Hungry Lion

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Hungry Lion

Post by GaAngel »


I was walking down the street and met up with this lion. He indicated that he was hungry. I was eating an orange and offered him 3 slices, which was 1/3 of the orange. One slice was twice as big as the other two slices I offered him. He sniffed the orange slices and rejected them. Something or someone said that lions don't eat fruit, but only meat. I only had fruit to offer him.

I knew of two ladies who fed him daily. The first was in her late-30s to early 40s. She didn't want to feed him. The second was in her late-60s to early 70s. She came out with the box that usually held the meat she fed the lion, but it was empty. She was polite and said that she didn't have anything today. I started to leave, relieved that I would be rid of the lion, but she turned him away; he started following me again. I sensed that both ladies were tired of feeding the lion and no longer wanted to continue doing so.

I thought that if the lion didn't get fed soon that he would start eating people. I started with the lion toward the grocery store around the corner, hoping they would have scrap meat or anything else to feed him.


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Post by will »

Boy I don't know how personal that dream was, but I can relate to that lion. The fact that you have fruit means that you don't have understanding but you do have love. The two women are his mom and his x wife or girlfriend. If this makes no sense I apologize. Haha
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Post by discerning »

The lion is The Lord.

for your prayerful consideration,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by spoken4 »

This is what I heard while reading your dream.....
What you feed will grow....what you starve will die!!

Generational curses can not be empowered to continue in family lines without reaccuring sin. Proverbs 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

This is not an interpretation but more some thoughts that may spark something for please trash all that does not bear witness in your spirit!!

What the enemy has developed a "taste" for is not something you have fed into. The fruit that you have a sacrifice for earlier generations (perhaps, 3...where the sin was much greater in one??) has been rejected due to their being current generations that have been empowering this generational stronghold on a regular basis??? This would cause the fruit of your lips, offered up for past generations that was meant to cause this curse to be satisfied (cancelled) to be unsuccessful. For where there is a current empowering (feeding) of those past sins, in the present....the enemy has legal ground to remain. Who wants to leave a place they are being fed on a regular basis?? It seems that others in your family line have fed this stronghold, not because they wanted to but because it seemed necessary to their personal comfort. Kind of like pacifying the enemy in hopes of keeping him from attacking. It reminds me of the saying..."Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! " The reasoning behind that that as long as they are kept close and pacified...we will know when the attack is coming or ward off the attacks through a so called truce that will end the second one stops feeding them.

Just some thoughts...not in full...but the jist being perhaps you have been made to feel you need to step in and protect your love ones at all costs...but not in the same way prior generations have. Perhaps, God is revealing to you that because this sin has been empowered and the enemy had legal right to disregard what you offered on their behalf. Perhaps, God is revealing to you that fear and a need to protect others can end up being the very thing that would cause you to feed or empower this stronghold unknowingly. Instead, to Stand and RESIST HIM...and HE SHALL FLEE!! It sounds like the others/ other two generations either do not desire to empower this anymore....or are not in a position to do so any longer?? So now is the time to offer up the fruit of your lips...Stand firm and resist the enemy so that this stronghold can be longer empowered....but starved out of existence!!!
Trash any and all my ramblings that does not ping for you...maybe something in there will spark enough to give you further insight!!
God bless you!!

1 Peter 5:8
5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

5:9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
This is the commentary on this scripture....
1 Peter 5:8

Christ is also symbolized as a lion, but not as a lion seeking to devour. Lion for Christ is used in the sense of "controlled, majestic power," but for Satan it is the symbol for one who is ruthless, stealthy, powerfully aggressive, bent on defending its turf, and destruction, often working from ambush. There are many similarities with the attributes of the "serpent."

God gives us advice regarding them in I Peter 5:8-9: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." In essence, His advice is, "Be self-controlled, be alert, and resist him!" Peter's first term, "be sober," urges us not to let fear of him fluster us to the point that we cannot think clearly. The second term, "be vigilant," charges us to be fully awake, to set ourselves in a state of watchfulness and readiness. The third term, "resist him," is a command not to turn and run but to stand firm.

This instruction lets us know that Satan is not all-powerful. With the protections God provides, including His continuous presence and alert regard for His children, Satan can be beaten. The same Jesus who has already defeated Satan is on His throne, overseeing our well-being. His protection is not something we flaunt, but is power we can rely on.

James 4:7 adds additional advice: "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Again, the charge is to resist, but it is directly coupled with submission to God. Submission is the voluntarily act of placing oneself under the authority of another to show respect and give obedience. If we submit to God, Satan will flee.

Maybe some of this wi
ll shed light...
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Post by spoken4 »

I was about to get in the bed and was reminded of the scripture about giving God something that did not cost us anything. Your dream could very well speak of God as the lion.

I thought about how Cain gave an offering of fruit but Able gave "meat" so to speak. There is no remittance for sins, without the shedding of blood. In essence, the "sacrifice" cancel the judgment due us. Jesus all calling you to "identificational repentance" which would cost you more as you stand in the gap...and repent for the sins of your forefathers so that the BLOOD sacrifice can be applied. That would serve to satisfy the judgment that these curses bring with them. Perhaps, that is what God is revealing to you and you are on your way to a place where you will step up and see this judgment against your family that they will not be destroyed. (thats what standing in the gap and pleading the blood does)

Heres a link I just found that may help... ... rifice.htm

I dont feel I got a clear interp on your dream at all...but sometimes for me someone will help me to see things from a different point of view and God will then make it all clear. I pray He does this for you!!! Blessings!!!
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Post by will »

Psalm 50:12 If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world [is] mine, and the fulness thereof.
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Post by GaAngel »

Greetings, Spoken4

I believe you are on point and everything you say "rings" true for me. Thank you for the Web site and the bible verses.

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Post by GaAngel »

Also, when I think of fruit, "fruit of the spirit" comes to mind.

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Post by Jen »

I thought that if the lion didn't get fed soon that he would start eating people.
well I see you have gotten some good responses. This is a very intruguing dream. The statement I quoted above stood out to me.

If the lion is symbolic of Abba (and I am NOT saying it isn't) then why would he eat people? What is that symbolic of? That is what I am praying that the Holy Spirit will show you!

Isaiah 62:1
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Post by GaAngel »


I agree with you. He is almighty, omnipotent. I'd doubt that He'd be represented as weakly and in need of help from others. It's like the powerful hunter is subject to his prey. so, this mighty beast has lost his power.

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Post by GaAngel »

After reading this...perhaps that's the answer.,,

Whatever "the beast" is no longer has any power. As related to Spoken4's response, if this thing isn't fed, it will soon starve out of existence.

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Post by Jen »

do you also think on one level it could it be that somewhere deep down inside, that you havent realized, there is a belief that God is out to get you, but in reality He is not.. and the Holy Spirit wanted to use this dream to show you that? Allot of us our "church" backgrounds led us to believe that on some level, and Abba wants us to know He loves us and is not out to destroy.. eat us.

Shalom to you!
Isaiah 62:1
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Post by GaAngel »


Jen, I don't believe God is out to "get us." I don't believe He is vengeful. I do believe that He desires loyalty, respect, etc. When He gives instructions, it's for a reason. If we disobey, there are consequences; not that He hates us, but because that's the way the laws of the universe work -- He made the universe and knows what's best for us. See Deut. 28.

Suppose an engineer designs a car and tells customers not to put sugar in the gas tank. If they disobey for whatever reason, whose fault is it if the car no longer works?

Also, in the past when I've dreamed about lions, it's been symbolic of the enemy like in Psalms 91:13. But, I'm antsy about large cats, maybe because one almost escaped into the audience during a circus I attended many years ago, or the way they reacted badly to the audience when I visited the zoo as a child. So, for these reasons, a lion is something to be feared because I could become part of his diet. So, because of my personal traumatic experiences, the symbol of the lion is something to be feared.

But I believe symbols in dreams can vary from person to person. For example, if I dream of playing baseball (and I'm not a sports person at all) it will mean something completely different than if Hank Aaron dreams of playing baseball.

Well, hopefully this background (about my experiences) might give more insight into the dream.

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Post by GaAngel »

Jen wrote:
I thought that if the lion didn't get fed soon that he would start eating people.
This is how I felt as a child visiting the zoo. If the zoo keepers kept the animals fed, they wouldn't need to try and escape to eat the people.
