Puppy Love

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Puppy Love

Post by MJ »

I had a dream last night about a small puppy who was just about the most adorable little thing I've seen in a long time (don't know if it was a B/G). It seemed like the puppy was a Golden Lab or something along that line. I don't know how the puppy came to be in our lives---just appeared and we started taking it with us wherever we went. I remember saying to my husband (in my dream) that we needed to find somewhere to live where we could have a dog since we can't have one IRL.

A few months ago I dreamed of a dog---a grey shaggy type (which I absolutely love) who had these incredible eyes---they seemed to drill right down into my soul and speak to me and instantly love me. This dog just appeared on the scene like last night's dream, but I knew he came from the pound and that we had rescued him. I knew in my dream he would be such a faithful friend to us (my husband and me) and would live with us a long time.

Both dreams had such a high impartation of love...it was like I was receiving a demension of love without the mess human love often ends up becoming. Now don't get me wrong...I don't consider human and animal love the same. But it was if the Lord was filling a void in my life with this "puppy love". I get lonesome at times. We had a big family and are empty-nesters now and things get a little too quiet for my taste.

It doesn't seem like the Lord is speaking of getting a pet because we can't have one in our apartment. What do you think it means? That love connection was really powerful in my dream.

Would love to hear your thoughts, even if they aren't by way of interpretation.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by Newbie »

Hello MJ, do you love animals? Maybe he is directing you to volunteer your time with abandoned pets at a shelter. Although it is not human an animal is still His creation; animals need love as well. It could also be a person that may have the characteristic of that particuiar animal. I fellowship with someone who dreamt of a dog and caring for it. The dream manifested as the dog being her elderly father. I know this may seem farfetched but just some thoughts.
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Post by bjcollin »

Hi MJ,

Many times in my own dreams, dogs like the ones you described have represented people who I have ran into. Also God often uses a black lab in my own dreams to represent myself. To me sometimes our qualities as people are represented as dogs and mirror their qualities as well. Hope this helps.

in Christ,