
Archives for 2011


Post by Elle »

Had another long, detailed, symbolic dream this morning ...

I was in a 'new' car that my father had bought. I was a passenger in the back seat. As the car was reversing I looked out the back. This 'new' car looked like such an old model (the shape etc). I couldn't believe my dad had bought such an ugly looking car. Also, just realising now, it was a brand that I've always disliked because I think it's so clunky looking.

[edited: car type was a Magna which means great or large]

I'm sitting in the back seat. The car's parked in a shopping centre car park. Front windows are down. I'm waiting for my family while they shop. I see that someone's in the car stealing things. Except the person is invisible. I can't actually see them, but can see things moving and know there's an invisible person there.

I grab my parents small digital camera, to try to take a picture of this invisible person. I guess I'm hoping the camera will pick the person up. Can't get the camera to work.

At some point, someone returns to the car (can't see who, but I think it's family) and I tell them there's an invisible person there. The person is standing at the driver's side door. They grab a gun and shoot at the invisible person, who's either standing at the front passenger door or sitting in the front passenger seat. Not sure. I'm amazed that the shooter is so confident (especially when they can't see what they're shooting at, and not afraid that the bullet may hit someone else).

I take the camera and start walking around the shopping centre to find this person. The camera won't work. I try and try to get photos. Eventually a message comes up on the screen that a WIRE IS LOOSE which is why the camera won't work.

I see a guy named Mark. I try to take his photo but can't get the right angle. I think I was trying to zoom in to get a head and shoulder shot, but kept getting his whole body from a top down angle, with heaps of space at the sides.

The last part of the dream was that I discovered some photos which I had taken a year before. The photos were of a bay area - supposedly where we were, though this is not at all what the area looks like. The photos were 6x8" and showed the seas all rough and choppy with some massive waves. The photos were all dark and moody colours like a storm in a far north or far south sea. (I live tropical so it's nothing like I've ever seen IRL).

The photos seemed to come alive as you could sense the MASSIVE waves rolling in. Even looking at the photo I had the fear of the storm. I believe someone said something like 'I'm so glad that storm wasn't as bad as we thought - I thought we were going to die in that'.

Then there was a fear that this terrible storm and massive waves may happen again ... Except it all seemed to revolve around the photo, not reality. When I'd look at the photo, I'd get transported into it's location (but still be in my location - odd - like when you look at a photo and really feel that you're there, you get absorbed in it).

This whole dream took place in a car park (of a shopping centre in my suburb - only the shopping centre looked like it did in the 70s and 80s (I think it was reconstructed in the 80s).