Garden Paradise Vision

Archives for 2010
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Garden Paradise Vision

Post by forHispurpose »

I was asleep on the sofa and I woke up to a vision. As I arose from my sofa to go into the kitchen, (which was behind me,) I was shocked at the vision facing me in my dining room behind the table on the farthest wall. What I saw was a "garden paradise" filling the dining room wall from ceiling to floor and descended half-way across the room over the table.Hanging along the length of the wall were 'vines' with perfect leaves and the most beautiful "green" I have ever seen. there were trees and bushes and a fruit hanging from a tree, with..perfect 'fruit,' of course. All the greens were beyond anything I have ever seen; not one leaf was withered or discolored. and, last but not least there was a waterfall and it was flowing from the ceiling down but not wetting my dining room So, I knew it was a vision. There was a roaring sound of water all around me, throughout the house and NOT coming from the waterfall. Please, share if you have any ideas. I have looked all over the internet for gardens or even greenage of this color. I stumbled over one of the 7 wonders of the world which was an ancient hanging garden, but, the colors were not right, but, it hang. Oh yes, there was an upside down "V" over the garden. :?:
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Post by o2grace »

I am reminded of John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Also Jesus being the living water and having a voice like many waters.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Could u have e ha d a vision of the Garden of Eden?