Dream with 3 whales in it

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Dream with 3 whales in it

Post by Truth Seeker »

I've had a great number of dreams and visions in 2007.

One of the most troublesome ones was that I saw my mother (76yrs. old) setting on her porch just smilling like she always does. She had on a light blue shirt on and I could see the ski shining bright behind her.

The setting changed from my mother to me walking through this path that I use walk through to get from my mothers house to the metro. The path was about the size of a football field. The path was full of water like river or something which it was very powerful and it was pushing me down stream and I was almost drowning and I saw 3 big whales with their heads sticking out of the water (they weren't moving). As the water was pushing me down stream, I tried to grab on to the whales one at a time. I tried to grab one and I couldn't hold on to it then I tried grabbing the second one as I was being pushed down the stream but I couldn't get a good grip then I tried to hold on to the last one but I couldn't hold on. I surely thought I was going to drown but I woke up.

Note: this dream happened a couple of days before my wife and I were scheduled to go to Ocean City. I was very nervous about going but my wife and I went. I had been married for 8 years at that time which was last year (2007). My marriage was not doing very well and my wife and I sat in our car in Ocean City and she pleaded with me to do something start communicating more etc to help save the marriage but I honestly was lost for words. About 2 weeks after we got back from Ocean City my wife met another married man and ended up having an affair with him. This was the worse thing both of us have ever been through. We have 3 kids and this situation has spilled over on them.

I wonder if the dream was a warning. I told my wife about the dream before we went to Ocean City and she thought it might of been the overwhelming blessing of God but I told her that's not what I'm feeling in my spirit.

My wife and I are both saved

As I've started searching the word of God about this I understand that whales symbolize graves (Jesus talkes about as Jona was in the belly of the whale so will the son of man be in grave for 3 days.)
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Post by bjcollin »


Sorry to hear about your situation with your wife. I said a quick prayer for yalls marriage and your kids tonight. The last time I saw a dream with the number 3 in it and whales in it was from my wife a few years ago.

Dream Link

In that dream the whales stood for prophetic judgement or a judgement from the Lord. It seems to stand for the same thing in your dream. I love Ocean City and especially Asateague Island with the wild ponies. The last time I was there I got the worst sun burn I have ever gotten in my life and spent almost a week in bed after with something akin to radiation sickness from the sunburn. Lots of memories in that neck of the woods.

in Christ,
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Post by gloryhis »

I feel you were being shown three things, 2 assurances and a warning. The first being a beautiful assurance related to your faith and position spiritually. Represented by the picture of your mother sitting smiling and the sun shining behind her in the sky, to me that says all was and is well with your soul. I feel she was representing a picture of your salvation and relationship with God. Mother symbolically the church and home, but in a spiritual sense of home. Her smile says all is well here!

But as you journey out into the path which leads from that security, not spiritually leaving, but just going about our daily lives as we all do, The enemy comes in like a flood , here I feel is the warning.

I feel the water is the flood , trials, and the whales are "whales" in the dream simply to represent the enormity of the trials. I feel you were trying to grasp a situation that was too far gone, too big to get a handle on. You tried, gave it your all, but the dream may have been showing you when this happened, you would not have control over it. we can't control what others do.

The last is another assurance! The fact that you didn't drown. You were not utterly consumed by this trial and won't be.

Affected by it yes, but it happened in the middle of your life not the beginning or the end. Jesus is the beginning and the end! I feel so strongly that he was showing you your begining is in tact, all is well. Your end is also, be encouraged in that trials will come in the middle of our journey, but God is the beginning and the end of our lives.

Your beginning represented by mother on the porch is beautiful, your ending is you woke up and didn't drown, but lived!

In Jesus love,
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Post by sigmon2 »

Glory His makes a point with mom assureing you that all will come out in the end. My grandmother has been in my dreams as an encourager. My Youngest has gone wild but before he did I had a dream that my blessed granny was with him and over him helping him.....then boom he came unglued....but the Lord has said several times in other ways it will be ok.....My grandmothers home, a home of Godly peace has been in my dreams as she has been for encouragement these scenes have come in the beginning of the dream....so I see in your dream mom in the beginning as a good sign.....
Next, You are given the distance you must travel....a footbal field's distance. Of course standing on one end with a professional football team or raging river doing its best to keep you from the other side seem to much to handle but you have assurences you will make it before you even start! Praise the Lord!
The raging waters are your troubles trying to drown you but apparently your not a bad swimmer already.
The whales I saw as Three things......1. 3 attempts to save your marriage and they failed because they were just too big for you to get a handle on or 2. this one is harder to say....your kids are with your ex..........or 3. you had 3 weeks till your marriage was over....
The Lord told me twice before my wife wet out the door....7 yrs and then 6 months before...both times he used a house in the 6 month dream he showed me actually events in the spiritual and physcial world at the same time....the guy she ran off with was shown as a demon coming across the street burning down the house by the master bedroom....The man lived across the street and by sex convinced my wife to go with him...he was more romantic.......well anyway the Lord has been good to me through it all and very faithful to fulfill His promises!
see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry