Spirit Lady

Archives for 2010
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Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:01 am

Spirit Lady

Post by servant_II »

Have been away from this board for awhile. Good to be back! :D

I had a friend who had a dream the other night I need some help with. This one stumped me for many reasons. Any insight would be helpful. I will copy and past the dream just as he sent it. Grace and peace!

In the dream, I felt a very powerful, what I would call “spiritual” feeling starting in my neck and moving through my body. It was very powerful and I was aware that there was a presence there with me. Slowly, a form of a woman with long hair appeared but she was not physical as a normal human body, but rather was more like a spirit or ghostly manifestation. She told me that she was a researcher and that she and her team had figured out a way to transmute their consciousness outside of their own body and this was the way she was appearing to me. She asked me if I wanted to be a part of the experiments that they were conducting. I told her I did and she said they wanted to transmute my consciousness back to that of a four year old boy. She told me that I would not experience the four year old state as my current self in a four year old body, but rather I would experience it as an authentic four year old consciousness. I agreed and she started the experiment. The next thing I knew, I was back with the woman and could not remember anything concrete. The only thing I could remember were images and pictures in my mind. She told me that they were able to ask me many questions and learn many things from the experiment. It was extremely powerful. Then I woke up. After I woke up, I took a shower and in the shower I felt a very powerful feeling, just like the feeling I felt in the dream when she came upon me. It was just as if the feeling from the dream carried over into the “real” waking realm. Very intense.

John 1:3 - "Without Him nothing..."