Aliens with brown markings on their face

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Aliens with brown markings on their face

Post by Elle »

OK, had a really strange dream this morning. Not sure if it's from God or not.

I was in some sort of large compound or complex with a large wire fence around the boundary. There were racing cars going around just outside the fence, every now and then, just one at a time. So I guess the fence was a protection rather than to keep us locked up. I didn't feel locked up in the dream.

There was a small building, like a house, in the middle of the compound. I went in the front door, just in time to see someone jump (not literally jumping, but feel to say 'jump') into a large built in cupboard on my left. Someone was with me but couldn't see who. We went straight to the cupboard, despite any danger, and opened to door to see who was hiding in there. I thought they may attack me.

Instead, the cupboard was empty. There was a secret door at the back of the cupboard, leading to the outside of the house. We ran back to the front door and saw this person walking away, carrying a child aged about 8 or 9. This child's body was limp.

The person walking away had strange markings on their face - dark brownish markings around their mouth which formed a large square with swirls at each corner of the square. The brown 'square' was about 6" by 6" on the face. [The markings reminded me a little of Jack Nicholson's Joker character is Dark Knight. That big wide evil smiley face. Just a vague similarity of the evilness of it.]

Then I realised someone was under the bed covers. We pounced on the person thinking it was another burglar. It wasn't - it was someone we knew (I have no idea who he was IRL). I noticed that he had scarring in the same shape on his face as the burglar had had. So I was wondering if he had been of that kind at some stage but reformed?

Turned out there was another burglar in the house with this strange brown marking on their face. I think (am starting to forget the dream) that I had some sort of battle with them. I was aware that these 'people' with the brown markings were aliens. As it spoke to me, I could see the swirls on the corners of the brown square moving, and changing shape.

Now it's fuzzy ... I think the second alien realised it couldn't beat me, so it ran out of the house. I went after them with a gun or rifle at first but quickly came back to the house.

I recall we were then trying to think about ways of finding this child which had been taken.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Elle, I have a few ideas about this dream but will post the one that is prevalent in my thoughts at the moment. The limp child to me is symbolic of a child of Christ; perhaps a fledgling or new Christian. Or it could be an innnocent bystander of sorts, that got in the enemy's crosshairs. The "aliens" and burgulars with the square and swirls brings to mind freemasonry. I 'll explain, sometimes when a mason is communicating with another mason, they will say "on the square" or they may address each other as "square". Swirl is sometimes call whirl and whirl means "confusing activity" or "tentative attempt". This sect have a lot of activity that is done in the dark and since they are considered a fratenity, there are trials that potential members must go through. I am not clear if it is nighttime but if so what comes to mind something that is done in dark. Once again that is what mason's do: things in the dark. Additionally, the markings and its color just speaks to me as the "mark of the beast": those that are far away from God. I want to put out if this is not about masonry perhaps a secretive society or something secretive in nature.
These are just thoughts for your consideration, toss if it don't speak. God bless

Post by Elle »

Thanks Newbie.

It's certainly interesting information. I didn't know any of that.

It was such a bizarre dream and I actually don't have any feeling about it now, tho it was unpleasant waking up with that on my thoughts.

Nothing's really grabbing me, except that yesterday I found out a friend of mine is working at a freemasons organisation.
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Post by Newbie »

Elle wrote: I recall we were then trying to think about ways of finding this child which had been taken. It was such a bizarre dream ... I found out a friend of mine is working at a freemasons organisation.
Hello Elle, I think this is call for you to pray over this friend or at least forewarn. The reason I shared the information with you on my previous post is because I have been exposed to that world. No I am not an Eastern Star but because I used to be active duty Army and my husband is still in the Army, I have seen and heard things. I understand that each Masonic sect differs and have different rituals. However, a few years ago, while a show on a Christian station, a former-mason shared things about his lodge and sect. He stated that alot of lodges in the US follow a common tradition (I knew what he was talking about) in which they have not been exposed to what he was exposed to or unaware of how evil it can be. The highest degree is 33rd degree but unbeknowst to those that reach this level, at the 33rd degree, the mason must pledge their alligience to satan and denounce God. SOOOO... with that being said, I believe this is a dream of forewarning. Toss if you do not feel it.

Post by Elle »

Yes it's all very yucky! It's unfortunate how people get involved in it, not realising.