Black helicopter hovering

Archives for 2007
Bat Yah
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Black helicopter hovering

Post by Bat Yah »

9-20-2007 Black helicopter hovering

It's daytime in the dream and we are driving down a city street. i looked over and saw a black helicopter hovering just above the ground. It was in between two buildings ? hiding? The helicopter was VERY LARGE and the nose of the chopper was pointed upward a little, like it was getting ready to take off? {{ It had some white writing on it, but upon wakening i could not remember what it said. }}

When i saw the helicopter i remembered a dream that i had about A War in Heaven. In that dream there was two black helicopters hovering high in the sky. i thought, "oh, no, it's time!" I turned to the others in the car and pointed out the helicopter and started telling them everything and were started praying.

This is not all of the dream, but i can't remember the rest :(

Here is the dream i remembered in this dream -

A War in Heaven - May 14th, 2005

I am standing outside and it is night. I looked up and I do not know how to put into words what I saw going on in the Heavens.

It was a war, light battling dark. I thought to myself " it's almost time" and I turned to go toward my house and the dream switched to day. I look up at the sky toward the east and saw two black helicopters side by side perfectly still and silent. I said," Oh no, they are here, it is time, take cover, get into the house!

All of the sudden the sky filled with war planes. At this point I can see everyone running for the front door. I don't know who all of the people are, but some were family members, but not sure which ones. One of the planes started targeting me, shooting at me. I am still praying for Adonai's protection and the bullets are flying all around me but not one hit me. The bullets hit the front porch that I was on and one hit the house. Then I woke up.
Praised are You, Yahweh our God, King of the universe, Who gives the Torah of truth and the Good News of Salvation to His people Isra'el and to all peoples through His son Yahshua the Messiah, our Adonai.
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Post by yeshuas_beloved »

I don't have an interp, but reading your dreams was truly a confirmation of what the LORD is speaking right now. For a couple days, I have been thinking about an old dream I had about black helicopters and giving birth to tiny fetuses. I searched my computer, but could not find the file. Then, this evening, I was cleaning up some old papers and things, and found a printed copy of this dream which I had typed up August 23, 2003. It has personal meanings for me, but I think there is more to it.

Helicopters and planes are always bad signs in my dreams, usually representing the demonic, controlled by the "prince of the air". I have had dreams in the past of bullets raining down from planes, too.

I am posting the helicopter dream in a separate post. Perhaps we can learn from each other's dreams, for we "know in part, and prophesy in part" (1 Cor 13:9).

Yeshua's Beloved <><
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Post by moonglow »

I am posting the helicopter dream in a separate post. Perhaps we can learn from each other's dreams, for we "know in part, and prophesy in part" (1 Cor 13:9).
Oh I like that! Funny how we sometimes miss things in a passage...don't really see it when reading the bible until someone singles it out! :)

This is why I feel like so many dreams are connected to each other and why I am seeing so many warning dreams on here...all connected and are like a puzzle we have to put together as a group, not individual. This is why the church (the believers) are referred too as a group, as one, in the bible...all of us are suppose to work together as one body just as Paul describes. :)

Normally, for complicated reasons, I shy away from warning messages or dreams but its kind of hard to ignore when you are having them yourself! And clearly see others having them too.

I wish I could tell you what your dream means other then being a warning dream...but right now I can't.

All we can do is keep praying about them and see what the Lord reveals and perhaps it'll come in someone else's dream like the posters above. :)

God bless

Post by Joy2dream »

Bat Yah,
Perhaps the Holy Spirit is showing you what is going on in the heavenlies while you are sleeping. The spiritual warfare that is going on.

Ditch if this doesn't witness.
