Two Dreams in Two Days...With same Communion Table

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Two Dreams in Two Days...With same Communion Table

Post by clare777 »

Blessings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!

I had two dreams with the same vision of the communion table in it..I do believe that the Lord is trying to give direction. Since we've been back from our trip, my husband and I have been seeking the Lord for fresh revelation for next year.

1st. Dream: I dreamed that me and my husband where in a front seat of a car with a friend of ours (Norma), who was driving. She is taking us to a new church. We arrived at the church, and the church is next door to the church we use to go too (where our spiritual parents are). We get out of the car and I look to my right and I think to myself, " I hope D and J don't mind us going here." As I was thinking that, I looked and saw one of the members of D and J's church holding the door wide open.
As we, Norma, my husband and myself walked into the church I noticed to my right that there was an elevator (very excited about that one :D ) and in front of us was a round table with three tiers on it. The top tier had a huge glass of wine in it. The bottom two layers had loaves of bread on it that added up to twelve (government of God). Norma tells me and my husband that the members are made up of only "children" and no parents.
In the dream we, my husband and I walk over to the children and I start teaching them the song, "Every move I make I make with you, you make me move Jesus. Every step I take, I take with You. Waves of mercy, Waves of Grace..". then I woke up.

2nd Dream: I dreamed that I was walking through this huge restaurant and my job was to clean up the tables. And on the tables where dirty dishes of plates. It was like the people ate, got up and left!! In the middle of the restaurant was the round table again...with three tiers, the top tier had the huge cup of wine and the two botton tiers the twelve loaves of bread. I walked up to it and noticed that no one had eaten the bread or drank any of the wine. In the dream I was sooo upset and crying. Pastor J was there (spiritual mom) and I sat down across from her and we had communion together (we partook of the wine and bread that was on the table).
end of Dream

blessings in Christ,