Cat Turns Into Dog

Archives for 2010
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Cat Turns Into Dog

Post by servant »

What could it mean if in a dream I am holding a pet cat that is a combination of two real life pet cats we used to have (black like one cat and the features/personality of the other cat), but when I decide I need to feed it, because I hadn't fed it in several days, it turns into a small black dog I had for real as a kid?

Both animals were black in the dream, but they resembled pets or combinations of pets we used to have.

Thanks for any thoughts/help!
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Post by charlie »

servant...pets can symbolise things that we nurture or have nurtured in the past. Feeding a pet can represent something you are nurturing specifically. This can represent good or bad things...the personality features you identify with your pets may gives you some clues.

Consider also pet hates/pet peeves being things we are annoyed by or find a nuisance.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3