Wierd Dream: Judy Jacobs & Throwing A Microwave At John

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Wierd Dream: Judy Jacobs & Throwing A Microwave At John

Post by Newbie »

This morning, I woke sometime after 3am and had a difficult time going back to sleep. So I decided, that instead of listening to my audio Bible that I would listen to some praise music. Right around the time that I was dozing off, Judy Jacobs and Juanita Bynum started singing (I do not recall the song nor know the name). As they are singing and I am dozing off, I recalled Judy being on a Christian telethon once and what she had she stated. However, as I am recalling this for whatever reason I felt a little disdain towards her. I do not know why but I did. Additionally, I know little to nothing about this woman accept she has a distictive singing voice. I firmly believe that there are several underlying message in the dream because I ask the Lord could he give me the dream over because I could not recall my dream when I awoke.
Anyway here is the dream:

I am at Judy's house and she had just came back from a vacation with her husband. Her daughter and son-in-law had stopped by for a visit. We are all in the kitchen and Judy opens up the undersink cabinent which showed a vast amount of clementines or mini tangerines. I recalled that some had looked like they had needed to be thrown out. They were not rotten but the skin was getting thin and dented; they looked dried out. She placed more clementines under the sink. She had her back turned towards us and she is talking about the Lord. Her daughter who looked to be an exotic black woman with long straight dark brown or near black hair. I do not remember seeing her son-in-law but knew he was there. Anyway, while Judy's back is turned her daughter slyly smiles at her husband and raises her dress to show her panties. There was emphasis on the color; they were a rich orange color, like that of a pumpkin or an orange that has sat around too long.
I recalled that in the dream, I was perplex as to how could her daughter do that while her mother is talking aout the Lord. I thought it would be best if I kept my close.

Then the dream shifts.
My husband and I are sitting around in a lounge area that appears to be outside. It had everything you can think of that a teacher lounge would have but it was outside; think of invisble walls. Anyway we are amongst a group of Asians that we are friendly with (IRL I do not know these people). I recalled actor John Cho was sitting in the group. Now as I am writing, everyone was sitting on off white or cream colored sofa and love seat. I was standing by an oldschool microwave (the expensive, heavy, high powered ones from the 80's or 90's) that was on top of a mini-fridge.
I recalled that the area was unfamiliar to me -meaning we do not live here IRL; it was like we were here temporarily. I recalled an Asin woman telling me that church starts at 3pm. At that moment, I was upset because we had only a few minutes to spare and I did not wanted to be late (IRL I hate being late to anywhere).
I told my husband we needed to get going b/c church starts at 3. He stated that he knew but he was acting as if he did not care (IRL this is not case). At that moment, I became enraged b/c of his non-chalant attitude; however, the more irritated I became about the situation the more both him and our "friends" would laugh at me. In an ultimatum, I told my husband if he did not take me serious and stop laughing, that I was going to throw the microwave at him.
No sooner than I said that, both him and the group of Asians keeled over in laughter. John Cho, stated "She said she is going to throw the microwave! Yeah right, bet she won't." At that moment, I picked up the microwave and throw at him, which landed in his lap. The group sobered up a bit. (At that moment, I recalled hearing one of the praise songs because I woke briefly but went back to sleep.) Whatever, was being sung in the natural carried over in my dreams; however, the lyrics came in differently (like when you think a singer is singing one thing but then you found out you misheard). Anyway, the lyrics was in regards to the Asian woman's eyelashes. The group was singing about the woman's eyelashes to the instrumentals of the praise song.
There was emphasis on the woman's lashes, she had 3 rows of fake lashes. Then I awoke baffled.

Note: last night my area of nightly mediatation was on the Book of Matthew, not sure if this is apart of this because sometimes I get modern day Bible stories in my dreams. Nothing is coming to mind with the symbolism involved in this dream. Thanks for any help
Last edited by Newbie on Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Newbie »

I just discovered Judy is Hebrew for "of Judea" and Jacob means "supplanter (to take the place of) ; held by the heel".

John means God is gracious and Cho is Korean for beautiful (John Cho is Korean and in Korean this is the meaning)

Also the church was a hotel.
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Post by Newbie »

Thinking out loud:
- Judy Jacobs symbolizes some aspect of Judea/Judah and Israel; hence Jacob is Israel. Judah means praise the Lord or confession
and Judah was a son of Jacob.
- Her daughter is an offspring of modern Judah. Need to get more information on modern Judah.
Her daughter action of flashing her husband or flirting brings to mind with "exhibiting" the truth. (Groin area = truth and her action is like exhibition). But it was done behind the mother's back????

The fruit scene:
1. clementine is a fruit and there was old and new fruit mixed together (new wine in old wine skins)
2. possible to reference to Pope Clement V - Earlier the word was used as an adjective in reference to other Clements, especially of the edition of the Vulgate issued due to Pope Clement V (1309-14) (from etymology dictionary)...

Kitchen is a place of revelation.