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Post by lisaray »

I was in bed and my husband was in the lvingroom talking with his friend who was spending the night. It was getting late so I got out of bed to check on my husband. He had the covers on the sofa and was asleep. His friend was asleep with covers on the loveseat, so I went back to bed. As I was in my bed, I drifted off to sleep and when I woke I felt some arms around me, holding me as I slept. As I felt the hands of the person, I noticed they were not my husband's, so I looked around and saw that it was my husband's friend. I was hoping my husband would see him, and as I was about to say something, my husband was walking in and instead of confrontng his friend, he started screaming at me and trying to hit me. I couldn't understand why.
Last edited by lisaray on Tue May 17, 2011 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello LisaRay, have you come into agreement with someone or is there something that is constantly on your mind? I asked this because there could one of many takes on this dream. I believe your husband is the Lord and the friend getting into bed with you speaks on one of two things to me. The bed can symbolize intimacy; by this friend being in bed with you, it looks like whatever he symbolizes is replacing your intimacy with the Lord. The second take on this is that the bed can represent an agreement; albeit good or bad. It looks like an agreement that you maybe having second thoughts about or unsure about; hence you are looking for your husband. As stated earlier, these are just thoughts, toss out if it does not resonate.
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Post by lisaray »

Thanks for your reply. I agree to a certain degree. Also I believe my other dream (under the inflence) which is the same friend, are connected somehow. I really need all prayer warriors to pray for I believe the enemy is on a serious assignment as always, but thank God that we already have the victory, for I know the end.
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Post by Newbie »

This friend, is this a real person or just someone in the dream? If it is a dream symbol, just look at who in the natural may fit the charactersitic of being the Lord's friend. Also, is there something occupying your mind? if so, then maybe this maybe the person in the dream. Something that maybe taking away QT time with Lord or something that is taking the focus off of Him. It may appear to be something that looks like it is done for God; however, it is taking the focus off of Him. These are just ideas to bounce off you to help get an understanding of your message. God Bless!
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Post by lisaray »

Dear Serant, This friend is a real person, and th reason this dream disturbs me so is that he was also in my dream the next night (under the influence of drugs)
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Post by janmar »


I read your other dream too, and I do agree that they are connected. It may be the Lord trying to point something out to you in spiritual warfare, to pray about, for your husband. There are some spirits that stand out to me in it - seduction, witchcraft (these 2 from the drugs) and the other familiar spirits (in your other dream with the dead man playing the guitar maybe your husband and his friend have some familiar spirits that God wants to break from him? - Lev. 19:31; 20:6-7; Deut. 18:9-14). And, what else stood out to me is the way your husband reacted when he came into the bedroom - he didn't see nor know the whole picture but then attacked you. This could be the results of these spirits' actions if they're allowed to continue to work in you and your husband's life. The final outcome - false accusations, attacks, and blaming you for something you didn't want to happen. So, if this may be what the Lord is showing you, I would suggest to
pray to the Lord about this more and see what He may show you about these strategies so you may overcome it. Perhaps He's warning you of something going on and trying to reveal the enemy's tactics so you can expose them and take care of the situation by the leading of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 6:12).

Hope this may help...

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Post by Newbie »

Hello again LisaRay, I had a feeling that they were connected but I did not wanted say so, because I did not wanted to influence your choice. When I look at all of the things in both dreams, what comes to mind is something I used to see alot in Church, when I little. I grew up in SC, and there is a lot of witchcraft activity that transpired there. I would see people dabbling in voodoo and hexing/dressing people one minute and the next minute they are in church, yelling Hallelujuh. I have seen things with my eyes, that would make the most logical minded person go crazy.
In regards to this,this is a warning dream and the dream prior to this one, you wrote that for a minute you did not have on shoes but then you put on white ones. What the Lord is showing you is that you are walking around with a piece of your armor: peace. Also, that all this activity is affecting your walk; hence you are walking around high and disoriented.
In regards to this person, I firmly believe the Lord is showing be on gaurd with this person and ask Him to make a mighty move.
Bear with me for a minute, I do not mean to get longwinded here, but my grandmother had 2 similiar experiences to yours. The first one encompassed working with an African man from the Ivory Coast. Apparently, the man took a liking to her, but my gma did like him romantically. However, the Lord showed her that this man was dressing her to fall in love with Him and to leave America to be with Him in Africa. She prayed over it and when she saw this man again, he was being deported back to Africa. My gma told him the Lord showed her his tricks and that is why he is leaving.
She had another situation in church. My grandmother stated that she felt that something was off about this woman; however, she could not put her finger on it. She asked the Lord; however, He kept her away from this woman and kept her spirit on guard. My grandmother stated that after one Sunday service, this woman caught her off guard. My g-ma was talking to a church elder when this woman came up to her and placed her hands on her. My gma told the woman to take her hands off of her. Meanwhile, the church elder gave me gma, a stern look because she felt that she was being rude; however, my grandmother just shook off the look. Apparently, this woman was held in high regards at this church. My gma stated when she got home, she had a heart attack; however, the Lord spoke to her and told her the scriptures she needed to be healed at that moment. My gma stated that she did not told anyone of the incident.
My gma stated at the following Sunday service, the woman was there again and she was not happy about seeing my gma there; in order words, her plans were foiled. My gma stated that midway during the sermon, the woman stands up and annouces that she has only a few days to live, the doctors stated that she were to die before the week's end. When the congregation heard that they started to pray and attempted to lay hands on her. However, the woman stopped them in their tracks and she began to curse the church and loosed demons. My gma stated that they removed the woman and started to pray and bind up spirits for hours on end.
I say all of that to say, be on guard. Is this person the opposite of his dream self? If so, then put on your spiritual eyes and look past the things on outside and look at his meart and his true intent. You will not believe how many people may the mistake of confusing Godly things with things that appear to be Godly (angel of light). I had an ex-friend that I went to church with and when she was having problems, in which she thought God could not handled or wasn't moving fast enough, she would go to a white witch. According to her, this was good because it was by the bible. Needless to say, the Lord moved me away from this person. I willpray on my end here and keep you uplifted. Pray on your end and we will see this great and mighty move. I hopes this helps and God Bless!!!
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Post by lisaray »

Thank you all for your replies. That is confirmation on what is going on. I do believe that it is witchcraft. I also realize that I am in serious spiritual warfare and I have to war in the spirit, pray and fast. Newbie, thank you for the testimonies of your grandmother, people don't realize that those situations are real and that it happens often in the church. "The devil has come down with great wrath because he knows his time is short." Pray for my husband that his spritual eyes be open and God gives him the spiritual gift of discerment. The devil does transform himself as an angel of light and he can easily deceive the gullible and naive. God Bless you all
Divine Temple of God Holiness Church