casting out satan

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Four Years
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casting out satan

Post by Four Years »

last night i dreamed about this kid that i knew from the College Group at the church i was attending

he was talking with some girl and then all of a sudden he started like saying...maybe even trying to do all these sexually immoral things to her

i then somehow knew that satan had entered him and i started trying to cast him out in Jesus name

i felt really UNconfident though as i was doing it

this kid is a christian in real life and wouldn't do any of that stuff

oddly, i dreamed about his girlfriend too yesterday morning

i'm not friend with either of them in real life and don't think about them
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Post by Newbie »

Hello 4Years, perhaps the Lord is showing how someone, even a Christian, can give the devil a foothold and allow him to operate in their lives. In this case, the your classmate gave the enemy a foothold by caving into lust; he gave the enemy the authority to enter. For example, Judas allowed the devil to use him through greed.The key in all of this is to know when you are being attacked and simply resisting him. Once you resist him he will flee. This is just my opinion, but I see this dream as a learning process than this person actually succumbing to the wiles of the enemy. I could be wrong but it is just a thought.
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Post by Four Years »

yes one minute he was normal then the next he was possessed

when i was casting out the devil, i was saying all the right phrases but doubting they'd do anything

then the human/good part of the kid was coming out and i guess sounding annoyed at me and trying to tell me how to do this
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Post by Demon_Buster »

HI FY These words comes to mind. you don't have to study them but read them and think about them I am praying for you

James 1:6
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Matthew 21:21
Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.

Matthew 28:17
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.

Luke 24:38
He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?

Romans 14:23
But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.

Isaiah 41:10 (KJV)
“ Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

I believe your dream is about you

Peace and Blessings

Post by Elle »

I have a question mark over 'casting out THE devil/satan'.

I've never even heard seasoned deliverance ministers talk about casting out THE devil.

If this dream were to be taken literally, it shows a level of naivety.

So I think it needs to be read symbolically, as the devil representing any type of demonic thing rather than 'the devil' itself.

I would like to add that successful deliverance comes with knowing who you are in Christ, and knowing your authority in Christ. If you doubt this, then you will lose your effectiveness.

When the disciples failed to deliver someone (a child, I think it was) and Jesus said this type comes out by prayer. The disciples needed to pray and get their focus back on God and off themselves to be effective.

Have you ever noticed how when you pray, and you're just thinking about yourself, and your issues, and blah blah blah, you can talk to God for an hour and feel like you're getting no-where. But when you just rock in (approach the throne room of grace without fear) and start talking to God and focus on Him, you just hear Him and have an amazing time with Him.

When you're just totally wrapped up in Him and confident in His love for you, you can do anything, including delivering someone - just like that.

And these signs will follow those who BELIEVE ... cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead...
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Post by Four Years »

Matthew 28:17
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.

see this is fascinating

what causes some to believe more easily than others?

why has God allowed me to struggle with belief?
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Post by Four Years »

Matthew 28:17
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.

see this is fascinating

what causes some to believe more easily than others?

So I think it needs to be read symbolically, as the devil representing any type of demonic thing rather than 'the devil' itself.

yes i would agree now that i think about it
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Hi 4Y quote Quote:
Matthew 28:17
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.
see this is fascinating
what causes some to believe more easily than others?
that's something you need to address between you and the lord what did the man say to Jesus, Mark 9:24
New International Version (NIV)
24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
and John 12:37
[ Belief and Unbelief Among the Jews ] Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him
Romans 9:30
[ Israel’s Unbelief ] What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith
you see it all about your Faith , start doing and start seeing the results
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Post by Demon_Buster »

quote from Elle.
When the disciples failed to deliver someone (a child, I think it was) and Jesus said this type comes out by prayer. The disciples needed to pray and get their focus back on God and off themselves to be effective.

what I studied on this is it was with prayer and fasting that it took to have an effect on the boy. starting around mark 9:24 to mark 9:29

Post by Elle »

DB, yes. But the words 'and fasting' were not in the original text but were added by the translater - hence the italics.

But WHAT were they praying about? If you look at the context (and it's been a while since I read it) they were in different circumstances. I believe people had been talking about them, affecting their beliefs and thoughts. So the prayer is to get the mind settled and focus on the right thing (the Lord).

If I'm scared or doubting, I'm not effective when I speak into things. But when I'm relaxed and knowing my authority, there is no doubt that the thing's got to go when I say it's got to go.

I speak from experience here.

Four Years,
why has God allowed me to struggle with belief?
God has given us free will. He's told us who we are in Him. You've got to just believe it. If you don't believe it, then it's an issue of finding out why you don't believe it and get rid of the thing that's causing the unbelief. I'm thinking that it will be that you're believing a lie.

So it's not that God's allowing you to struggle. If I give you a car and the car keys, and say there you go, it's your car, you're free to drive it any time, you've got a book on how to drive, but you don't get in a drive, then it's not my fault. WHY aren't you getting in and driving? Because you're not putting what's in the book into practise. Hence the need for driving lessons.

NOW, you need to start taking the truth and applying it. Your spiritual driving lessons.

I've said this to you before. Babies.

They first learn to roll over, then they learn to crawl, then walk holding on to something, then run from furniture to furniture. Then they manage to walk a few steps unaided, etc etc.

You've been a believer for quite a few years now, but I think you're trying to run before you've even started standing.

Time to STAND.

Ephesians. Put on the full armour of God ... and finally, STAND. Sometimes our warfare is just to stand when things get rough.

I've seen plenty of christians railing at the devil, when all they need to do is just stand. Stand. Don't be moved by the storm that's around you.


I was aware that I was thinking the way my parents thought. I was the sum of the damage caused by my parents. But that's not who God said I was. So WITHOUT blaming my parents, I RENEWED MY MIND and started believing who God said I was. I started thinking the way God designed me to think. I embraced my uniqueness. I looked to other people who seemed to be really healthy (look to those who by faith and patience have attained) to see how they thought, and how they approached things, and how they believed. What they believed.

I listen to other people's opinions and decided whether it lines up with what God says. Without judgement.

God is good all the time. He's not playing games with us. He's not cruel, mean, mercurial, or fickle. His goodness and mercy endure forever.

Life is about choosing. Choose life that you may LIVE.

Demons only have the power we give them. If they don't have power they have nothing to hold on to and have to leave. Their power comes through our wrong believing.

It's time to stop asking why God is doing this stuff to you. He's not. You're doing this to yourself. He has already given us everything that pertains to life and godliness. It's up to you to truly take hold of all that He's done.
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Post by freedinHim »

Four years asked
see this is fascinating
what causes some to believe more easily than others?
why has God allowed me to struggle with belief?

Four years, I feel your 'pain' in the questions you asked
Three things you need to remember:
1. Everyone, including you and I, has been given a measure of faith. Rom 12:3 ... Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. or ESV "each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned"
So, you have faith assigned to you by God
2. The second one is related to the first and is this 'We continue to build on what God gives to us by (a). using it (you ever heard the phrase-use it or lose it?) (b). 'hear' the word of God at every opportunity you have because the bible says that is how faith comes "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God-Rom 10:17
3. The last but not the least-Go ahead and act because you trust God.
I will close with a story. I have a friend whose younger brother fixes our appliances. We have taken several appliances to him and he would repair it. One day I asked to know where he trained and on what appliance. He was not a trained technician . I wondered how he knew how to fix things. His explanation has helped me to pray for people about anything. He explained that people bring broken appliances to him, the worst thing that could happen was for the appliance to remain broken. But what if by messing with it, he was able to fix it!
My advice - go on a limb with God, what is the worst thing that can happen? The sick person may still remain sick, the demon possessed may still be possessed. But what if ? And that is how we grow in faith.
Freed In Him
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Elle said, Quote: "DB, yes. But the words 'and fasting' were not in the original text but were added by the translator - hence the italics. "This is my original text from Greek to English

9:29 kai Kai G2532 Conj AND Eipen eipen G2036 vi 2Aor Act 3 Sg He-said Autois Autois G846 pp Dat Pl m to-them Touto touto G5124 pd Nom Sg n This To to G3588 t_ Nom Sg n THE Genos genos G1085 n_ Nom Sg n Breed Species En En G1722 Prep IN Oudeni oudeni G3762 a_ Dat Sg n to-NOT-YET-ONE or Nothing

Dunatai dunatai G1410 vi Pres midD/pasD 3 Sg IS ABLE or can Exelqein exelthein

G1831 vn 2Aor Act TO-BE-OUT-COMING or to-be-coming-out Ei ei G1487 Cond IF Mh mE G3361 Part Neg NO en en G1722 Prep IN

Proseuch proseuchE G4335 n_ Dat Sg f prayer Kai kai

G2532 Conj AND Nhsteia nEsteia G3521 n_ Dat Sg f fast

And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

so in order to get rid of certain demons / spirits we need to fast and pray and seek the lord.