA TO OPEN HIS EYES TO THE JOY AND PEACE WHICH IS FOUND IN REPENTANCE AND THE RECEIVING OF ABBA'S GRACE...The temptation is to fight with the same weapons as those who come against us in this area...but this is not the way to overcome...we must remain unmoved and unafraid... reflecting back trust and faith and hope when we are dominated by projections of their fear, anxiety and hopelessnes...

Thank you for your insights...I need your prayers to see with eyes of hope and even better faith....amen

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by MJ »


I agree with you that the Jezebel spirit is found in many arenas. It seems the Lord allows us to encounter this spirit and learn to deal with them when we need to deal with fear/s in our own lives---this intimidating spirit just seems to sniff out all a person's weak areas.

I've learned that when this spirit wants to gain access to me or try to control me it usually is from a root of jealousy. I do believe Jezebel spirits are jealous of intuitive, sensitive types of people, especially if they walk closely with the Lord and are gifted in the prophetic areas.

The real Jezebel in I & II Kings kills many prophets and surrounds herself with false prophets. That spirit still tries to overcome anointed people. Sad that spirit is allowed to create so many problems everywhere. Often it is excused, "Oh, it's just so-and-so's personality."

God hears your prayers for your son. It is wonderful that he has a praying mom.

God bless you,

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3