dreaming of a conversation

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dreaming of a conversation

Post by christine7 »

I had a dream that my husband and I where somewhere like a park or something and we where walking hand in hand ( and having fun) and he said oh theres Laura and we walked over to sit on a picnic table across from her. And we said hi and she started talking about quitting her job 25 yrs ago and having a baby and all for nothing. It was like she was talking to my husband about what he had done to her but nothing else was said. He never took his hand off me the whole time she was talking. I just felt her bitterness. And when I woke up I wondered if "Laura" was me because my husband and I are separated...altho he does have a friend Laura. Does anyone have any ideas????
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Post by MJ »


Your dream seems to hold important clues about how you are feeling right now. This is a touchy subject with you, I'm sure, so I want to be very careful in how I relay this to you.

The portion that I felt most to tell you about regards your husband. He was holding your hand the entire time. Does he want to reconcile with you?

He listens to Laura and doesn't interrupt or walk away from her. Is he listening to your heart right now and committed to working things out with you?

I felt this dream was revealing some emotions you are experiencing during your separation and perhaps now is the time to deal with them. Do you have someone to talk to or confide in? It seems the bitterness in the dream needed an outlet.---a safe person to confide in.

Bless you---I'm sure you are seeking direction while in this hard place. I pray you stay tender to the Lord and follow His leadings in your life.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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dreaming of a conversation

Post by christine7 »

Hi MJ thats for such a quick reply. You asked me if my husband wants to reconcille...Im not sure. He has not talked to me for a long time. Do you think the dream is revealing that he wants to? I beleive in my heart that he does but because he has not talked in such a long time to me that he does not know how to start a conversation. And neither do I .... His friend Laura does create some friction in our relationship as I think she has feelings for him and he doesnt. So with us being separated and him not talking this friendship has really played games on my head and heart. I communicate to him constantly by email. I try not to condemn or judge or say hurtful things to him but i do express my thots and feelings to him. He has never responded to anything I have emailed except once when I asked him if there was still life insurance on me and he replied no, no life insurance. (we have kids) I did have a conversation to him once and when i asked him what he wanted me to do with his stuff...he quit talking to me again. I am afraid to say too much to anyone about what I am thinking or feeling because if we do reconcille I do not want that to tarnish what people think of me or my husband. If you or anyone else has anything to add.....Id really appreciate it. We have been separated for almost a yr now. Christine
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Post by MJ »


Oh, blessed heart, how I ache for you. How the Lord must ache for you even more...truly you must pour your heart out to Him again and again. Sweet peace will envelope you and sustain you as you lean upon the Master's arm---He will not fail you!

Your circumstances are such it is very hard to say anything and thereby influence you to do or say anything that does not come from God's hand. I would lay this all before the Father and ask that His will be done both in your life and your husband's life and for Him to show you clearly what you need to do, what steps to take, how to respond to each of your husband's emails or talks with him.

I walked a very difficult line last year...not to the extent you have, but the thing that held my heart to the Father's was that I would constantly try to please Him...not necessarily even other people, just the Lord. I knew that if I was pleasing the Lord in what I did and said, He would bless it and the outcome would be according to His plan for my life. I knew at the time I would not barter or trade anything for the peace of Jesus so that held me in check not to go about my own way. It really is all about staying on the path of righteousness, and God will help you do that.

Blessings of peace, love, and joy upon you, dear.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by keilani »

I am wondering if your husband in the dream wasn't the Lord? Maybe He wanted you to know that He knows the bitterness you're feeling and that He is there covering you. From the dream, it seems that the part of you that may be bitter is a part that He wants to heal so you can become the calm you that is sitting next to Him, in His Presence. Just my thoughts....
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dreaming of a conversation

Post by christine7 »

M J thank you for your words of kindness and encouragement. I do know I hear from the lord. I have recieived confirmation of that. But when your hurting its hard not to 2nd guess. I will take it back to the lord and wait for his word on any decisions I have to make. Thank you.

keilani, thank you for your input. Interesting thot. I really didnt think I was bitter over our split up but as time goes by I do feel it coming out of me and I dont like it becasue Im not a person that normally holds a grudge. ...ever. This is a new feeling for me and i guess I really dont know how to handle it. I think for now I will concentrate on getting rid of the bitter. thank you for your help. Christine