Sailors and submarines?

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Sailors and submarines?

Post by swordwoman »

Last week I dreamt of a tall slim sailor coming towards me. He repeated to me "you need to rest." In my dream he appeared to be an angel or the Lord (that part easy to understand) I didn't want to (rest) but I said, "ok, I'll rest if you give me a ride in your submarine" "That's not allowed" he said. (I remember thinking that I already knew it was not allowed). Yesterday on my way home I was the third to arrive at a terrible car crash. I stopped to pray for the guy that was thrown from the vehicle. In the prayer I asked the Lord to station His Holy angels around. Last night I was thinking about a tall slim guy that was wearing sailor type clothing just standing around not speaking or doing anything. Just standing over us. He didn't look directly at me but I noticed him and was wondering if he was there to do something. He id not. Just stood by. it was kind of wierd. At some point I noticed that he was not there anymore. Question: what does the sailor and submarine represent? Thank you for any thoughts. God bless you! By the way, the guy's mom called me this a.m. to let me know that the doctors said that her son was "One lucky boy"
Thank you in advance. God bless you!