Grocery Store & Paper Food Stamps

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Grocery Store & Paper Food Stamps

Post by Newbie »

Last night, I had a series of dreams but this one in particuliar stuck out to me.
Dream 1:
Me and my daughters are grocery shopping and the lines are long (basically wrapping around the store). What is wierd is that the check out counters goes from one end towards the other side of the store (in comparison to being in the front with several). Anyway, I decided to go to the right side (in the dream when facing the counters this was on my right) and notice that the lines are not as long. A black woman whom is waiting on her husband allows an older black man and myself to go ahead. I recalled that I had to pay for my things by the store office. It had a window with blinds and the speaker and a small opening. As I was attempting to find a quarter so I could get paper money back. The elderly white woman, who was my check-out clerk, stated something to me half jokingly. I cannot recall what she said exactly but it was to the extent of "if I did not have it from the start then there is no need to look for it now" (this was in regards to the change). I knew that on the exterior it sounded playful but sense an undertone that I did not care for. I recalled the woman was in hurry and was trying to rush me off (think of bad customer service), so much so, she did not give me back my change. I recalled that she had owed me $30.00. Although, I did not wanted to deal with the woman, I needed my money back. So I went to window and told her that she did not give me my change back.
Here is where it gets wierd, she gives me a small black leather bank deposit bag or maybe I had a small deposit bag (can't recall). I had the bag open and the woman place 30 - one dollars bills that were in bundles of 5's in the bag. I told her thank you and notice that the woman could have cared less. I walked out the store. I noticed I left out a set of doors where I checked out which was not the doors that I had entered through.

Dream 2:
I recalled coming back from my daughters school and recalled that I had to go through an agency to do some paperwork. Anyway in an envelope, there was stacks of paper foodstamps. I was at home with my husband and another unknown person. My husband is elated. I was happy but a little disappointed that only I could spend them and that it was in debit card form. I knew that I was being ungrateful and rebuked myself for "looking a gift horse in the mouth" perse. I recalled that my husband remarked that we could eat for almost a month w/o spending real money. He was dressed in his army uniform. EOD

FS is a reocurring dream symbol that I cannot get the gist of.