Two Nuts

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Two Nuts

Post by will »

I saw someone sweeping up two halves of a walnut into a dust pan along with some other dust and debris that would normally occur on the floor of a coffee shop(where I work). At the same time I was aware that my coworker was saying I needed to get some more guts. A couple of nights later I was helping him close and he swept two whole pecans into the dust pan right in front of me. I was shocked. It's not like we sell nuts. I had told him my dream already so he remembered and was a little astonished as well. So the dream happened exactly like I saw it except in the dream I saw two halves of a walnut, and in reality it was two whole pecans still in their shells.

Let me know if you get anything,
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Post by kse »

Possibly it's a play on words for coming out of your shell. In real life there were two intact pecans, inside their shells, and in the dream 2 halves of a walnut, which is a nut that has been split open. Your co worker was saying you need to get more guts, and the nut is like the guts within the shell.

This is very interesting. Just some thoughts...
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Post by spoken4 »

The first thing that came to mind...before I read about your friend telling you you needed to get some guts was this.........

God often will use word plays that will grab our attention...and speak to us!! Is there an area within your workplace or within the work you are to do for God...that you feel you have been spiritually castrated? When I think of castration, symbolically speaking, I think of a man who was meant to be in a position of God ordained authority and leadership that has allowed another to usurp his rightful position and God given authority.....this leaving him weak and ineffective as another is able to dominate him. This was not Gods design. He designed men to lead spiritually and to stand in the level of authority they are given by Him. Perhaps, because others have seen a weakness in is causing the spiritual seed you have sown to be opened up, only to be trashed, so to speak, instead of received?? This seems to go along with your friend that works with you....(could be symbolic of Jesus, our friend that sticks closer than a brother) Who is revealing to you that it is time to stand in your God given authority, so as to not allow your seed to fall by the wayside...when it is supposed to only fall on good ground and bear much fruit.... cut away and removed from the body. The body that gives it life and ability to sow seed that will bear fruit that lasts....
Just as when a seed/ fruit falls from the is no longer connected to the vine. Often, it gets bruised or BUSTED up during this process and is not ideal for eating....
It just reminds me of how we can only bear good fruit when we are connected to the vine....
If in any area, the enemy is able to "spiritually castrate" us perhaps, by causing us to "fall" in an area or mess up in an area and we do not stand up to him, exercising our God given authority in Christ and getting reconnected to the vine.....we will see whatever fruit from our own labor have no power, in effect, seen the same as the rest of the trash....

I put a scripture that came to mind below...
Please trash any and all that does not spark something for you or witness in your spirit....
I have no clue about what then happened in the natural but pray God will make it clear in Jesus name!!

Matthew 13
16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

18 “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. 23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
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Post by discerning »

So the dream happened exactly like I saw it except in the dream I saw two halves of a walnut, and in reality it was two whole pecans still in their shells.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim 2:15

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Post by peggyo »

Not certain if it applies Will, but thought of this:

Most Christians agree that the 'Gospel in a nutshell' verse of John 3:16 (love your neighbor as yourself) sums up the whole of God's revelation through the Old Testament culminating in the salvation by Jesus Christ. It reads:

" For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Also, I Corinthians-- never fails.
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Post by will »

Well, could be this is about evangelism? In my dream I was sweeping up nuts. In reality My young rock star friend was sweeping up pecans. He is in a band called Arc Attack(seems prophetic). I think I will take my place more seriously here as an evangelist. Also I have really been dealing with feelings of powerlessness. I have been confused on how to stand up for myself because it is not clear where the enemy is hiding and I am trying not to lash out at people. Thanks to all for the insight.
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Re: Two Nuts

Post by shine »

This is the setting (which gives confirmation irl)
will wrote:I saw someone sweeping up two halves of a walnut into a dust pan along with some other dust and debris that would normally occur on the floor of a coffee shop(where I work).
What the coworker is saying here is important.
will wrote: At the same time I was aware that my coworker was saying
will wrote:

I needed to get some more guts.
What does this mean?
What's your gut instinct here after awakening?

I think you need to talk more to your co-workere that was in this dream & find out what he really thinks.
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Post by shine »

will wrote:Well, could be this is about evangelism? In my dream I was sweeping up nuts. In reality My young rock star friend was sweeping up pecans. He is in a band called Arc Attack(seems prophetic). I think I will take my place more seriously here as an evangelist. Also I have really been dealing with feelings of powerlessness. I have been confused on how to stand up for myself because it is not clear where the enemy is hiding and I am trying not to lash out at people. Thanks to all for the insight.
Wow! I've always been interested to read anything you post. . .But this is the most I think you've ever shared about yourself.
Powerlessness. . . & standing up for yourself.
Will, God does this. I know everything seems more intricate than that, but the bottom line is, God stands up for us.
Our power is in & thru him, and our confidence is in him. He prepares hearts and minds even before we get there.
And he uses what we bring ~ to his Glory.

Hope you'll continue gleaning in this thread. . .from the Holy spirit, others, and yourself!

I, like you, had a dream once that unmistakenly played out within that same week. Mine was to pray towards the one that set weapons against us in the spirtual realm. . .I prayed that "no weapons formed against us would prosper". In the dream I sang it. IRL, I spoke it softly in close proximity. . .
It was also near a very major turning point in my & my husband's relationship - we separated a few weeks later. . .And I do believe the protective timing of that dream was very significant.
(hubby & I are together again :D ).
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Post by spoken4 »

I think I will take my place more seriously here as an evangelist. Also I have really been dealing with feelings of powerlessness. I have been confused on how to stand up for myself because it is not clear where the enemy is hiding and I am trying not to lash out at people.
I loved what another said here about the "Gospel in a nutshell".
As we sow seeds of the word, we are ministers (workers) that share the Gospel, in a nutshell.
Someone else posted a scripture that seemed so fitting
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim 2:15

So, putting it in the context of your dream.....
It seems that perhaps, what God may be revealing to you that, in the past, you have studied to show yourself approved, have been a workman that need NOT be ashamed. Perhaps, you have sowed the gospel in a nutshell only to see clearly the results of it falling on dry ground (dust on floor). Perhaps, you have been discouraged to see efforts of your evangelism in the past, seem to fall to the ground and seem to be thrown away, as nothing.....that it has left you feeling powerless, in this area?????

Don't cast your pearls before swine....comes to mind here. Perhaps in the past, you have shared what is precious to you, (the gospel) with those thats hearts had not been prepared to receive it, so you did not see it bear fruit. This is where I have in times past, in my zeal to share, have not been sensitive to the spirit, and have casts my pearls before swine...only to see what is closest to my heart, be thrown away and of no effect. BUT, when we rely not on having the word that we know can help others, but be very sensitive to the spirit of God, and share only as he leads us to and gives us openings to share, then it will fall on the fertile ground of a heart that has been prepared by God to receive the word. This ensures the word will fall on good ground and produce a harvest of souls that is the end result, of what Gods "workman" desire to see!!!

So......if the gospel in a nutshell....rightly divided....but falling on dry, unfertile ground.....was what has been your focus.... and is what the enemy has used to cause you to feel powerless in your abillity to be effective in your evangelism(which is a lie!!!) Then perhaps, this friend that was encouraging to get some God letting you know...this ones heart is open and had been prepared to receive the Gospel. It seems this one is needing you to stand in the authority and power that God designed for you to walk in, so that you can BOLDLY share with him the truth that he needs.

You mentioned not wanting to lash out at people....
Will, as long as you remember that even when people attack us for the words sake is not flesh and blood that we battle against...but the enemy of our souls, at work in them. If we do not lash out at the people but use the weapons of our warfare, that are NOT carnal....they ARE MIGHTY, through God, for the pulling down of STRONGHOLDS and EVERY high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God!! When the enemy tries so hard to make us feel powerless...its because he knows that if we ever realize the POWER that we are designed to walk in and exercise it...HE is in big trouble!!
So, please be encouraged!! Walk in your annointing, share as God leads....knowing that HE will give the increase...its up to him. Do not cast your pearls before swine....but at the same quick to boldly share the gospel as God gives you openings to do so...starting with this young friend of yours...who is ready and waiting for you to get some guts...and rightly divide the small amount of seeds (pecans??) that has been sown in him that is being swept away...without someone to OPEN it up for water whats been sown, so that GOD can give the increase!!

God is sooo...good! To use each one to add a small piece to this that can make the whole picture come alive!! I just love HIM!!
God bless you Will! And I am waiting to hear a testimony of what God does as you follow his lead to boldly share with one who is crying out for you to stand in your calling!!!

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Post by will »

Wow, very rich. Thank you to everyone.
"Most heresy comes when men take to logical conclusions that which God has only revealed in part."