
Archives for 2010
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Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:53 am
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all...here is one you can have fun with....
I faded in with this one.....I was driving window down, in a hurry and upset cause I had gotten off the freeway at the wrong exit. I was on a street headed into town behind a semi. Just as I tried to go around we hit a road work area and the flagger pitched a big fit that i was trying to change lanes when it was not allowed. Now I was going to some training or meeting across town so i was in a hurry.....another car tried doing a uturn at a left turn place and she got yelled at too. I did get yelled at he was going to hit me with the stop sign on a stick......so i stayed where i was till we were out of the road work area and now we were in a place where many lanes from many areas came together. I saw signs saying the different dirrection to go and then I saw the little freeway sign with the arrow so i started crossing lanes and ran into a policeman funeral procession. i passed them up on the left cause they were going a certain way and i saw cars going around. i saw highway patrol and city police and sherriff........my brakes were a pain they were not so cooperative but i had no accidents. i got to where we could turn and i was stopped by the sherriff himself. i for some reason just lowered my head...this guy was like a old fashion movie kind....you do not cross him cause he would make you suffer.....anyway as i sat there waiting...a black guy came up to my car window wearing a fur coat and covered in gold dust ...face and all....he pulled out a bag of candy and puts in on my arm/ shoulder through the window.....i was more like a table now between the black guy and the sherriff....this is also where instead of blankets i noticed i was surrounded by fur coats/blankets....there were others in my car too.........so i got this candy on me....then the sherriff shows me this huge wad of money and then puts it back in his pocket....the black guy puts a smaller amount of money on me from out of his fur coat pocket...i saw 5's and 1's and others.....the sherriff reaches in and takes the money and flips throuh it as he puts it in his pocket. the black guy then put this black tubing stuff with some sort of guage on it on me next.......the sherriff then asks whats in the bag and i feel it and it was candy....he answered his own question then he goes on to say it caramel candy cause that is the best kind cause it goes into the stomach and goes in and help the digestive flow through to poop and does not get stuck.......he leaves the candy and i move for the first time and look at the long tubing.....the dream fades............
this was different for sure.........I could appy the first part but can not make out the funeral of the police officer or the corruption part.
thanks for reading......see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry