Dragon in the hallway

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Dragon in the hallway

Post by covered22 »

This is a quick vision I had recently that I didn't quite understand. So, any insight would be helpful.

I was in a hallway....or a hallway-like place. It was dark. I was on one end of the hallway and there was light there, which allowed me to see. As I looked down to the other end of the hallway-like place, it was dark and I couldn't see anything. But the light that was on the end where I was specifically illuminated the darkest end of the hallway/tunnel and at the end of it I saw a dragon looking back at me. It was a dragon (like the mortal kombat dragon) with no legs..like a snake, and it was just lying there on its belly looking at my end towards me. It wasn't in any "attack" posture or position. I just stood there looking at it as it looked in my direction. In the vision while looking at the dragon, I was just having a conversation with myself inside my head..."what is that? O is that a dragon. Yea, its a dragon. Oh, so that's what's on the other end in the darkness hiding. I wonder why its there. Why can I see it?" It was just one of those "ohh ok...aha" moments. I don't know if the dragon actually knew I saw and recognized it.
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A Warrior's Heart
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Could be suggestive of an enemy that is lying in wait. I see that it was at the end of the hallway. So perhaps it is symbolic of a route or path that may not be the best choice for you because danger lies there. I pray that God reveals whatever it is about to you
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Post by bjcollin »

Sometimes hallways can represent times of transition where you are going from one room to the next room. In this case the enemy is laying in wait seeking to devour. Hope this helps.

in Christ,