Eldon's Vision

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Eldon's Vision

Post by HisBlood »

My husband had this vision yesterday. He told me he keeps seeing this painting
(he would love to see Charys paint) -
He sees 2 sections a muddy black lower (sinful) area! People
are stuck in there in sin and carnality.
There's a separation and upper level the top part of the picture.
It's blue, light, open skies and glorious (gold). He sees up
on the right hand side God the Father on His Thrne covered
in light clouds with Jesus on His Throne, at His side. On Christ's
rigt are other thrones! Up above are saints in white robes and the
atmosphere is nright and joyful and light.

There's on guy flying around who looks down and falls down in
the mud! He falls into the sin, but then looks up in faith and
another person comes down grabs his hand and pulls him out!
This represents others who continually fall into the mud over,
again. Another guy reaches down and he locks arms and grasps
person's wrist, to pull him out of the mud! Others are reaching
down, but the ones in the mud are ignoring them and not wanting
to be helped or pulled out!

More to come.....
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
Be Transformed......
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Post by HisBlood »

Below people are flinging mud at one another.....representing the
sin, accusation, judgements, etc. Then some people are wealthy,
some poor, some servants, some slaves, religions, people on ladders trying to get to the next step but the ladders are too short, many different facets of life representing different individuals in their provocation or profession or walk of life!

....that was it, for now!

Your dream could represent one who is extending their arm in this manner, bringing healing and restoration! FREEDOM!! Just thought
I would share his vision, it seemed to go along with your dream.
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
Be Transformed......
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Post by HisBlood »

Eldon just had a revelation and I hadn't even read this
dream to Him, lol!

He said, "Actually, I believe it means that instead of pulling them out we point our arms in the right direction and we show them how to go to the Cross and it is the bridge they Cross over to reach God and freedom in the heavens, where we rule and reign with HIM!
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
Be Transformed......
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Post by piano »

Hi HisBlood,

I was reading John 3:1- 21 and it reminded me of this vision.

Christ on the throne:
Christ is lifted up-- His Glory reaches to the heavens.
v 14-17 (this is Easy Read version)

“Moses lifted up the snake in the desert.
It is the same with the Son of Man.
He must be lifted up too.
Then everyone who believes in him can have eternal life.”

Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.
God sent his Son into the world. He did not send him to judge the world guilty, but to save the world through him.

Those who see and believe and are cleansed of their sin through His Blood VS Those who prefer to stay in sin because they dont think they need salvation.
v 18-21

People who believe in God’s Son are not judged guilty.

But people who do not believe are already judged, because they have not believed in God’s only Son.
They are judged by this fact:
The light has come into the world.
But they did not want light.
They wanted darkness, because they were doing evil things. Everyone who does evil hates the light.
They will not come to the light, because the light will show all the bad things they have done.
But anyone who follows the true way comes to the light.
Then the light will show that whatever they have done was done through God.

1. Sanctification is a process, and peaple fall out of grace sometimes, but when a person is humble and asks for help, he receives help. He lifts him out of the pit.
It is like being born all over again.

God brings Glory to Himself through the things that we go through on this earth.
We overcome by our testimony of His Power that saved us, and by the blood of The Lamb.

2. They stay in the pit because they would rather die then humble themselves to let their deeds be known, then see they are not the only ones who have ever sinned, and be saved.

Everyone has sinned, but some are deceived into believing a lie.
They don't realize the joy that knowing Jesus and being saved is, because they are intent on believing that what the world has to offer is as good as it gets. Deep down they know the truth, but have buried it in their sin.
When Christ returns they will be sorrowful that they chose to ignore the Holy Spirit of Truth prompting them to look up.

For your discernment, the comments I posted I am hoping are all in line with scripture.
I have a hard time knowing that some will persish.
It hurts me to think that the prince of this world gets any one.

Peace to you,

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.