Dream about a possible death?

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Dream about a possible death?

Post by ljpsalmist »

Hello everyone. I have a dream that bothering me because of the way I felt when I woke up. I had the following dream:

I dreamed that I was at a former Fiance's house. There were also two other women in the house. I was sitting next to him when all of a sudden he was laying on the love seat and this fluid began to drool down his mouth as if he had vomited. I went to go get something so that he could wipe his mouth and when I came back he was on the floor and all of this fluid was coming out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth(The fluid was yellowish in color). All of a sudden, he looked like he was dead with his eyes open. I began to say call 911. When I looked again he began to go into seizures. The other two women never responded even after I screamed. Finally I called 911 and when they arrived, they took him to the hospital. I tried to follow the ambulance in my car but at an intersection a car brushed the side of my car. I had to stop and tell the person I would give them money to get their car fixed. The dream then switched and I was in this building. I asked where they had taken my ex fiance and they told me they could look it up in their computer. The computer stated that they had taken him to Franklin Square Hospital. Then I said to myself, I wonder if he lived or died. I then woke up out of the dream. When I woke up it felt like I just lost a loved one through death. I could not even eat breakfast because my heart was so heavy.
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spiritually slain

Post by spiritledd »

This man may have been spiritually slain through the seduction of these two women. They may have worked together as a team. Drugs and alcohol may have also been contributing factor to his demise. This could be sexual immorality and adultery. And the infirmity could have been brought on by iniquity…because i don’t think this happened because sinning a few times …but rather it became a habit. I think this man may have been given many opportunities to repent, but the flesh won out.

just some impressions…toss what does not fit …may you blessed in Jesus name
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Post by ljpsalmist »

He is living a life of sexual immorality and adultery and will not listen or repent. He tricks women into sexual relationship with him but will not marry. He has been warned but feels he is not doing anything wrong.
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i will pray

Post by spiritledd »

ljpsalmist ...i will pray :)